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Chapter 2: Geometric Reasoning

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Geometric Reasoning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Geometric Reasoning
Section 3: Using deductive reasoning to verify conjectures Megan Frantz Okemos High School Math Instructor

2 I Can Apply the LAW OF DETACTMENT in logical reasoning
Apply the LAW OF SYLLOGISM in logical reasoning

3 Deductive Reasoning Deductive reasoning is the process of using logic to draw conclusions from given facts, definitions and properties

4 Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning

5 Inductive or Deductive?

6 Law of Detachment

7 Using the Law of Detachment

8 Using the Law of Detachment

9 Law of Syllogism

10 Using the Law of Detachment

11 Using the Law of Syllogism

12 Using the Law of Syllogism

13 Using the Laws of Deductive Reasoning

14 I Can Apply the LAW OF DETACTMENT in logical reasoning
Apply the LAW OF SYLLOGISM in logical reasoning

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