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Title: Health and safety

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1 Title: Health and safety
Lo~ Learn about general health issues, safety issues

2 Health Issues Working on computers can develop with different body parts. The repetitive use of certain joints while texting or playing games can cause injuries. RSI (repetitive strain injury)

3 Neck Eye Back Aching wrists and fingers Poor blood circulation

4 What to do Search on the internet what possible solution can be taken to avoid these health issues:

5 Safety issues Being safe around computers means minimising the dangers in the workplace that could lead to injury. Trip hazard such as stray wires Electrocution Fire Stability of equipment

6 Trip hazard such as stray wires
Use cable ducts or clips to keep wires together safely. Tuck wires behind desks or other furniture to keep them out of the way. Use wireless connections when possible to remove when possible to remove the need for wires altogether.

7 Electrocution Do not allow food and drink near computers.
Use a residual circuit breaker to prevent overload and to cut the power supply in the ecent of an accident or electrical fault. Ensure that plugs are wired safely and that cables are fully sheathed (with no bare wires showing at all).

8 Fire Check validation so that equipment cannot overheat.
Ensure that there is an approved fire-extinguisher (CO2 or dry/fine powder-based). Do not overload power sockets with too many devices that require more electrical current than the socket is designed for. Reduce voltage requirements (LCD screens)

9 Stability of equipment
Heavy equipment should be placed on stable, strong desks, tables or shelving units. Ensure that there is enough space on desks, tables and shelves for the equipment to be placed there. Do not put equipment in places where it could be pushed or knocked off (edge of a desk/table/shelf)

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