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After the quiz… Mini-FRQ:

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1 After the quiz… Mini-FRQ:
Describe how Leninism revised Marxism, and analyze how that helped the Bolsheviks to take power in Russia. Min. one paragraph  Look over Strive handbook p

2 The Russian Revolution

3 Pre-Revolutionary Russia
Only true autocracy left in Europe No type of representative political institutions Nicholas II became tsar in 1884 Believed he was the absolute ruler anointed by God Russo-Japanese War (1904) – defeat led to political instability

4 Political Parties Social Democratic Party: Formed by Plekanov to promote Marxism. (SPD) Cadets: Liberals who wanted a constitution. Social Revolutionary Party: Peasants whose motto was: “Peasants for Terrorism.”

5 The Revolution of 1905 Factors leading to this revolution included:
Russo-Japanese war Bloody Sunday Food Shortages Lack of Democratic Traditions

6 Bloody Sunday On Jan. 22, 1905, a Russian Orthodox priest named Fr. Gapon organized about 200,000 peaceful protesters to take a petition to the czar, calling for relief from extreme poverty. The czar’s guards fired on the protestors, killing several hundred. This showed the people that there would be no democratic solutions.


8 Alexandra: The Power Behind the Throne
Even more blindly committed to autocracy than her husband She was under the influence of Rasputin Origins of Rasputin’s power - ? Sexual Miraculous Scandals surrounding Rasputin served to discredit the monarchy

9 Alexis: Alexandra’s Son with Hemophilia

10 World War I: “The Last Straw”
War revealed the ineptitude and arrogance of the country’s aristocratic elite Corrupt military leadership had contempt for ordinary Russian people Average peasants had very little invested in the War

11 World War I (cont) ill-trained, ineffective officers, poorly equipped (Russ. was not ready for ind. war) – the result was mass desertions and 2 million casualties by 1915 Result: Chaos and Disintegration of the Russian Army Battle of Tannenberg (August, 1914) – massive defeat at hands of Hindenburg and Ger.

12 The Collapse of the Imperial Government
Nicholas left for the Front—September, 1915 Alexandra and Rasputin throw the government into chaos Alexandra and other high government officials accused of treason War economy mis-managed

13 The Collapse of the Imperial Government (cont)
industrial production fell inflation and starvation very high cities overflowing w/ refugees serious food shortages in March 1917, esp. in St. Petersburg

14 The Two Revolutions of 1917 The March Revolution (March 12)
The November Revolution (November 6)

15 Founder of Bolshevism: Vladimir Lenin
From upper middle class --Exiled to Siberia in 1897 Committed to Class Struggle and Revolution Moved to London in 1902 and befriended Leon Trotsky

16 WHAT IS TO BE DONE? Lenin wrote this book in 1902 to outline his blueprint for revolution. It called for: Rejection of accommodation with the czar Rejection of a mass party creation of a network of professional revolutionaries to lead a secret rev. rejection of trade unionism.

17 Lenin’s Book Split the SPD into two factions:
Bolsheviks (led by Lenin) Mensheviks (led by Plekanov)

18 The Petrograd Soviet leftists in St. Petersburg formed the Petrograd Soviet, which they claimed to be the legit. gov’t Ger. was aware of the Russ. situation and began to concentrate on the W. Front Ger. even played a role in returning Lenin to Russia, so he could foment rev. Having been granted “safe passage”, Lenin returned in April 1917

19 The March Revolution Origins: Food riots/strikes
Duma declared itself a Provisional Government on March 12 Tsar ordered soldiers to intervene; instead they joined the rebellion…the Tsar thus abdicated on March 17 the Menshevik Alexander Kerensky headed the Provisional Government, along w/ Prince Lvov Very Popular Revolution Kerensky favoured gradual socialist reform/ saw the war effort as #1 priority

20 Kornilov Affair General Kornilov attempted to overthrow Provisional Government with military takeover To prevent this takeover, Kerensky freed many Bolshevik leaders from prison and supplied arms to many revolutionaries

21 Lenin Steps into This Vacuum
Amnesty granted to all political prisoners in March of 1917 Lenin’s arrival in Petrograd A tremendously charismatic personality “Peace, Land, Bread” “All Power to the Soviets” He preached that the war was a capitalist/imperialist war that offered no rewards for the peasants/workers; he also felt the war was over w/ the czar’s abdication Bolshevik party membership exploded; their power was consolidated

22 Lenin formed the Military-Revolutionary Council and in May 1917 he urged the Pet. Soviet to pass Army Order # 1 This gave control of the army to the common soldiers; discipline thus collapsed, and Kerensky was undermined

23 The November Revolution
coup planned by Leon Trotsky, who had gained the confidence of the army (= the “Red Miracle”) Lenin consolidated power in Jan by disbanding the Constituent Assembly (had replaced the Duma) Russ. dem. thus terminated a Council of People’s Commissars was created All private property was abolished and divided among the peasantry Largest industrial enterprises nationalized

24 November Revolution (cont)
Political Police organized: CHEKA Revolutionary army created with Trotsky in charge = “Red Army” Bolshevik Party renamed Communist Party in March of 1918

25 November Revolution (cont)
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Huge chunk of Russian land to Germany Poland, Ukraine independent Lenin: focus on internal control Civil War followed, “Reds” versus “Whites” Complete breakdown of Russian economy and society

26 Civil War White Army received limited help from the western powers.
Disorganized “White Terror” The Reds won the civil war. Appealed to Russian nationalism after Western invasion ORGANIZED Used “Red Terror” after to get rid of political enemies


28 Exit Slip In January 1917, Russia was an autocratic empire; by the end of 1920, it was a socialist state. Trace the course of the Russian Revolution from March 1917 through How can we explain the ultimate victory of Lenin's Bolsheviks? 1 or 2 paragraphs! Make sure to have a thesis statement!

29 "Anatomy of Revolution" by Crane Brinton
Crane Brinton's famous work entitled "Anatomy of Revolution" published in 1965, is comparative history of the English, American, French and Russian revolutions.  Crane looks at the similarities and differences between these revolutions in order to come up with what he titles "The Anatomy of Revolution."  The following is a summary of Crane's Anatomy.

30 Causes of Revolution Conditions that must be present in the outset of a revolution:
1.  There is discontent amongst the people of all the social classes. 2.  People feel restless and held down by unacceptable restrictions in society, religion, the economy or the government. 3.  People are hopeful about the future, but they are being forced to accept less than they had hoped for. 4.  People are beginning to think of themselves as belonging to a social class, and there is a growing bitterness between social classes. 5.  The social classes closest to one another are the most hostile.

31 Conditions con’t 6.  The scholars and thinkers give up on the way their society operates. 7.  The government does not respond to the needs of its society. 8.  The leaders of the government and the ruling class begin to doubt themselves.   Some join with the opposition groups. 9.  The government is unable to get enough support from any group to save itself. 10.  The government cannot organize its finances correctly and is either going bankrupt or trying to tax heavily and unjustly.

32 The Stages of Revolution The Course that Revolution seems to take:
1.  Impossible demands made of government which, if granted, would mean its end. 2.  Unsuccessful government attempts to suppress revolutionaries. 3.  Revolutionaries gain power and seem united. 4.  Once in power, revolutionaries begin to quarrel among themselves, and unity begins to dissolve. 5.  The moderates gain the leadership but fail to satisfy those who insist on further changes.

33 Course con’t 6.  Power is gained by progressively more radical groups until finally a lunatic fringe gains almost complete control. 7.  A strong man emerges and assumes great power. 8.  The extremists try to create a "heaven on earth" by introducing their whole program and by punishing all their opponents. 9.  A period of terror occurs. 10.  Moderate groups regain power.  The revolution is over.

34 Was it a Revolution? Examine the results of the revolution with these questions in mind: 1.   Did the ideals of the revolution change as its leadership changed?  2.   Were the original goals of the revolution achieved?  At what point?  Were these achievements conserved? 3.   Which social classes gained most from the revolution?  Which lost?  Did the original ruling group or individuals from this group return to power? 4.   How was the old political, social, and economic order of society [Ancient Regime] changed as a result of the revolution?

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