NEC & EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS Paul Green 2 nd June 2005 NGT Emergency Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "NEC & EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS Paul Green 2 nd June 2005 NGT Emergency Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEC & EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS Paul Green 2 nd June 2005 NGT Emergency Planning

2 NEC & EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS Preview  Emergency Procedures  NEC Safety Case  Changes to the NEC Safety Case  Post Network sales  Removal of Top-up  Summary

3 Emergency Procedures Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 NEC Safety Case GT Safety Case Transco/E/1 NGSE Procedure Produced by NTS Co XXX/E/3 Transco/E/2 LGSE Procedure Produced by DNs collectively Gas Act 1995 Unified Network Code

4 Gas Safety (Management) Regulations  Places an obligation on all transporters to describe their arrangements for safe management of network  continuity of supply  dealing with emergencies  Arrangements enforceable in criminal law.  Requirement for Network Emergency Coordinator  Identifies the Network  Safety Cases (NEC and GT)  Duty to Cooperate - Regulation 6(2)

5 NEC Safety Case  Identifies the NEC’s responsibilities  Defines the Network  Primary  Secondary  Supplementary  Identifies types of gas supply emergencies on the primary system (NTS)  Insufficient supplies to the primary system  Transportation constraint  Identifies arrangements for managing gas supply emergencies  Describes the competency requirements of the NEC  Identifies who the NEC is  Approved by the HSE in March 2005

6 Role of the NEC Primary Responsibility  Coordinate of actions of Gas Transporters during a NGSE.  Return the primary system to a supply demand balance  Authorise each stage of a NGSE  Submit and maintain a safety case Secondary Responsibility  Authorise the admittance of Emergency Specification Gas  Test procedures as and when required  Produce reports on any NGSE  Authorise load reduction measures

7 NEC Safety Case Amendments  How the NEC is appointed  Use of public appeal at Stage 1 and 2  Reformatted to reflect GS(M)R  Reflects changes to the industry structure  Removal of Top Up and introduction of GS(M)R Safety Monitor Breach NGSE

8 Communication Route updated to reflect Network Sales

9 GS(M)R Safety Monitors Customer CategoryPreviousNew NTS Interruptible LDZ Interruptible NTS Firm LDZ Firm - Daily Metered I&C LDZ Firm - NDM Firm "Priority" Customers Irish Interconnector Domestic Protected Excluded Protected by Isolation

10 GS(M)R Monitors Top Up was replaced by GS(M)R monitors last winter Sites not protected by GS(M)R monitors protected by Isolation Loads which do not require protection by GS(M)R monitor must have Ability to remotely demonstrate zero flow (telemetry or datalogger) Ability to be physically isolated –via remotely operable valve –be sufficiently small in number to allow field engineers to visit site and close isolation valves (in the event of failure to cease gas flow)

11 GS(M)R Monitors  GS(M)R monitors are set for each storage category –Long Range Storage (Rough) –Medium Range Storage (Salt Cavity) –Short Range Storage (LNG)  Lower level of demand to support hence lower monitor levels  Levels to decay through winter  In the coming winter if delivery of beach gas is reduced monitor levels will be higher

12 GSMR Safety Monitor Breach

13 STAGE 3 Firm Load Shedding VLDMCs inc Interconnectors Sites > 25,000 tpa Public appeal message 1 and 2 STAGE 4 Isolation Allocation Isolation STAGE 5 Restoration Restoration of supply Revoking of previous stages STAGE 1 Potential Emergency Specification Gas NTS Linepack & Network Storage Storage Curtailment Emergency Interruption STAGE 2 Declaration Maximise Beach Gas (GD) Maximise Storage (GD & CTC) Suspension of OCM (GD only) Stages of a Network Gas Supply Emergency

14 Summary  NEC required under GS(M)R and is independent  Revised NEC Safety Case approved by HSE  Reflects changes to the industry post Network sales  Introduction of the GSMR Safety Monitor Breach emergency  Protected by Monitor Consumers  Protected by Isolation Consumers  Presentation to GEIEC in August  Any Questions?

15 NEC & EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS Paul Green 2 nd June 2005 NGT Emergency Planning

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