Level345678 Presenting and Interpreting Data I can talk about what simple lists, tables, pictograms and bar charts show. I can gather information to answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Level345678 Presenting and Interpreting Data I can talk about what simple lists, tables, pictograms and bar charts show. I can gather information to answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level345678 Presenting and Interpreting Data I can talk about what simple lists, tables, pictograms and bar charts show. I can gather information to answer a question. I can record data in a tally chart. I can construct a frequency table for discrete data. I can draw bar charts and pictograms where each symbol represents more than one. I can interpret simple bar charts. I can draw a frequency chart and construct a frequency diagram (bar chart) for grouped discrete data. I can Interpret pie charts. I can design a data collection sheet or questionnaire. I can plot a scatter graph. I can read and plot stem and leaf diagrams. I can construct pie charts. I can construct a frequency diagram (bar chart) for continuous data. I can use line graphs to compare two sets of data. I can use scatter graphs for continuous data, and to give an idea of correlation between two variables. I can interpret pie charts and scatter graphs for continuous data. I can suggest a problem to explore using statistical methods, frame questions and raise conjectures; identify possible sources of bias and plan how to minimise it. I can use superimposed frequency polygons to compare results. I can plotting a line of best fit, find the mean point and make predictions using a line of best fit. Recognise that a prediction based on a line of best fit may be subject to error. I can interpret and construct cumulative frequency graphs. I can construct, interpret and compare box-plots for two sets of data. I can recognise positive and negative skew from the shape of distributions represented in: frequency diagrams cumulative frequency diagrams box plots Teacher Version

2 Presenting and Interpreting Data I can talk about what simple lists, tables, pictograms and bar charts show. I can gather information to answer a question. I can record data in a tally chart. I can construct a frequency table for discrete data. I can draw bar charts and pictograms where each symbol represents more than one. I can interpret simple bar charts. I can draw a frequency chart and construct a frequency diagram (bar chart) for grouped discrete data. I can Interpret pie charts. I can design a data collection sheet or questionnaire. I can plot a scatter graph. I can read and plot stem and leaf diagrams. I can construct pie charts. I can construct a frequency diagram (bar chart) for continuous data. I can use line graphs to compare two sets of data. I can use scatter graphs for continuous data, and to give an idea of correlation between two variables. I can interpret pie charts and scatter graphs for continuous data. I can suggest a problem to explore using statistical methods, frame questions and raise conjectures; identify possible sources of bias and plan how to minimise it. I can use superimposed frequency polygons to compare results. I can plotting a line of best fit, find the mean point and make predictions using a line of best fit. Recognise that a prediction based on a line of best fit may be subject to error. I can interpret and construct cumulative frequency graphs. I can construct, interpret and compare box-plots for two sets of data. I can recognise positive and negative skew from the shape of distributions represented in: frequency diagrams cumulative frequency diagrams box plots Pupil Version

3 How many children travel to school by car? How many pupils said Maths was their favourite subject?

4 The pie chart shows the favourite crisp flavours of 72 children. How many children prefer ready salted crisps? This pie chart shows how many drinks were sold in a cafeteria on a particular day. Altogether 300 drinks were sold. Estimate the number of each type of drink sold. Coffee - Soft Drinks - Tea - 35º Smokey bacon 135º Ready salted 50º Cheese and onion 85º 55º Salt and vinegar Prawn cocktail

5 Draw a line of best fit and describe the correlation. Mass attached to spring (g) Length of spring (cm) Time in seconds Cumulative frequency 30354045505560 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Plot a cumulative frequency graph for this data.

6 Key WordsNever heard before? Heard of but not sure what it means? Know what it means and can explain it in context Jot down your ideas here... Pictogram Bar Chart Pie Chart Correlation Discrete Data Continuous Data Line of best fit

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