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Infinitives Click on the speaker icon to hear an audio presentation in addition to viewing the slide presentation.

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1 Infinitives Click on the speaker icon to hear an audio presentation in addition to viewing the slide presentation.

2 How Infinitives Function in a Sentence
Infinitives and infinitive phrases function in one of three ways: Noun Adverb Adjective

3 Infinitives as Adverbs
Does the infinitive phrase (read it aloud) tell me “Why?” and then read the rest of the sentence. Dad drove to the store to buy a shirt.

4 Infinitives as Adverbs
The train stopped to prevent an accident with the workers. The boy ran to the corner to greet his father. The dog jumped the fence to fetch the ball.

5 Infinitives as Adjectives
If the infinitive or infinitive phase is an adjective, it will modify the noun or the pronoun to its left and tell “Which one?” or “What kind?” His efforts to save the cub were in vain. The writer has a unique ability to convey evil characters.

6 Infinitives with Subjects
He wants me to attend the meeting on Wednesday. The coach wanted the quarterback to throw the wide receiver a short pass.

7 Summary Infinitives function as Nouns (sub, do, op, pn) Adverbs ( tell “why?” or come after a pa) Adjectives (tell “which one?” or “what kind?” This powerpoint presentation was designed to show how infinitives and infinitive phrases functions as adjectives and adverbs.

8 Summary Infinitives can be used with gerunds and participles and other infinitives: The doctor’s orders to stop smoking was difficult to do. The father wanted to watch his son play football. Wishing to avoid an argument Debra left the room. He wanted to pet the dog lying on the floor. Adjective modifies orders Direct object of the first infinitive/ first infinitive is DO of wanted Direct object of the participle Direct object of the verb wanted…lying…participle that modifies dog

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