EEA draft annual work programmes 2016 and 2017 André Jol EEA Head of Group Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation 9th EIONET workshop on.

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Presentation on theme: "EEA draft annual work programmes 2016 and 2017 André Jol EEA Head of Group Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation 9th EIONET workshop on."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEA draft annual work programmes 2016 and 2017 André Jol EEA Head of Group Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation 9th EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation, 15-16 June 2015, EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark

2 EEA multi annual work programme 2014-2018 To be the prime source of knowledge at European level informing the implementation of European and national environment and climate policies; To be a leading knowledge centre on the knowledge needed to support long term transition challenges and objectives; To be the lead organisation at European level facilitating knowledge-sharing and capacity - building in the field of environment and climate. change. See: Strong connection to the ‘Environment Action Programme to 2020 (7th EAP), ‘Living well, within the limits of our planet’.

3 Summary of main relevant EEA products 2015/2016  2015 Reports: Overview and analysis of adaptation platforms (March 2015) Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation policies at national level (end 2015)  2016 Reports:  Climate change impacts and vulnerability (Sep)  Urban adaptation (May/June)  Updating and improving Climate-ADAPT (e.g. national strategies, based on MMR and city information)

4 Annual work programme 2016 (1) DescriptionTypeKey partnersJustification/legal reference Publication of the EEA assessment report on ‘Climate change impacts and vulnerability in Europe’ and related indicators (in close connection to and consistent with the report) Reports and assessments DG CLIMA, DG ENV, DG JRC, DG RTD, WHO, ECDC, ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), Eionet/NRCs for climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation EU Adaptation strategy (Commission communication) 7 th EAP Publication of the EEA assessment report on ‘Cities coping with climate change’ Reports and assessments DG CLIMA, DG ENV, DG RTD, DG ECHO, DG REGIO, ICLEI, ISDR, WHO, Eionet/ NRCs for climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation EU Adaptation strategy (Commission communication) EU Urban Agenda 7 th EAP Updated and improved European Climate Change Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT (e.g. regular content updating and review, improved content on cities; various improved functionalities, migration to EEA content management system) Information systems DG CLIMA, DG ENV, DG JRC, DG RTD, DG ECHO, DG REGIO, WHO, ECDC, ISDR, Regional conventions, EPA Network, Mayors Adapt, Eionet/ NRCs for climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation EU Adaptation strategy (Commission communication) 7 th EAP, Europe 2020 Strategy European Commission / EEA Work plan on Climate-ADAPT Developing an assessment report on disaster risk reduction and links to climate change adaptation (to be published in 2017) Reports and assessments DG CLIMA, DG ENV, DG ECHO, DG JRC, DG RTD, ISDR, Eionet/ NRCs for climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation EU Adaptation strategy (Commission communication) EU civil protection and disaster risk reduction policies (including the Civil Protection Mechanism)

5 Annual work programme 2016 (2) DescriptionTypeKey partnersJustification/legal reference Follow-up work on monitoring, reporting and evaluation of national adaptation policies (after technical report due in 2015) Contributions and joint products DG CLIMA, Eionet/ NRCs for climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation EU Adaptation strategy (Commission communication) Eionet workshop on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (and expert meetings) Workshops and meetings DG CLIMA, Eionet/ NRCs for climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation EEA/Eionet Regulation Contribution to the Commission (DG CLIMA) Mayors Adapt initiative and the annual ICLEI conference on urban adaptation Contributions to other conferences and meetings Collaboration with ECMWF, including participation in expert meetings Workshops and meetings DG CLIMA, Mayors Adapt, ICLEI UNFCCC, IPCC, ISDR, WHO, UNEP-PROVIA (Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation), EPA network Copernicus climate change service EU Adaptation strategy (Commission communication) Copernicus regulation

6 Time schedule for AWP 2016 and 2017  AWP2016:  Draft for consultation to Management Board, 15 April – 20 May 2015  Responses taken into account by EEA  Final draft version 11 June 2015, for adoption by the EEA Management Board, 23 June 2015  Afterwards opinions from European Commission and EEA Scientific Committee and comments from European Parliament  Final draft, including budget tables, for adoption at MB meeting on 26 Nov 2015  AWP2017:  Discussion with EEA bureau, NFPs, SC on key activities for 2017, Oct 2015  Consultation with MB and adoption of draft at MB meeting 26 Nov 2015  Early 2016: transmission of draft to EC, SC (for opinions) and to EP

7 Questions and topics for discussion AWP2015: which clarifications are needed? AWP2016: what could be the focus of the various agreed activities? AWP2017: which products and services have the highest priority?

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