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About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.

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2 About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.
Sinewave Computer Services Private Limited (SCSPL), is a company in business of providing business solutions mainly to Chartered Accountants, Tax Consultants and Corporate for past 24 years. The company specializes in Indian Taxation and HR Management solutions through its versatile products. SCSPL, has multiple Taxation and other products, some of the major products are: 1. Taxbase: Software for Indian Income Tax return preparation including E-filing of return for Individual/HUF, Trusts, Co-operative Societies and Corporate Sector. Also including module like Wealth Tax, Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at source (TDS), Audit Forms, Customer Billing, Simple Accounting, Fringe Benefit Tax, Annual Information Return (Beta), Financial Statements, Monitor Returns/Received and Pending documents, SMS Sending, Movement of Shares, Confirmation of Intimation, Rectification Letter etc. Available in Single user. 2. TaxbaseLAN: Software for Indian Income Tax return preparation including E-filing of return for Individual/HUF, Trusts, Co-operative Societies and Corporate Sector. Also including module like Wealth Tax, Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at source (TDS), Audit Forms, Customer Billing, Simple Accounting, Fringe Benefit Tax, Annual Information Return (Beta), Financial Statements, Monitor Returns/Received and Pending documents, SMS Sending, Movement of Shares, Confirmation of Intimation, Rectification Letter etc. Available in Multi-user and Single user variants. 3. TDSXpress: Tax Deduction at source, separate product for corporations covering preparation and printing of TDS certificates, preparation of Quarterly return with electronic filing (e-filing) of such returns. Unique TDS Snapshot Window gives overview of all payments made by the entity to various payees (Contractor, Financer, Property Owner etc.) under various sections, payment of such deduction to the government and one shot preparation of TDS certificates for all payees Software supports ing/ exporting to Word/PDF of various reports.

3 About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.
4. VATXpress: (Maharashtra) Value Added Tax software, catering to preparation & printing of monthly, quarterly, Half yearly & annual returns Covers Composition, Package scheme, Work contractor, Other Dealer and this dealers Data entry, Periodic Returns (Form 231, Form 232,Form 233, Form 234), CST Returns (Form III-E), Revised Return, Audit Form (704), Post Filing Information. The software consolidates the data of all the periods in a financial year and generates a computation sheets. Caters to other statutory forms, Covers C-Form Tracking and software may be run in Network. Reports may be exported in PDF or DOC formats. The software also facilitates ing of the forms, reports to their respective dealers. Also including module like TDS (Tax Deduction at Source) and PT (Professional Tax). TDS provides employer details, Contractor, Sub- contractor details and Challans, Bill Information, Payment and Various Reports. PT (Professional Tax) provides Employee details, Salary Slab wise Tax calculated and related Reports. 5. PaywhizProfessional: PaywhizProfessional is a versatile system catering to computation of Payroll including preparation of Payslips, Payroll registers including appropriate computations of income taxes based of earnings. The system has full fledged features of Taxbase backing the Payroll system Classifies and stores Payroll data from month to month for the employees. Tax Deduction at Source based on Indian Taxation is self computed based on salary earned till date and estimation of projected salary. Provides high flexibility in defining the users own additions and deductions. The defined calculations can include constants, variables and formulae. Software further caters to statutory reporting for ESIC, PF wherever applicable. Provides for management of leaves and loans. Self Process of subsequent month data based on: Either previous month data or XLS import wherein XLS files, which includes attendance data, Rate Card, Leave & Loan Register along with specific override feature. Also additional sheet for annual information received from employees is provided. 6. Office Organizer: This software is designed for Tax Consultants office for better management of day to day working. The software caters to better management of consistent flow of customers, information through various designated staff members. Intra-net mailing facility is provided along with mail inbox and outboxes. Facility for printing of TDS Challan Payments along with e-filing of quarterly TDS returns are provided. Library function along with issue and return of books is provided. Attendance system for staff members.

4 About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.
7. Service TaxXpress: Widely accepted software to prepare service Tax Challans and Monthly/Quarterly/Half Yearly returns preparation and filing. Available in 2 modes i.e. integrated with Taxbase and Standalone.Reminders may be sent on paper or s to customers reminding them for non-filing of their returns. This software provides a facility to export Bills/Receipts/Credit related data from Service Tax Software to Microsoft Excel, and also Import similar data from Microsoft Excel to Service Tax Software. 8. Taxbase Personal: Software for Individuals. Anyone could instantly compute the taxable income and taxes. Thus relieving you from tedious manual working of tax computations, filing up and checking the computation sheet and Tax Returns. 9. E-TDSXpress: This software provides Deductor information (i.e. company/Organization), information about payees/ deductees (i.e. contractor/financers/property owner etc.), detail of challan payment made to the government. Automatically updates Form 27A information on single ”Update” button click. 10. Digital Certificate: Valid for e Filing of ROC ( Registrar of the Company Returns) for the purpose of MCA21 (Ministry of Company Affairs) Project Valid for e Filing of Income Tax Form 1, Form 2, FBT Form 3B returns. Available in USB Token Format as per the ROC Gazette Notification. Channeled through Tata Consultancy Ltd., a well known Certifying Authority.

5 About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.
11. IPRO for MCA 21: Software is designed, keeping in mind the statutory requirements of a company regarding forms & registers as per the Government guidelines. It enables to maintain annual return form, combined company registers, minutes, forms, notice, compliance certificate, fixed assets, certificate printouts etc. as per the ROC guidelines. "iPro" is a real time software based on single entry multiple reports concept which reduces the man hour usage unbelievably. SCSPL, has over customers located in various parts of India. SCSPL, has geographical spread in India, with head office located in Pune and branch offices at: Mumbai , Bangalore Nashik , Hyderabad Kolhapur SCSPL, is also operating through value chain partners in following areas: Chennai, Ranchi, Mumbai, Akola Kolkatta, Panaji, Lucknow, Ahmedabad Delhi, Nagpur, Bhopal, Trivanduram, Thane, Belguam

6 TDSXpress- Login Screen
Secure, protected by passwords, unauthorized entry to system is not permitted. Multiple databases may be maintained for multiple chartered accountants/ consultants who may be partners however work on different client bases. You may keep separate copies of the product on network with all using single license purchased from SCSPL. You may update the product with latest version in about minutes; the new versions may be needed for any tax law changes, new formats of various forms and new features incorporated in the software. We strongly recommend you to update the database structure using the link (Update T.D.S. Database) provided on the Login screen to prevent any conflicts while using the software.

7 Define Group 1 2 (Image 1) Select the Deductors->Group in TDS module to crate a new group. (Image 2) TDS system permits definition of multiple groups and taxpayers. Under a specified group multiple taxpayers may be defined. During definition details such as name of signatory, designation and other relevant details may be entered. A specified group may be password protected, so access to the group will be restricted.

8 Define Assessee 1 2 Select the Deductors->Assessee option (Image 1 above). (Image 2) Under a pre-defined group, now you could define a taxpayer. Name of Taxpayer, Status along with all other static information such as address, PAN, TAN, Ward No. etc. are entered. In case the taxpayer is an employer, you may tick the employer. Thereafter, you need to specify whether the working of TDS on Salaries should be done on Monthly or Annual basis.

9 Payee/Buyer-Contractor
Select the Payee/Buyer->Contractor option, to open the Contractor screen. Various Payees are covered as seen in above screen. Similar pattern is maintained all payees except. Employees: Where in details for individual, date of birth, data of joining and other relevant information is asked as required on Form 16. Shareholders: There is information such as number of units/shares held along with paid up values. On the subsequent screen details for contractor payee (which may be extended to other similar payees) have been explained.

10 Payee/Buyer-Contractor
1 2 The above screen is displayed upon entry to contractor option.. You may define a new contractor and/or edit a previously defined contractor. Relevant information like address, PAN number and TDS circle etc. are entered. If the selected contractor is expected to receive amount greater than Rs. 850,000 per annum, such a marking will be made. In such cases, surcharge would be computed on TDS payments. Similar pattern is maintained for Financers, Property owners, Professionals, Broker/Commission Agents, Lottery Tickets, NRI/NROs.

11 Contractor-TDS Entry 1 2 Select the Data Entry->TDS Entry (Image 1) option to get the above screen. (Image 2) You may select any one of earlier defined contractor from the drop down. All previously entered entries for the contractor would be displayed in the grid. You may edit preciously entered entry or may make a new entry. Enter the reference document number and date by which credit of such expense is made and/or enter the payment details for such expense along with the gross amount of expense. TDS is self-computed along with relevant surcharge/ education cess. For a given month you may enter multiple entries here for one and/or many contractors and make payment for all such TDS deductions vide one Challan as will be seen on next screen.

12 TDS Challan 1 2 Select Data Entry->Contractor->TDS Challan with Payment option (Image 1) above. Image 2 is used to demonstrate a single payment for multiple contractors. We would click on all such entries, which need to be included on this payment. We are required to enter the Challan number, cheque number, date and bank where drawn and deposited. Interest, may be computed optionally upon ticking ‘Include Interest’, interest based on due date of payment and date on which amount is paid is self-computed. Upon going into the Challan Payments option, all previous payments are displayed. You may print the Challan from here, it requires click on Challan and print. You may edit/delete any previously entered Challan.

13 TDS Certificate 1 2 Select Data Entry->Contractor->Prepare Certificate (Image 1). Preparation and printing of TDS certificates is done from Image 2. Upon selection of the Payee, all entries made to respective payees are displayed. Provision is available for generating certificates on Monthly, Quarterly or Annual basis. Certificate Number is self-generated and may be changed by user. On clicking on green arrow, certificate is generated. Option for undoing a certificate previous generated is available by clicking on Red arrow. Print option is available from Reports – Form 16A option menu.

14 Reports Form16A 2 1 Select the Report->Form 16A (Image 1) option to get the Form 16A screen. (Image 2) Reports menu, Form 16A provides for Printing or ing of Form 16A. You are required to select the type of payee i.e. contractor, Broker or other. Subsequent to the above, you are required to select the payee for which Form 16A is required to be printed. All Form 16A’s will be displayed on the grid. You may select one, more or all and give a print command. From the display screen, you may print the certificate.

15 Form16A Certificate of deduction of tax at source under section 203 of the Income tax Act, 1961. Options for ing, DMP printing, exporting of the certificates are made available from the above screen.

16 Form 26 Reports menu, Form 26 would bring you to the above screen.
The following options are provided here, E-file, provides for generating the txt file required to be submitted to NSDL may be done from here. Appropriate validation by our software and as well as per NSDL utility are made available within the software. Export, as data entry of TDS entries is time consuming, you may send a XLS format of Form 26 to your respective clients for subsequent import to this software. Print, Generates Form 26 in Windows format, with option of printing the same in DMP format and/or ing the same to your respective client. 

17 Define Assessee * Select the Deductors->Assessee option, select the group, click on Add button and enter the details of the Assessee. The details mentioned here will be displayed on various forms like Form 16, Form 24 etc. Remember to Mark as a Employer* and selected as a Annual option.

18 Additions / Deductions details
* Once you click on Save button it will open the above mentioned screen. Mention all addition heads here observe that Conveyance, HRA in addition and Professional Tax, Provident fund, TDS and Insurance in deductions are predefined heads. * Tick the appropriate options as per the legends given beside. The additions and deductions entered here will be linked with additions deductions in Taxbase to take effect of TDS auto-computation.

19 Payee/Buyer-Employee
Select the Payee/Buyer->Employee option.

20 Employee Details In the proceeding screens we have shown the processing of Salary TDS based on the annual entries. Software caters to monthly TDS processing; this is selectable from the Add/Edit Screen while defining TDS Taxpayer. Details of employee's need to be defined through above screen. All relevant Master Information with respect to employee will be captured here.

21 Data Entry Salary Information
Select the Data Entry->Salary->Annual Details option

22 Annual Salary Information
Salary Annual Screen will prompt the user to select the employee, various additions he has received from the employer along with various deductions such as Professional Tax, Provident fund, TDS and any insurance deductions. Separate portion here permits the user to enter any allowances, which the employee has received which are exempt u/s 10. Further, the software allows any other items, which are in lieu of Salary or Wages. Upon saving, the user may go for Income Tax Computation. Here, other details of Income, deductions and exemptions may be entered. Thus, providing the user with facility to process the Income Tax working for the employee.

23 Monthly Salary Information
Salary Monthly Screen will prompt the user to select the employee, various additions he has received from the employer along with various deductions such as Professional Tax, Provident fund, TDS and any insurance deductions. Separate portion here permits the user to enter any allowances, which the employee has received which are exempt u/s 10. Further, the software allows any other items, which are in lieu of Salary or Wages. Upon saving, the user may go for Income Tax Computation. Here, other details of Income, deductions and exemptions may be entered. Thus, providing the user with facility to process the Income Tax working for the employee.

24 Income Details of Employee
1 2 Select the Data Entry->Salary-> Income Tax Computation (Image 1) option to get the above screen. (Image 2) This screen enables you to enter income in any selected chapter along with provisions therein of that chapter. You may click on any chapter and the desired chapter would come up for capturing income details of specified chapter. Upon exit from any chapter, total income along with taxes along with interest (if applicable) would be computed and displayed. You may print computation sheet and return of income from here, both options of printing that is, windows graphical print and conventional and fast dot matrix printing options are supported for computation sheet and return of income .

25 Monthly TDS Payment This Screen is used to demonstrate a single payment for multiple Employees. We would click on all such entries, which need to be included on this payment. We are required to enter the Challan number, cheque number, date and bank where drawn and deposited. Interest, may be computed optionally upon ticking ‘Include Interest’, interest based on due date of payment and date on which amount is paid is self-computed. Upon going into the Challan Payments option, all previous payments are displayed. You may print the Challan from here, requires click on Challan and print. You may edit/delete any previously entered Challan.

26 Annual TDS Payment Through the Data Entry-Salary-Annual TDS Payment would bring the user to above screen. All employees where TDS has been deducted would be displayed. Upon clicking on employee and entry for month-wise TDS deductions and payments are facilitated. Upon clicking on Make Payment, total TDS deduction made for the month for all employees are displayed. After providing the other details such as cheque number, date of payments etc., Challans may also be printed in the prescribed formats.

27 Annual TDS Payment The above screen used to demonstrate a single payment for multiple employees. We would click on all such entries, which need to be included on this payment. We are required to enter the Challan number, cheque number, date and bank where drawn and deposited. Interest, may be computed optionally upon ticking ‘Include Interest’, interest based on due date of payment and date on which amount is paid is self-computed. Upon going into the Challan Payments option, all previous payments are displayed. You may print the Challan from here, requires click on Challan and print. You may edit/delete any previously entered Challan.

28 Form 16 1 2 The user may generate Form 16 from the Reports-Salary Menu of software (Image 1). Partial format of Form 16 is displayed in above screen (Image 2). Option for printing or ing are provided. Printing is supported in Windows (Laser) output and/or DMP (Dos) printing.

29 Generating Form 24 The above screen provides the user with option of generating a report, or preparing electronic file for electronic filing of return or you may export data to Excel file. The software caters to Excel file import elsewhere in the system, wherein the taxpayer may make basic entries in such a file and send the same to the user who in turn imports the data in the software and generates Form 16 and Form 24 and more Forms provided in Software. Other options such as including all employees or only taxable employees may be selected from the above screen.

30 Form 24 The above screen shows partial output of Form 24.
Form 24 is available in Laser or DMP format.

31 TDS Snapshot This screen shows you section wise summary of Amount paid, TDS deducted, Balance, TDS paid etc. You can also define new Payee by clicking on New Payee button. You can also change the information of predefine payee by clicking on Edit Payee button. you can prepare form 16A by clicking on Prepare 16A button.

32 Reports 1 2 This Slide shows the various Forms provided by the system. (Image 1) shows form of Salary and (Image 2) shows all Other Forms

33 Miscellaneous The above Slide shows Import Data and Export Data option from Miscellaneous.

34 Salient Features TDS caters to tax provisions from AY 2000-2001.
Taxbase, has many forms required by the Corporations and Tax Consultants, such as, 13, 15AA, 15G, 27A, 27C, 27D, 27E, 27F, 27G and delay in remittance of TDS to Government. Taxbase has text sensitive exhaustive help system built in. Full coverage of Tax collected at Source with return formats. Registers for completeness in information are included such as TDS Entry Registers, TDS payment Registers and Form 16A registers. Salary TDS in monthly mode generates additional reports like, TDS deduction estimation report for employees for subsequent months. Salary Statement, report which provided columns for Salary Earned and Projected Computes taxes on estimated annual income after duly providing for allowances exempt u/s10, deductions under chapter VI-A. Import Export facilities are enhanced through easy to enter XLS sheets for Form 16, Form 27 and Form 24. Data import from external accounting software is provided for through Standard Import Interfaces and Tally 6.3 SDF file import. Single tax payer/ group exports are provided for to facilitate remote working and subsequent importing for the same. Backup features at exit are provided.

35 Time to take a decision! How do I get TDSXpress? Buy Now Download

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