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P L A N F O R T O N I G H T The background to Christ’s words (above) Christ’s example of prayer Christ’s teaching about prayer (in general) An overview.

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2 P L A N F O R T O N I G H T The background to Christ’s words (above) Christ’s example of prayer Christ’s teaching about prayer (in general) An overview of “the Lord’s prayer” Summary Addendum

3 Is taken from… Luke 11:1-2 Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." 2 ESV

4 You might think, so what? What was so remarkable about Christ praying? Was it… – how he prayed that impressed his disciples? – how often he prayed? – The intensity of his prayer? Something clearly impressed the disciples about Christ praying…

5 There is no doubt that Christ’s example of prayer was quite astonishing! Turn back (if you turned to Luke 11) to chapter 6:12 -13 Could Christ converse with his Father? Here are some other examples of the power of Christ’s prayers. Turn to… – John 6:14-19 (Christ was praying, cf. Mark 6:46) Prayer made him so strong, he could walk on water! – Luke 9:27-31 His prayer (probably for the vision to occur) was instantly answered! – John 12:23-30 His spontaneous prayer was audibly answered from heaven!

6 Matthew 6:5-9 – Avoid ostentation and verbosity! – The Lord’s prayer the example Luke 18:1-14 – Be persistent in prayer – Be humble (since we are sinners) before God Luke 22:39-44 – Pray in sympathy with others – An angel may well respond to our prayer too!

7 Commences with a recognition of God as our spiritual Father & an expression of reverence: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name” Closes with a fervent doxology (ascription of praise): “yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever & ever” The final “amen” is the opportunity for the hearer as well as the speaker to confirm agreement to the prayer

8 In between are five requests: – “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” – “Give us each day our daily bread” – “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us” – “Lead us not into temptation” – “but deliver us from evil”



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