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Introductory Nanotechnology ~ Basic Condensed Matter Physics ~

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1 Introductory Nanotechnology ~ Basic Condensed Matter Physics ~
Atsufumi Hirohata Department of Electronics

2 Quick Review over the Last Lecture
3 states of matters : solid liquid gas density ( large ) ( large ) ( small ) ordering range ( long ) ( short ) rigid time scale ( long ) ( short ) 4 major crystals : soft solid ( van der Waals crystal ) ( metallic crystal ) ( covalent crystal ) ( ionic crystal )

3 Contents of Introductory Nanotechnology
First half of the course : Basic condensed matter physics 1. Why solids are solid ? 2. What is the most common atom on the earth ? 3. How does an electron travel in a material ? 4. How does lattices vibrate thermally ? 5. What is a semi-conductor ? 6. How does an electron tunnel through a barrier ? 7. Why does a magnet attract / retract ? 8. What happens at interfaces ? Second half of the course : Introduction to nanotechnology (nano-fabrication / application)

4 What Is the Most Common Atom
on the earth? Phase diagram Free electron model Electron transport Degeneracy Electron Potential Brillouin Zone Fermi Distribution

5 Abundance of Elements in the Earth
Ca Al Na S Ni Mg (12.70 %) Fe (34.63 %) Si (15.20 %) O (29.53 %) Mantle : Fe, Si, Mg, ... Only surface 10 miles (Clarke number)

6 Can We Find So Much Fe around Us ?
Desert (Si + Fe2O3) Iron sand (Fe3O4) Iron ore (Fe2O3)

7 "Iron Civilization" Today
Iron-based products around us : Buildings (reinforced concrete) Qutb Minar : Pure Fe pillar (99.72 %), which has never rusted since AD 415. Bridges * Corresponding pages on the web.

8 Major Phases of Fe Fe changes the crystalline structures with temperature / pressure : 56 Fe : Most stable atoms in the universe. T [K] Liquid-Fe 1808 -Fe bcc 1665 Phase change -Fe (austenite) fcc 1184 Martensite Transformation : ’-Fe (martensite) (-Fe) 1043 -Fe -Fe (ferrite) bcc hcp 1 p [hPa]

9 Electron Transport in a Metal
Free electrons : +   -   - r = 0.95 Å Na 3.71 Å r ~ 2 Å Na bcc : a = 4.28 Å 3s electrons move freely among Na+ atoms. Uncertainty principle : (x : position and p : momentum) When a 3s electron is confined in one Na atom (x  r) : (m : electron mass) For a free electron, r  large and hence E  small. Effective energy for electrons Inside a metal decrease in E free electron   -

10 Free Electron Model - + - - - - - - - - - Equilibrium state :
For each free electron : thermal velocity (after collision) : v0i acceleration by E for i   - + v0i   -   - i   - + -   -   -   -   -   -   - i Average over free electrons : collision time :  Free electrons : mass m, charge -q and velocity vi Equation of motion along E : Using a number density of electrons n, current density J : Average over free electrons : drift velocity : vd

11 Free Electron Model and Ohm’s Law
For a small area : where  : electric resistivity (electric conductivity :  = 1 / ) By comparing with the free electron model :

12 Relaxation Time + - Resistive force by collision :
If E is removed in the equation of motion : v   - For the initial condition : v = vd at t = 0 Equation of motion : with resistive force mv /  Number of non-collided Electrons N time For the initial condition : v = 0 at t = 0 N0 For a steady state (t >> ),  : relaxation time  : collision time

13 Mobility Equation of motion under E : Also, For an electron at r,
collision at t = 0 and r = r0 with v0 Accordingly, Here, ergodic assumption : temporal mean = ensemble mean therefore, by taking an average over non-collided short period, Finally, vd = -E is obtained.  = q / m : mobility Since t and v0 are independent, Here, = 0, as v0 is random.

14 Degeneracy For H - H atoms : Total electron energy Unstable molecule
1s state energy isolated H atom 2-fold degeneracy Stable molecule r0 H - H distance

15 Energy Bands in a Crystal
For N atoms in a crystal : Total electron energy 2p 2p 6N-fold degeneracy 2s 2s 2N-fold degeneracy Forbidden band : Electrons are not allowed Allowed band : Electrons are allowed 1s 1s 2N-fold degeneracy Energy band r0 Distance between atoms

16 Electron Potential Energy
Potential energy of an isolated atom (e.g., Na) : Na For an electron is released from the atom : vacuum level Distance from the atomic nucleus Electron potential energy : V = -A / r 3s 2p 2s 1s Na 11+

17 Periodic Potential in a Crystal
Potential energy in a crystal (e.g., N Na atoms) : Vacuum level Distance 3s 3s 2p 2p 2s 2s 1s 1s Na 11+ Na 11+ Na 11+ Electron potential energy Potential energy changes the shape inside a crystal. 3s state forms N energy levels  Conduction band

18 Free Electrons in a Solid
Free electrons in a crystal : Total electron energy Wave number k Total electron energy Energy band Wave / particle duality of an electron : Wave nature of electrons was predicted by de Broglie, and proved by Davisson and Germer. electron beam Ni crystal Particle nature Wave nature Kinetic energy Momentum (h : Planck’s constant)

19 Brillouin Zone Bragg’s law :  In general, forbidden bands are a
Total electron energy k  reflection Therefore, no travelling wave for n = 1, 2, 3, ... Allowed band  Forbidden band Allowed band : Forbidden band  1st Brillouin zone Allowed band Forbidden band Allowed band 2nd 1st 2nd

20 Periodic Potential in a Crystal
Allowed band Forbidden band Allowed band Forbidden band Allowed band k 2nd 1st 2nd Energy band diagram (reduced zone)  extended zone

21 Brillouin Zone - Exercise
Brillouin zone : In a 3d k-space, area where k ≠ 0. For a 2D square lattice, 2nd Brillouin zone is defined by nx = ± 1 , ny = ± 1  ± kx ± ky = 2/a a kx ky nx, ny = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ... Reciprocal lattice : kx ky 1st Brillouin zone is defined by nx = 0, ny = ± 1  kx = ± /a nx = ± 1, ny = 0  ky = ± /a Fourier transformation = Wigner-Seitz cell

22 3D Brillouin Zone * C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986).

23 Fermi Energy Fermi-Dirac distribution : E T = 0 T ≠ 0 EF
Pauli exclusion principle At temperature T, probability that one energy state E is occupied by an electron : f(E) E T = 0 1  : chemical potential (= Fermi energy EF at T = 0) kB : Boltzmann constant T1 ≠ 0 1/2 T2 > T1

24 Fermi-Dirac / Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
Electron number density : Fermi sphere : sphere with the radius kF Fermi surface : surface of the Fermi sphere Decrease number density classical quantum mechanical Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (small electron number density) Fermi-Dirac distribution (large electron number density) * M. Sakata, Solid State Physics (Baifukan, Tokyo, 1989).

25 Fermi velocity and Mean Free Path
Fermi wave number kF represents EF : Fermi velocity : Under an electrical field : Electrons, which can travel, has an energy of ~ EF with velocity of vF For collision time , average length of electrons path without collision is Mean free path g(E) E Density of states : Number of quantum states at a certain energy in a unit volume

26 Density of States (DOS) and Fermi Distribution
Carrier number density n is defined as : E T = 0 f(E) g(E) EF E T ≠ 0 f(E) g(E) n(E) EF

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