By: SC and HS 5B. -Cause is unknown -Likely from interaction of several genes that may be on different chromosomes -The environment is a major factor.

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Presentation on theme: "By: SC and HS 5B. -Cause is unknown -Likely from interaction of several genes that may be on different chromosomes -The environment is a major factor."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: SC and HS 5B


3 -Cause is unknown -Likely from interaction of several genes that may be on different chromosomes -The environment is a major factor too -It is unsure if it is dominant or recessive - Scientist do not know if it is a sex- linked disorder, but autism is more common in males

4 Parents with children who have autism can have any genotypes. Autism is not purely genetic, environmental factors play a big part in being diagnosed with autism. So, the genotypes don’t really change anything. Autism is a chromosomal abnormality but the abnormality is different I different cases. Most of the time, the chromosomes are unbalanced. The most common change was on chromosome 16. The features of it changed making it more prone to error.

5 1 out of 88 children are diagnosed with autism in the U.S.A. 5x more common in boys In boys 1 out of 54 have autism In girls 1 out of 252 have autism

6 It doesn’t really matter if the parents have autism or not. It will likely greaten the chances of the child getting autism but still the chances are low. As previously stated, the environment is a big factor so a lot of times, it doesn’t matter if the parents have autism. -Two parents with autism could have a child with or without autism -A parent with autism and a parent without can have a child with or without autism -Two parents that don’t have autism or anyone with autism in their family could have a child with autism

7 To be diagnosed with autism, there are a variety of symptoms. There is no medical test to tell if you have Autism. All cases of autism must have symptoms from the three categories: -abnormal social interaction -abnormal communication -repetitive interests and behaviors

8 Symptoms include: -Vaguely aware of people around them -Strange postures -Rocking -Mannerisms -Compulsions -Hand flapping -Unusual food preferences -Avoidance of eye contacts -Insensitivity of pain -Head banging -Self-injurious -Interest in inanimate objects

9 Autism does not change the length of someone’s lifespan. However, conditions that are developed because of Autism can shorten someone’s lifespan.

10 There is no cure for Autism. But, if you work with a child using what is called intervention treatment, the symptoms may be less noticeable.


12 Everyday life is hard for someone with Autism. They are isolated from the world, in their own version of the world. Also, it is hard to communicate because they have a hard time forming words.

13 It is very hard for someone with Autism to focus and get work done. Also, it is hard for them to pay attention to someone so, they don’t make friends easily.

14 The NHGRI, or National Human Genome Research Institute can help with Autism. Also, Autism Speaks helps! autism/autism-your-family

15 Unfortunately, it is not likely for a cure to be found for someone with Autism. It is hard to find a cure for a disease when you don’t know the cause, like with Autism. 


17 We both know someone who has Autism. We feel that it would be interesting to know more about this disease and what causes it. Even though the cause is not definite!!! Also, we see how it effects people so we wanted to use Autism as the disease for this project!

18 People who have been diagnosed with Autism are generally happy all the time. They are in their own little world but they see the finer, more important, things in life!

19 "Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N.p., 20 Dec. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.. Bernier, Raphael. "Autism." Teens Health. N.p., Jan. 2014. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.. Rimland, Bernard. "Autism." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. Rodier, Patricia M. "Autism." World Book Student. World Book, 2014. Web. 15 Feb. 2014 "What Is Autism?" National Human Genome Research Institute. N.p., 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2014..

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