Stewardship Field Training Trans-European Division Stewardship, Planned Giving & Trust Services Advisories Iceland, June 18-20, 2012 Erika F Puni, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Stewardship Field Training Trans-European Division Stewardship, Planned Giving & Trust Services Advisories Iceland, June 18-20, 2012 Erika F Puni, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stewardship Field Training Trans-European Division Stewardship, Planned Giving & Trust Services Advisories Iceland, June 18-20, 2012 Erika F Puni, PhD Stewardship Ministries Director General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

2  To broaden church leaders and members understanding of Christian stewardship  To bring about a positive change in mind-set and behavior of leaders and members through intentional stewardship education  To empower and equip stewardship trainers and educators with Bible based material and relevant stewardship resources Purpose and Objectives

3  Stewardship Advisory  Target Audience  Stewardship specialists (Division, Union and Conference Directors)  Purpose of Advisory  To provide opportunity for training, resourcing, net-working, team building, reporting and consultation with field educators  To develop and adopt long-term plans for the Church as deemed necessary Kinds of Training Programs

4  Stewardship Summit  Target Audience  Church administrators and decision-makers (division, union and conference leaders; heads of institutions; selected pastors and lay leaders)  Purpose of Summit  To provide ministry orientation, philosophy, programs and resources for the purpose of making strategic plans for the appropriate organizational units and affiliated entities  To develop and adopt specific recommendations and plans for the Church in a given field/territory Kinds of Training Programs

5  Stewardship Congress or Convention  Target Audience  Open invitation to Church leaders, pastors and members (division, union and possibly conference)  Purpose of Congress or Convention  To provide opportunity for training, resourcing, net- working, worship and celebration of Christian stewardship through personal testimonies and stories of what God is doing in the lives of His people  To provide inspiration, encouragement and personal support with a focus on nurturing and witnessing Kinds of Training Programs

6  Stewardship Seminars (full or half day)  Target Audience  Conference sponsored training (open) for pastors and local church leaders  Purpose of Seminars  To provide short intense stewardship training for the benefit of the local church.  To create listening opportunities for local Conference leadership while sharing reports of progress and future plans of the Church Kinds of Training Programs

7 Local Church Pastor Offering Plans Information & Communication Strategy Stewardship Education Stewardship Strategy

8 Stewardship Process The Biblical Foundation 1.The Creatorship and Ownership of God 2.The Redemptive Ministry of Christ 3.The Lordship of Jesus 4. The Call to Service and Discipleship The Specifics of Financial Stewardship 1.The Returning of the Lord’s Tithe 2.The Giving of Freewill Offerings

9 Stewardship Messenger(s) “For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction-because he is the MESSENGER of the Lord Almighty.” Malachi 2:7 (NIV)

10 Stewardship Education The Message of Malachi: God was calling Israel (both its leaders and people) to return to Him; to be faithful in their worship and covenant relationship with Him (Malachi 1:1-8; 2:11). The Leadership Challenge: God admonishes priests to honor Him by being faithful to their sacred calling as “messengers” of His word to the people (Malachi 2:1-9).

11 Stewardship Education Textual Observation: The role of the priest was to communicate clearly to the people the instructions and will of God - to love Him fully - and return to Him (Malachi 2:6). Ministry Application: Our work as stewardship educators (pastors) is to challenge God’s people into a personal relationship with Jesus, and to remind them of their God-given responsibility as Christian stewards in the matter financial stewardship (returning of tithe and the giving of offerings).

12 Pastoral Leadership 1.Preaches on biblical stewardship 2.Teaches financial stewardship 3.Promotes tithe and offerings as lifestyle 4.Reports and affirm church faithfulness 5.Models leadership integrity by example 6.Lifts up Jesus and focus on the heart 7.Connects members to God’s mission

13 Stewardship Message God made all things and He has sustained them by His power. As Creator God He owns everything including us – the totality of our human life and experience. This God – Jesus Christ - is Savior and King of the universe. As His subjects, we live for Him; and our purpose in life is to honor Him by surrendering our hearts and everything that we are and have to His control. As stewards of His kingdom, we’re also partners with Him in His mission in the world to make disciples of all peoples.

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