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Each results report will contain:

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1 Each results report will contain:
Chromatogram for sample All proteins identified with probability <1.0 List of peptides identified for each protein Amino acid coverage of each protein identified Reported as Excel file Example of a chromatogram (peptide with 12.6 min retention time highlighted in red)

2 Example of proteins identified in sample
P (Probability) Sf Score MW Accession # Peptide (Hits) 1 Tetranectin precursor 2.07 x 10-11 30.56 206.40 IPI 270 ( ) 2 Isoform 1 of Protein kinase C theta type 1.16 x 10-3 2.23 52.18 IPI 68 ( ) Probability – lower the number, the higher the probaility of a match Sf – final score indicates how good the protein match is Score – Value based on the probability that the peptide is a random match to the spectral data MW – Molecular weight of the protein Accession # - Unique protein identification number for the sequence Peptide (Hits) – Total number of peptide matches Example of amino acid sequence coverage (in red) of a protein identified in sample

3 Example of Excel file included in a report
Example of Excel file included in a report. Protein parameters are shaded in grey. Includes peptides (partial list shown) identified for that protein Protein Identification (P) Probability – lower the number, the higher the probaility of a match Sf – final score indicates how good the protein match is Score – Value based on the probability that the peptide is a random match to the spectral data MW – Molecular weight of the protein Accession # - Unique protein identification number for the sequence Peptide (Hits) – Total number of peptide matches Peptide Identification MH+ P(pep) Sf XC DeltaCn Sp RSp Ions Count

4 Protein and peptide parameters of the results
(grey shade) P, Probability for protein (pro) or peptide (pep) – lower the number, the higher the probability of a match Sf – final score indicates how good the protein or peptide match is Score – Value based on the probability that the peptide is a random match to the spectral data MW – Molecular weight of the protein Accession # - Unique protein identification number for the sequence Peptide (Hits) – Total number of peptide matches Peptide MH+ - molecular weight of the peptide XC - Cross-correlation value between observed and theoretical peptide fragment mass spectrum DeltaCn – change in cross-correlation between the first and the nth peptide match, where n = peptide hit number Sp – Preliminary score, % of peptide fragment ions in MS/MS spectrum that match with the experimental data Rsp – Ranking of match during Sp scoring Ions – Matched ions/Total number of theoretical ions Count – Number of duplicate entries per .dta file

5 MS/MS fragment ion matches for peptide fragment K. NWETEITAQPDGGK
MS/MS fragment ion matches for peptide fragment K.NWETEITAQPDGGK.T with 12.6 min retention time. Specific fragment ion matches can be included in report at your request. The list of B and Y ions as they match against the experimental data (matched B ions – red, matched Y ions – blue) The mass errors of the measurement. MS/MS data of fragment ions that matched theoretical data of database

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