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Norman Rockwell Grant Wood Norman Rockwell Grant Wood.

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2 Norman Rockwell Grant Wood Norman Rockwell Grant Wood

3 Norman Rockwell Painter & Illustrator 1894-1978

4 NORMAN ROCKWELL Born February 3, 1894 in NYC Goes to art school at age 14 In 1913, at age 19, becomes editor of Boy Scouts of America magazine “Boy’s Life” Submits cover art to Saturday Evening Post in 1916 Born February 3, 1894 in NYC Goes to art school at age 14 In 1913, at age 19, becomes editor of Boy Scouts of America magazine “Boy’s Life” Submits cover art to Saturday Evening Post in 1916

5 Published 321 original covers for The Saturday Evening Post over 47 years Work depicts idealized American life + humor Published 321 original covers for The Saturday Evening Post over 47 years Work depicts idealized American life + humor

6 Rejected by the Navy in WWI (underweight); stuffs himself & gets in: military artist Married 3 times; three children w/ 2nd wife Painted series of 4 paintings in 1943 inspired by a speech by FDR: Freedom from Want, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Worship, Freedom from Fear Rejected by the Navy in WWI (underweight); stuffs himself & gets in: military artist Married 3 times; three children w/ 2nd wife Painted series of 4 paintings in 1943 inspired by a speech by FDR: Freedom from Want, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Worship, Freedom from Fear

7 Freedom from Want 1943

8 NORMAN ROCKWELL painter & illustrator During long career, paints portraits of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson & Nixon Received Presidental Medal of Freedom in 1977 (United States highest civilian honor) Produced over 4,000 original works in his lifetime Died November 8, 1978 of emphysema at 84 During long career, paints portraits of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson & Nixon Received Presidental Medal of Freedom in 1977 (United States highest civilian honor) Produced over 4,000 original works in his lifetime Died November 8, 1978 of emphysema at 84

9 Grant Wood Painter 1891 – 1942

10 Grant Wood Born February 13, 1891 in Anamosa, Iowa Moved to Cedar Rapids Iowa when his father died in 1901 Apprenticed to a metal shop Attends School of the Art Institute of Chicago Works as a silversmith

11 Stone City, Iowa (1930) Made 4 trips to europe where he studied many styles of painting, including impressionismW hat he likes best is the work of Jan Van Eyck, a flemish painter from the 15th century who was a realist. Wood is influenced by his style.

12 Helped form an art colony to help other artists get through the Great Depression. He is a leading figure in the Regionalism movement which is about art that depicts what life is like in different parts of the country. He taught painting at the university of Iowa starting in 1934. Midnight ride of paul revere (1931)

13 Spring in Town (1941)

14 American Gothic (1930) American Gothic is one of the most famous paintings in american art. The title refers to the architectural style of the house in the background. The painting shows a farmer standing beside his spinster daughter. The models were Wood’s sister and his dentist. The painting tells the story of the American spirit of hard work during the Great Depression. You can see the original painting at the Art Institute of Chicago

15 Grant Wood died on February 12, 1942 – one day before his 51st birthday – of liver cancer.

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