Good Afternoon! As you come in, please take a moment to complete the prompt below: What is Algebraic Thinking? Please describe what it means to you on.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Afternoon! As you come in, please take a moment to complete the prompt below: What is Algebraic Thinking? Please describe what it means to you on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Afternoon! As you come in, please take a moment to complete the prompt below: What is Algebraic Thinking? Please describe what it means to you on your index card. You will be asked to share out.

2 De-constructing the Standards: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Presenter: Amy Powney

3 Agenda De-constructing the Standards: Operations and Algebraic Thinking May 22, 2015 – 3 hours Welcome – GRPS Way/Outcomes/Norms(10 min.) Warm-up Share-out (5 min.) What is Algebraic Thinking? (15 min.) Coherence of Progressions(45 min.) Task Match(15 min.) Break(10 min.) “Digging In”(30 min.) Showcase (45 min.) Reflection(10 min.)

4 The GRPS Way Professionalism, Knowledge, Equity, Achievement Achievement ◦ GRPS Academic Plan Learner Outcomes Learner Outcome #4 ◦ All students will use facts, procedures and operations to be efficient and flexible in solving complex problems, constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others

5 Today’s Outcomes Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the coherence and progression of learning expected within the standards of the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain for students below, at, or above their grade level. Participants will deconstruct what students need to know and be able to do for each standard and identify how this understanding can be demonstrated. Participants will synthesize information from the documents utilized here to reflect upon how this work aligns with their current practice, what new understandings they have created in this experience, and what adjustments to practice and new learning they want to apply to their work going forward next year.

6 Norms Begin and end on time Mute or turn off cell phones Take care of personal needs as necessary Focus on the goal No sidebar conversations Actively participate Listen to others Commit to action Practice the seven norms of collaboration  Pause  Paraphrase  Probe  Put ideas on the table and pull them off  Pay attention to self and others  Presume positive intentions  Pursue a balance between advocacy and inquiry

7 Warm-up Find someone in the room, other than a person at your table, who had similar thoughts about what Algebraic Thinking means and discuss what you wrote.

8 What is Algebraic Thinking? Operations and Algebraic Thinking video Read the excerpt from “Embedding Algebraic Thinking Throughout the Mathematics Curriculum”(2005) At your tables, discuss the content topics you teach at your grade level that connect to the “big ideas” of Algebra shared in the article and video.

9 Domain Progression

10 Coherence through Progressions All read pages 2-3 of the progressions document K – pages 4-5; 8 – 11 1 st – 12-17 2 nd – 18-19; 20-21 (Summary of K-2) 3 rd – 22-28 4 th – 29-31; 33-35 (Connections) 5 th – 32; 36-39 (Appendix)

11 Coherence through Progressions With your grade level partners, create a poster with the essential work of your grade level in Operations and Algebraic Thinking (3 Main Points) Kindergarten create an additional poster with the essential work of Counting and Cardinality 4 th Grade create an additional poster explaining connections among the strands 5 th Grade create an additional poster explaining the levels of solving addition and subtraction problems

12 Progressions of Operations and Algebraic Thinking Beginning with Kindergarten, each grade level explains the essential work of their grade in Operations and Algebraic Thinking After sharing, as a whole group, discuss where you see progressions in the learning continuum for this domain.

13 Task Match Working with a partner, match each task to its appropriate grade level Discuss with a partner the progression of learning you see across those tasks.

14 Task Match K – Christina’s Candies Working with addition through decomposition – acting out or drawing pictures 1 st – Boys and Girls, var. 2 Working with addition through decomposition – equations expected 2 nd – Red and Blue Tiles Recognizing even or odd by looking for equal groups and/or groups of two – precursor to multiplication 3 rd – Gifts from Grandma, var.1 Working with multiplication and division through equal groups – only drawings or explanations are required 4 th – Comparing Growth, var. 1 Working with word problems – considering situations differently, discussion/explanation only 5 th – Video Game Scores Working with word problems – requires numerical expressions to represent situations


16 “Digging In” to the Standards Circle all of the verbs – Need to do Underline all of the nouns and noun phrases – Need to know Highlight all of the key points you want to remember – new learning to you Identify relevant examples of problems for this standard Identify mathematical models to be used with this standard (Compile this information on the graphic organizer)

17 Example Graphic Organizer

18 Showcase a Standard Working with your grade level partner(s), “showcase” the OA.2 standard for your grade level to your colleagues. Be sure to convey - ◦ Learning targets – created from what students need to know and be able to do ◦ Example problems ◦ Mathematical models You can choose to deliver this information any way you would like – posters, brief lesson, skit, power point, poem, song, etc…. Websites you may want to reference: ◦ Illustrative math - ◦ Georgia - mon-Core/Pages/Math.aspx mon-Core/Pages/Math.aspx ◦ Eureka - module-pdfs module-pdfs ◦ Engage NY - core-curriculum core-curriculum ◦ Inside mathematics - x.php/mathematical-content- standards x.php/mathematical-content- standards

19 Reflection – 3, 2, 1 On your reflection sheet, please include: 3 significant learnings 2 applications for your classroom 1 thing you are wondering about

20 Websites LiveBinders - (One-stop shopping; Excellent!!!) ds/common-core-tools/#unmath – North Carolina unpacking documents ds/common-core-tools/#unmath


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