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PowerPoint by:Abdou Atoui Dalia Marakby Hassaam Shoaib Rimaz Malik

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1 PowerPoint by:Abdou Atoui Dalia Marakby Hassaam Shoaib Rimaz Malik
The Power of Wind PowerPoint by:Abdou Atoui Dalia Marakby Hassaam Shoaib Rimaz Malik

2 What is wind energy? energy that is harnessed by wind turbines.
converted at the wind farm. a cleaner form of energy than fossil fueled energy.

3 How is it processed? natural wind blows, turbine spins, rotor turns.
The rotor turns a shaft, uses magnetic field to convert wind energy. Once converted, travels to the transformer and gets powered into electricity, then ready to use.


5 Advantages of wind energy
It is eco-friendly. Less space for one wind farm. The wind is free, therefore making it a lower price. It is clean electricity

6 Disadvantages of wind energy
It gives less energy. Too much noise pollution. It generates slower energy. To get enough energy, you have to live on the coast which is expensive. Wind itself is undependable. It only runs for 18 hours a day


8 Facts 300 kilowatt wind turbines can power 3000 100 watt light bulbs.
California creates 11% of wind global electricity wise. One small wind turbine can power one school or home. Wind energy use is increasing by 30% globally.



11 More facts Denmark, Germany, and California are the main suppliers of wind power. Wind energy is a form of solar energy. Wind energy produces 20% of energy. Wind energy saves you electricity bills.

12 Pictures

13 Different Types Of Wind Turbines

14 Bibliography

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