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By : Theresa & Sade..  Showers that go on too long.  Using a hose instead of a broom to sweep your garage/driveway.  Using washing machines & dishwashers.

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Presentation on theme: "By : Theresa & Sade..  Showers that go on too long.  Using a hose instead of a broom to sweep your garage/driveway.  Using washing machines & dishwashers."— Presentation transcript:

1 By : Theresa & Sade.

2  Showers that go on too long.  Using a hose instead of a broom to sweep your garage/driveway.  Using washing machines & dishwashers for a few things.

3  The ECO plus is designed to save water and prevent overloading of septic tanks by recycling selected grey water back through the toilet system. Only grey water from the shower bath & washing machine is used.  This saves flushing good clean water down the toilet, resulting in considerable water savings.It also reduces the amount of water in the septic tank.

4  Grey water from the washing machine, bath and shower are collected in a holding tank placed below ground level (may be buried or free standing). The water is piped to the holding tank and when full the excess water bypasses the tanks and flows into the gully trap in the normal manner.  Excess soaps are directed into the gully trap and solids are held in the filter until cleaned out. The filter is self-cleaning, diverting solids to the gully trap. The water in the end holding tank is then piped to the toilet system by electric pump which turns on when the toilet is flushed.

5  Showers :Replace existing shower heads with the lowest flow product you can find. Shower heads with a mist setting let you reduce water flow even further. Shower instead of taking a bath. Time your showers - try to keep them to 5 minutes. If taking a bath, limit how high you fill the tub.  Dishwasher : Use your dishwasher & don’t rinse dishes for an average 20 gallon savings.



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