Cerebral Palsy Based on information provided by cerebralpalsy.org.

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1 Cerebral Palsy Based on information provided by cerebralpalsy.org

2 What is Cerebral Palsy? Blanket term described by loss or impairment of motor function Caused by brain damage, which is caused by brain injury or abnormal development Affects body movement, muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture and balance Can also affect fine motor skills, gross motor skills or oromotor skills

3 What is Cerebral Palsy Continued Non life- threatening Incurable Non-progressive Permanent Not contagious Chronic Manageable

4 Symptoms *Impairments differ in severity* Impairment in muscle tone, gross and fine motor functions, balance, control, reflexes, and posture Oromotor dysfunction: swallowing and feeding difficulties, speech impairment, and poor muscle tone in the face

5 Associative conditions Seizure Sensory impairment Learning disabilities

6 Other Information Most common sign is developmental delay Clinically identifiable during routine exams and testing Many signs and symptoms not readily visible at birth The earlier a diagnosis can be made, the better Early intervention programs and treatment protocols are beneficial to managment

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