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Foundation of the Antichrist (Dajjal)

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1 Foundation of the Antichrist (Dajjal)
Making Sense of a Planned Catastrophe MIA

2 There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with this world!
Have you ever wondered that in this world why things are going in a certain direction? Why after all this technological advancements, chaos and suffering seems to be ever growing? Why eons of collective human intellect has not brought peace and happiness? Why religions (monotheistic) don’t seem to be helping us anymore? Where is this all heading to? What to expect for ourselves and our children? There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with this world! Knowing and understanding the problem is a major step towards solving it or in this case, preparing for it! To understand all this you have to go back…….all the way back! MIA

3 If you don’t know how it all started, here it is:
And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to create a man (Adam) from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud.28 "So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him”.29 So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together.30 Except Satan - he refused to be among the prostrators.31 Lord said: "O Satan! What is your reason for not being among the prostrators?” 32 Satan said: "I am not the one to prostrate myself to a human being, whom You created from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud.”33 Lord said: "Then, get out from here, for verily, you are an outcast”34 MIA

4 "And verily, the curse shall be upon you till the Day of Recompense (i
"And verily, the curse shall be upon you till the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)." 35 Satan said: "O my Lord! Give me then respite till the Day they (the dead) will be resurrected.” 36 Lord said: "Then, verily, you are of those reprieved” 37 “Till the Day of the time appointed.” 38 Satan said: "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all”.39 "Except Your chosen, (guided) slaves among them”.40 Lord said: "This is the Way which will lead straight to Me”.41 "Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves, except those who follow you of the Ghawun (Mushrikun and those who go astray, criminals, polytheists, and evil-doers). 42 And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all.43 (Al Hijr: 28-43)* *You can find somewhat similar account in the Bible MIA

5 And the war has been waged on mankind ever since

6 The world has been moving towards the climax of this war
Antichrist (Dajjal) will be the ultimate manifestation and embodiment of evil MIA

7 (off course only God knows the exact timeframe)
Even though preparations have been going on for more than 1000 years, it’s the pace it has gained in the last years that is alarming Now the stage is almost set and Satan’s great plan is about to come together (off course only God knows the exact timeframe) MIA

8 This war is about destroying all the aspects of your existence
Physical Your Body Through contamination of food source, genetic manipulation of food, pharmaceuticals, man made viruses, etc.* Your Mind Entertainment industry, TV, satanic music, fear and uncertainty in all aspects of your life, mind control, ever weakening family ties, etc. * Spiritual Your Soul Making you forget God and indulge you in deadly sins, hatred, envy, etc. (diseases of the soul), * * If you dig more, you will realize the gravity of it and how deep this rabbit hole goes MIA

9 The history of secret societies Changes in economics and technology
Different ways of looking at how we got here and where it is leading to: The history of nations The history of secret societies Changes in economics and technology The holy scriptures versus all other teachings MIA

10 There is one fundamental principle which everyone must grasp in order
to understand what is happening: Evil exists! MIA

11 If you were advising Satan advice would you offer him?
on his Great Plan, what advice would you offer him? MIA

12 convince people you don’t exist reward your servants (power and money)
control the banking system control the media infiltrate all governments infiltrate all religions that promote monotheism and undermine them create new religions create secret societies use war to bring about change MIA

13 channel your plan via chosen mouthpieces
promote Evolution (vs. creation) promote the Big Bang Theory promote UFOs and ascended masters promote moral degeneracy promote ‘progress’ MIA

14 If you understand the Great Plan you are half way to understanding
why the world is in turmoil. The other half of your understanding comes from recognising how your own thinking has been shaped by the Plan. MIA

15 What is the ‘bottom line’ in Satan’s Plan?
The Prince of Lies wants to get you to Abandon God That was the plan from the very start. It has never changed. MIA

16 How far advanced is the Great Plan? The answer: VERY far advanced!

17 Satan has people among humans and jinns serving him for this purpose
The highest group of people on earth who serve Satan are known as the Illuminati* The next layer below the Illuminati are the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians. They are disguised under the cover of all different religions; Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. They want to create a ‘New World Order’ for their ‘King’ (*may be it is hard for you to grasp this concept now but if you look deep enough you will find proof everywhere) MIA

18 ALL Illuminati families are practitioners of the occult.
Most senior male family members are Masons of the 30th degree or higher. Witches and wizards revere members of the Rothschild family as living gods. At the very top of the Illuminati pyramid, controlling everything, is Lucifer. MIA

19 The New World Order will comprise: a One World Government
(Part of the plan is the creation of European union. Next probably is the North American union and so on until all merges into one) a One World Currency (Part of the plan is the creation of Euro. Next probably is a North American currency and eventually a global electronic currency) a One World Religion (Removal of God and ‘Ecumenism’ merger of religions) MIA

20 The main platform to achieving these 3 goals is the United States-
a super-power which they intend to overthrow from within MIA

21 All US Presidents since Woodrow Wilson have been Masons.
They have been working toward the creation of the New World Order for a long time MIA

22 To control the banking system, control the Federal Reserve.
The Illuminati achieved this in 1913. MIA

23 The Federal Reserve is the US Central Bank. Comprises 12 Federal Banks
which are owned by a number of private banks which are owned and controlled by various Illuminati families. MIA

24 Some Illuminati families in US
Rothschild Harriman Rockefeller Pillsbury Du Pont Taft Astor Russell Van Duyn Phelps Reynolds Stimson Bundy Roosevelt Freeman Bush Onassis Luce Collins Mellon Kennedy MIA

25 Top 5 richest in America are (per Forbes)
Bill Gates $59 billion Warren Buffett $52 Sheldon Adelson $28 Larry Ellison $26 Larry Page $18 All are from Illuminati families. MIA

26 The REAL rich in America are not shown on the Forbes list!
Why? Because they exercise power by remaining invisible. In today’s terms, a family like Astor was worth €50 billion in 1900. So today they could be worth $500 billion. MIA

27 The Illuminati families OWN
The US Congress The Presidency of the US The State Department The Supreme Court The entire banking system The Federal Reserve Hollywood and all the big TV stations All multinational corporations Virtually all Fortune 500 companies All the major defence contractors MIA

28 The world Illuminati network is run from 3 city states:
City of London (the ‘square mile’) Washington DC The Vatican MIA

29 How do we know any of this is true? Anomalies in history
Leaked documents Known Masonic literature Known occult literature Developments consistent with a conspiracy 9/11 Attack (inside job) Creation of European Union Whistleblowers MIA

30 Steps in the Illuminati Plan to create
a New World Order: (* = largely achieved) Create the US Federal Reserve (*) Create a European Super State (*) Undermine religions [see later slide] Promote occult ideas in movies/TV (*) Promote large scale abortion (*) Promote large scale promiscuity (*) Promote large scale drug abuse (*) MIA

31 Spread hardcore pornography (*) Create fiat money worldwide (*)
Control all governments worldwide (*) Control all major media outlets worldwide (*) Control the Internet (under way) Make all business dependent on computers (*) Overthrow the US [see later slide] Weaken populations through pharmaceuticals (*) MIA

32 How the Illuminati have undermined Religions
divide and deceit perversion among clergy control the seminaries infiltrate educational institutions promote New Age cults and groups lure people into joining Masonic lodges promote Ecumenism (the merger of religions) promote numerous scientific ideas which cast doubt on the accuracy and truth of the monotheistic scriptures MIA

33 How the Illuminati are taking over the US
causing 9/11 the Patriot Act etc wrecking the banking system wrecking the dollar creating a new currency (so far it is considered a conspiracy theory but there are evidences that something like this is in making, that is why dollar could collapse sooner or later) MIA

34 Martial Law Executive Orders 600-1000 detention camps ready
May be another incident like 9/11 flu pandemic earthquakes MIA

35 Some Illuminati technology:
HAARP Gwen Towers and Silent Sound Ultra low EMF Chemtrails Portable nuclear devices Genetically engineered diseases advanced aerospace technology advanced computers and RFID MIA

36 version of One World Government moving toward fascism
European Union version of One World Government moving toward fascism Illuminati families decide everything creating its own army MIA

37 Motto of 33rd degree Masons
Order out of Chaos Motto of 33rd degree Masons Ardo Ab Chao World War III New World Order MIA

38 will be electronic only embedded microchip
One World Currency will be electronic only embedded microchip personal property meaningless MIA

39 One World Religion mix of different religions
basically an oath to Lucifer / Antichrist presented as part of a ‘package’ [no oath, no microchip, no money] MIA

40 Albert Pike (‘Morals and Dogma’) 1870
Some notable sources: Video documentary ‘The Arrivals’ (this video is a must watch) available on YouTube, Google video, (creators) Video documentary ‘The End of Times’ (Dr. Shahid Masood) Victor E. Marsden(‘The Protocols Of The Meetings of the Learned Elders Of Zion ’) (Very important. Blueprint for NWO) Albert Pike (‘Morals and Dogma’) 1870 Edith Starr Miller (‘Occult Theocracy’) 1934 Ayn Rand (‘Atlas Shrugged’) 1957 John Todd – audio tapes c.1977 Anthony Sutton (‘America’s Secret Establishment’) 1983 MIA

41 Marilyn Ferguson (‘The Aquarian Conspiracy’) 1987
Constance Cumbey (‘Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow’) William Cooper (‘Behold a Pale Horse’) 1991 Fritz Springmeier (‘Illuminati Bloodlines’) 1998 Edward Griffin (‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’) 1998 Svali (‘Breaking the Chain’) online c.2000 David Allen Rivera (‘Final Warning – A history of the New World Order’) 2004 Cathy O’Brien (‘Trance: Formation of America’) 2005 Ahmed Thomson (‘Dajjal - The Antichrist’) Alice Bailey (‘Externalisation of the Hierarchy’) MIA

42 Some related websites:
(exercise caution. Needs some filtration) (exercise caution. Needs some filtration) Loads of videos on YouTube and Google video ………………… and the list goes on MIA

43 Some related talks on YouTube: Shiekh Imran Hosein
Shiekh Hamza Yusif Tex Marrs Fritz Springmeier Bill Schnoebelen Milan Martin John Todd Stan Monteith The Money Master ………………… and the list goes on MIA

44 All the sources / references / links mentioned in previous slides are not absolute (except for the verses from Quran). Use your judgment to filter out the nonsense. More knowledge you have better filtration you will be able to do. When you connect the dots, you will get the picture MIA

45 BEWARE of: implication of television on human psyche, form of mind control, mind transformation the microchip implant arrival of ‘UFOs’ (manmade) (it seems far fetched but many people have indicated towards this as the ultimate form of fear and chaos close to the final stages) signs in the sky (manmade) double agents [see next slide] MIA

46 Role of double agents – to create confusion.
How? By seeming to give the truth but mixing it with some serious lies. Learn enough to know what to filter out Jordan Maxwell – Theosophist. David Icke – shamanist. Zeitgeist documentaries – propaganda for socialism. There are others – beware! MIA

47 Timeframe Pike’s vision (1870) – three World Wars Federal Reserve 1913
Creation of Israel 1948 Twin Towers 9/ Massive worldwide banking crisis 2008 Banking crash and ‘Terrorist’ attacks ? MIA

48 What should you do? be informed as much as possible
seek guidance from the book (Quran /Bible) educate your children and others prepare yourself physically and spritually MIA

49 Remember! Even if the major events don’t happen in your life time, it could happen in your children’s life time because the climax is closing in real fast. Only by preparing yourself you can prepare your children. No materialistic preparation can save you. Believe it or not, only the strongest of faith will sustain this catastrophe. Failing to do so and succumbing to the system will only lead you to hell fire. (remember the hadith about keeping faith in the end of days would be like holding a burning charcoal in your hand) MIA

50 In the end….. I am not asking you to believe everything I have presented. All I am offering is another window to the world, to see things from a different angle. The subject is important enough not to ignore outright. I have provided you with enough references to get a good idea. Its up to you to further research it and make your own conclusions, or ignore it MIA

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