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Future Tense Now There are several different ways in English that you can talk about the future S+will+ V simple tense Will Going to S+V(be)+going to+

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Presentation on theme: "Future Tense Now There are several different ways in English that you can talk about the future S+will+ V simple tense Will Going to S+V(be)+going to+"— Presentation transcript:

1 Future Tense Now There are several different ways in English that you can talk about the future S+will+ V simple tense Will Going to S+V(be)+going to+ V simple tense

2 FUTURE TENSES: WILL/BE GOING TO I will travel to Japan next summer : decision I am going to study German at school: plan

3 Not in negative sentence Probably in uncertain sentence S+ Will + not + v-simple tense Maha will not travel to London. Will S+ not + v(be) + going to + v-simple tense Maha is not going to study for her English quiz. Going to S+ Will + probably+ v-simple tense Will Marry will probably move to London.

4 Uses of Will

5 Uses of going to

6 FUTURE TENSES TIME EXPRESIONS: Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…

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