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Macroeconomics Study Guide. How do we measure the health of our economy? First Economic Indicator: GDP Second Economic Indicator: Inflation Third Economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Macroeconomics Study Guide. How do we measure the health of our economy? First Economic Indicator: GDP Second Economic Indicator: Inflation Third Economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macroeconomics Study Guide

2 How do we measure the health of our economy? First Economic Indicator: GDP Second Economic Indicator: Inflation Third Economic Indicator: Unemployment

3 What is GDP? Consumer Spending Investments by Business Government Spending Exports-Imports C + I + G + X

4 What happens when GDP falls? It is an indication that our economy is slowing down and our unemployment rate is going up We may be in a recession

5 What is inflation? Prices are going up More money floating around in the economy Inflation is calculated by using the Consumer Price Index (current market basket/last year’s market basket)

6 Contractionary Period GDP is going down Our economy is shrinking Inflation is going up When we hit rock bottom, we are in a trough

7 Expansionary Period When we come out of a trough and start to recover

8 Unemployment Number of unemployed actively looking for a job/number in the labor force Types: – Structural (no skills) – Frictional (changing jobs or entering the work force after college) – Cyclical (related to business cycle) – Seasonal (weather related)

9 What’s a recession? Six months or more of falling GDP Inflation is going up Demand is going down and then prices start to drop When prices drop enough to encourage consumers to start buying again, then our economy picks up

10 How does the government fight a recession? Two Tools – Monetary Policy – Fiscal Policy

11 Fiscal Policy Congress and the President can do two things to combat a recession – Tax – Spend

12 How does fiscal policy respond to a recession? Lower taxes Increase government spending

13 How does fiscal policy respond to inflation? Raise taxes – With less money to spend, prices will drop Decrease government spending – This will decrease demand

14 Monetary Policy The Federal Reserve has three tools – Open Market Operations Buying and selling treasury bonds and securities (happens all the time) – Sell bonds: Consumers buy bonds (and have less money to spend on other things). Selling bonds fights inflation. – Buy bonds: Government buys bonds from consumers and puts more money in consumer pockets. Buying bonds fights a recession.

15 Monetary Policy continued Discount Rate – Raise or lower the interest that the Fed charges local banks (happens occasionally) If Fed raises the rate, less money in our pocket and this reduces inflation If Fed lowers the rate, more money in our pocket and this helps us out of a recession by increasing demand and increasing GDP

16 Monetary Policy continued Change Reserve Requirement Ratio (happens rarely) – If the ratio is raised, banks must keep more money on hand and loan out less, this fights inflation – If the ratio is lowered, banks loan more money, GDP goes up and we

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