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The Bible Inspired of God.

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1 The Bible Inspired of God

2 Inspired of God The Bible is the only book ever written that was inspired of God in the sense that God personally guided the writers. The inspiration of the Bible is defined as teaching that God so directed the human authors that, without destroying their own individuality, literary style, or personal interest, His complete and connected thought toward man was recorded.

3 Inspired of God Although written by human pen, the Bible is God’s message to man rather than a message of man to his fellow man. Regardless of whether Scripture records words which God actually dictated, the copying of ancient records, the results of research of the human author, or the thoughts, aspirations, and fears of the writer, in every particular God guided the men so that what they wrote was precisely what God intended for them to write with the result that the Bible is indeed the Word of God.

4 Inspired of God How can a human author, recording his own thoughts and knowledge, be guided to write exactly what God directs him to write? Because of questions like this, various opinions have been advanced as to the extent of the divine control over the human authors. These have been called “theories of inspiration,” and all interpreters of the Bible follow one or more of these theories.

5 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration

6 expressed God’s point of view
Inspired of God Verbal inspiration means that the original writings were guided by the Spirit of God so that the choice of words expressed God’s point of view

7 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration verbal inspiration means that the Spirit of God guided in the choice of the words used in the original writings. Various books of the Bible reflect the writers' personal characteristics in style and vocabulary, and their personalities are often expressed in their thoughts, opinions, prayers, or fears. Inspiration contends that God directed so that all the words that were used were equally inspired of God. This is brought out by the use of the word "plenary" which means "full inspiration"

8 Inspired of God Plenary inspiration
means that the accuracy secured, attained, or accomplished by verbal inspiration is extended fully to every portion of Scripture so that in all its parts Scripture is both infallible as to truth and final as to divine authority.

9 Inspired of God 2 TIMOTHY 3:16

10 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Scripture is declared to be infallible in the sense of being unfailingly accurate.

11 Inspired of God INFALLIBLE means the information contained
in the original manuscript is incapable of leading a person astray from the plan of God.

12 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Scripture is declared to be infallible in the sense of being unfailingly accurate. Scripture is also declared to be inerrant, meaning that the Bible does not contain any error as a statement of fact.

13 means the original manuscripts
Inspired of God INERRANT means the original manuscripts contain no mistakes; free from errors.

14 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Scripture is declared to be infallible in the sense of being unfailingly accurate. Scripture is also declared to be inerrant, meaning that the Bible does not contain any error as a statement of fact. In stating that the Bible is verbally and fully inspired, and infallible and inerrant in its statement of truth, it is held that God’s supernatural and perfect guidance is given to every word of Scripture so that the Bible can be trusted as an accurate statement of divine truth.

15 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration The claim of inspiration, of course, applies to the original writings only and not to copies, translations, or quotations. As there is no original manuscript in existence, scholars have gone to great lengths to determine the accuracy of the text of the Bible that we now have.

16 Inspired of God Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (KJV) Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (NAS)

17 Inspired of God Mark 16:16 Romans 8:1
1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (KJV) Mark 16:16 1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (NAS)

18 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory

19 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory some have held that God actually dictated the Scripture and that the writers of the Bible were only stenographers. If God had dictated the Bible, however, the style of writing and vocabulary of the Bible would be the same throughout.

20 Inspired of God Romans 9:1-3
I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed, {separated} from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, (NAS)

21 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory some have held that God actually dictated the Scripture and that the writers of the Bible were only stenographers. If God had dictated the Bible, however, the style of writing and vocabulary of the Bible would be the same throughout. While inspiration extends to every word of Scripture, it does not rule out human personality, literary style, or personal interest.

22 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory God accomplished the accuracy He desired by directing the human authors, but without the mechanical process of dictation. Some portions of the Bible were dictated by God and these are recorded as such, but most of the Bible was written by the human authors without evidence of direct dictation.

23 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory The concept theory

24 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration The concept theory God inspired the concept but not the precise words. This view, however, has grave problems, The human authors may have only partially understood what God was revealing to them, and in restating it in their own words could inject considerable error. The Bible expressly contradicts the idea that only concepts were given to the human authors. Exodus 20:1 John 6:63 John 17:8 1 Corinthians 2:13

25 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration The concept theory In quotations from the Old Testament, it is frequently assumed that the very words are inspired of God as in and the frequent mention of the Bible as the Word of God as in A solemn curse is pronounced upon anyone who takes away from the Word of God. The concept theory falls far short of what the Scriptures claim as the true doctrine of inspiration. John 10:34-35 Galatians 3:16 Ephesians 6:17 James 1:21-23 1 Peter 2:2 Revelation 22:18-19

26 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory The concept theory Partial inspiration

27 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Partial inspiration Some have claimed that the revelatory portions of the Bible dealing with divine truth are accurate, but that we cannot accept historical, geographical, or scientific statements in Scripture. The idea that some portions of Scripture are more inspired than others, so that truth and error become a matter of degree. This is sometimes applied to what is know as “mystical inspiration”

28 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory The concept theory Partial inspiration Neoorthodox view of inspiration

29 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Neoorthodox view of inspiration This view acknowledges that there are errors in the Bible and thus the Bible cannot be taken as literally true. God speaks through the Scriptures and uses them as a means by which to communicate the truth to us. The Bible under this theory becomes true only as it is comprehended and truth is realized by the individual reader. Like the view of partial inspiration, the individual becomes the final authority concerning what is true and what is false.

30 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory The concept theory Partial inspiration Neoorthodox view of inspiration Naturalistic inspiration

31 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Naturalistic inspiration This is the most extreme view of unbelief and holds that the Bible is just like any other book. The Bible under this concept becomes merely another book of religion, expressing ancient views of spiritual experience of men in the past. This view destroys any distinctive claim for the divine authority of the Bible and leaves without explanation the amazing factual accuracy of the Bible.

32 Theories of Inspiration
Inspired of God Theories of Inspiration Verbal, plenary inspiration Mechanical or dictation theory The concept theory Partial inspiration Neoorthodox view of inspiration Naturalistic inspiration

33 Inspired of God The best evidence is found in the fact that the Book supports its claims. Its power has been manifested in the transformed lives of millions of those who have put their trust in the words and promises of Scripture.

34 The Testimony of Christ
Inspired of God The Testimony of Christ Whenever Christ quoted Scripture - as He did frequently - He quoted it as having authority and in full recognition that it had come by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Christ affirmed that not one jot or one tittle of the law would remain unfulfilled Christ affirmed “the Scripture cannot be broken.” Matthew 5:18 John 10:35

35 The Testimony of Christ
Inspired of God The Testimony of Christ Again and again the New Testament affirms accurate fulfillment of the Old Testament Matthew 8:17 Matthew 1:22-23 Matthew 4:14 Matthew 21:4-5 Matthew 15:7-8 Matthew 12:17 Matthew 26:31 Matthew 22:29 Matthew 21:42 Matthew 27:9-10 Matthew 26:56 Matthew 27:35

36 The Testimony of Christ
Inspired of God The Testimony of Christ Even when affirming a dispensational change or a modification of a rule of life, the authority and inspiration of the original statement in Scripture are not questioned. Matthew 19:7-12 Quotations from the Old Testament extend to every important section and frequently are from books that are most disputed by liberal critics, such as Deuteronomy, Jonah, and Daniel. Daniel 9:27 Deuteronomy 6:16 Matthew 12:40 Daniel 12:11 Matthew 24:15

37 The Testimony of Christ
Inspired of God The Testimony of Christ Jesus Christ not only affirmed the inspiration and infallible accuracy of the Old Testament, but He predicted the writing of the New Testament John 16:12-13 Christ stated that the disciples would be witnesses to the truth. Jesus gave to the disciples authority in their speaking of the truth. Acts 1:8 John 15:27 Luke 10:22-23 Matthew 28:19 John 13:20 Hebrews 2:3-4 Luke 10:16 John 17:14,18

38 The Testimony of Christ
Inspired of God The Testimony of Christ Just as David wrote by the Spirit Matthew 22:43 and as the psalmist was inspired, Hebrews 3:7-11; Psalm 95:7-11 so the New Testament likewise claims inspiration. In 1 Timothy 5:18, both Deuteronomy 25:4 and Luke 10:7 are quoted as equally inspired Scripture. In 2 Peter 3:15-16, the epistles of Paul are classified as Scripture which should be received as the Word of God like all other Scripture.

39 Important Passages on Inspiration
Inspired of God Important Passages on Inspiration 2 Timothy 3:15-17 15 and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings [ holy scriptures ] which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (NAS)

40 Important Passages on Inspiration
Inspired of God Important Passages on Inspiration The expression “by inspiration of God” is one word in the New Testament Greek, qeovpneusto" (theopneustos), meaning “God-breathed.” It would be impossible for God to be the author of error. The inspiration extends not so much to the authors but to the Word of God itself. While the authors were fallible and subject to error, God breathed through them His infallible Word How could God inspire Scripture while on the one hand allowing for human authorship and individuality and on the other hand producing the inspired Word of God without error?

41 Important Passages on Inspiration
Inspired of God Important Passages on Inspiration 2 Peter 1:21 For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. (NAS)

42 Important Passages on Inspiration
Inspired of God Important Passages on Inspiration The word translated “moved” [ fevrw (theroo)] is the word for carrying a burden. The human authors are carried along to the destination intended by God much as a boat will carry its passengers to its ultimate destination. The human authors were not left to their own devices and were not simply exercising ordinary power. God was working through them, breathing out His word with them as the channels.

43 Important Passages on Inspiration
Inspired of God Important Passages on Inspiration Some Scripture was dictated expressly by God Exodus 20:1-17 Again and again the Old Testament declares that “God said.” Genesis 1:3 Another frequent expression is that “the word of the Lord came” to one of the prophets. Jeremiah 1:2 Hosea 1:1 Jonah 1:1 Micah 1:1 Haggai 1:1 Zechariah 1:1 Zephaniah 1:1

44 Important Passages on Inspiration
Inspired of God Important Passages on Inspiration In other instances God spoke through vision or dreams Daniel 2:1 Now in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; and his spirit was troubled and his sleep left him. or appeared in a vision. Daniel 7:1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel saw a dream and visions in his mind {as he lay} on his bed; then he wrote the dream down {and} related the {following} summary of it.

45 Qualifying Considerations
Inspired of God Qualifying Considerations In stating that the entire Bible is true and inspired of God, allowance must be made for the fact that sometimes the Bible records a lie as a lie, as in the case of the lie of Satan in Genesis 3:4 The Bible can also record the experiences and reasoning’s of men as illustrated in the Book of Job and Ecclesiastes. some of the statements of Job’s friends are wrong, and some of the philosophizing of Ecclesiastes does not go beyond human wisdom.

46 Qualifying Considerations
Inspired of God Qualifying Considerations Whenever the Bible states a fact as a fact it must be true whether this is in a revelation of God’s own being, His moral standards, or His prophetic program, or whether it involves history, geography, or facts that are related to science.

47 Qualifying Considerations
Inspired of God Qualifying Considerations The Bible seems to contradict itself, as for instance in the account of the healing of the blind men at Jericho. Varying accounts indicate two {Matthew 20:30} or one {Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35} blind man and where the incident is set as going into {Luke 18:35} or going out {Mark 10:46} of Jericho. The difficulty could be solved if all the facts were known. There were two cities of Jericho – one ancient, the other more modern. Christ could be going out of one Jericho while entering the other. Many supposed errors in the Bible have been cleared up by archaeological discoveries.

48 Qualifying Considerations
Inspired of God Qualifying Considerations Actually no one knows enough to contradict the statements of Scripture Whether they refer to the creation of the world or the creation of man or whether they extend to some detail in narrative. Properly understood, the Bible stands as the monument of God’s own veracity and truth and can be trusted in the same way as if God Himself were speaking directly to the individual reading the Scripture. Although every attempt has been made to undermine and destroy the Bible, to those seeking truth about God it continues to be the only authoritative and inerrant source of divine revelation.

49 Inspired of God 1. Define what is meant by the inspiration of the Bible. The inspiration of the Bible is defined as teaching that God so directed the human authors that, without destroying their own individuality, literary style, or personal interest, His complete and connected thought toward man was recorded. 2. To what extent is the Bible inspired? There are several “theories of inspiration” which address the extent to which the Bible is inspired, but the only correct “theory of inspiration” is the verbal, plenary inspiration theory.

50 Inspired of God 3. What is meant by verbal, plenary inspiration?
These terms apply only to the original manuscripts. By verbal inspiration it is meant that the Spirit of God guided in the choice of the words used in the original writings. The word “plenary” which means “full inspiration,” contends that God directed so that all the words that were used were equally inspired of God. 4. To what extent is the Bible infallible and inerrant, and what do these terms mean? Applicable again, only to the original manuscripts, all of Scripture is infallible, which means it is unfailingly accurate, and all of Scripture is inerrant, which means there are no errors.

51 Inspired of God 5. How can you explain that the Bible records untrue statements of men? Although the Bible may record on occasion the statements of men which are untrue or even the false teaching of Satan as in Genesis 3:4, in all these cases, while the statement attributed to Satan or men is faithfully recorded, it is clear that God does not affirm the truth of these statements. 6. To what extent does inspiration extend to copies and translations of the Bible? Copies and translations of the Bible are not inspired.

52 Inspired of God 7. Define the mechanical or dictation theory of inspiration and indicate why it is inadequate. Some have held that God actually dictated the Scripture and that the writers of the Bible were only stenographers. If God had dictated the Bible, however, the style of writing and vocabulary of the Bible would be the same throughout. 8. What are the problems of the concept theory of inspiration? Some have attempted to weaken the complete inspiration of the Bible and allow for human authorship by saying that God inspired the concept but not the precise words. This view, however, has grave problems, as the human authors may have only partially understood what God was revealing to them, and in restating it in their own words could inject considerable error.

53 Inspired of God 9. What are the problems of the theory of partial inspiration or degrees of inspiration? All forms of partial inspiration leave the reader the final judge, and accordingly, the authority of Scripture becomes the authority of the person reading the Scripture, with no two readers agreeing exactly as to what is truth and what is not. 10. How does the neoorthodox view of inspiration differ from the orthodox view? While not necessarily denying that supernatural elements exist in the writing of Scripture, this view acknowledges that there are errors in the Bible and thus the Bible cannot be taken as literally true.

54 Inspired of God 11. Why must the naturalistic view of the Bible be rejected? This view destroys any distinctive claim for the divine authority of the Bible and leaves without explanation the amazing factual accuracy of the Bible. 12. What did Christ teach concerning the inspiration of the Bible? Whenever Christ quoted Scripture – as He did frequently – He quoted it as having authority and in full recognition that it had come by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

55 Inspired of God 13. How do quotations of the Old Testament uphold the inspiration of the Old Testament? Quotations from the Old Testament extend to every important section and frequently are from books that are most disputed by liberal critics, such as Deuteronomy, Jonah, and Daniel. It is logically impossible to question the inspiration of the Old Testament without questioning the character and veracity of Jesus Christ. 14. What indications are given in the New Testament that it is also inspired of God? As the New Testament was written, the writers were conscious that they were guided by the Spirit of God and freely claimed that the New Testament was inspired equally with the Old.

56 Inspired of God 15. Discuss the contribution of 2 Timothy 3:16.
The expression “by inspiration of God” is one word in the New Testament Greek, theopneustos, meaning “God-breathed.” By this it is meant Scripture proceeds from God and by this fact takes on the same perfection’s that characterize God Himself. 16. What does 2 Peter 1:21 contribute as to the method of inspiration? According to 2 Peter 1:21, whether they were oral prophets or writing prophets, the explanation is that they were “moved [ carried along ] by the Holy Spirit.”

57 Inspired of God 17. Indicate the extent to which the Bible affirms its own inspiration? The Bible affirms human authorship just as much as it does the divine authorship of the Bible. Again and again the New Testament affirms accurate fulfillment of the Old Testament. It would be impossible for God to be the author of error. The inspiration extends not so much to the authors but to the Word of God itself.

58 Inspired of God 18. How does inspiration relate to the truth of human experiences and reasonings as illustrated in the Book of Job and Ecclesiastes? The Bible can also record the experiences and reasonings of men as illustrated in the Book of Job and Ecclesiastes. Here what the Scripture actually quotes them as thinking or saying must be tested by the clear affirmations of truth elsewhere in the Bible. Accordingly, some of the statements of Job’s friends are wrong, and some of the philosophizing of Ecclesiastes does not go beyond human wisdom.

59 Inspired of God 19. What should be our response to seeming contradictions in the Bible? Through patient study, seeming contradictions in the Bible can be solved if all the facts are known. 20. Taking the subject of inspiration as a whole, why is it so important? Properly understood, the Bible stands as the monument of God’s own veracity and truth and can be trusted in the same way as if God Himself were speaking directly to the individual reading the Scripture.

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