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Pollutants of Concern Pollutant 303(d) List TMDL Status CopperWatch Site specific objective nearly complete Diazinon - pesticide toxicity Complete Legacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Pollutants of Concern Pollutant 303(d) List TMDL Status CopperWatch Site specific objective nearly complete Diazinon - pesticide toxicity Complete Legacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollutants of Concern Pollutant 303(d) List TMDL Status CopperWatch Site specific objective nearly complete Diazinon - pesticide toxicity Complete Legacy pesticides Starting MercuryComplete* PAHsWatch PBDEsWatch PCBs Nearly complete SeleniumStarting TrashWatch

2 Permit Requirements  Reflect current assessment of controls to reduce pollutants to maximum extent practicable (MEP)  Controls must attain or lead to attainment of water quality standards = wasteload allocations  Update MEP assessment by end of permit term  implementation levels

3 Implementation Levels  Full-scale implementation where applicable  Focused implementation  Work out conditions relevant to full implementation  Pilot testing  Evaluate applicability and effectiveness  Other  Experimental, desktop study, laboratory work, literature review or combination thereof

4 Mercury and PCBs

5 Mercury and PCBs Actions  Areas with elevated mercury and/or PCBs levels in soils/sediments  Investigate and cause remediation of on-land contaminated soils and/or sediments  Improve system operation and maintenance to increase sediment removal  Strategic runoff treatment retrofits

6 Mercury and PCBs Actions  All areas  Collect and recycle mercury containing materials → full implementation  Control/oversee removal of PCBs containing equipment ( transformers, capacitors) → pilot  Control/manage release of mercury and/or PCBs from building materials and waste during demolition and remodeling → pilot  Construction site-erosion control → full

7 Mercury and PCBs Actions  Investigate and cause remediation of on- land contaminated soils and/or sediments  Conduct surveillance  Identify sources and responsible parties  Remediate contaminated soils on public land  Cause/oversee remediation on private lands  Local and state lead Focussed implementation level

8 Mercury and PCBs Actions  Improve system operation and maintenance to increase sediment removal  Improve/enhance storm drain and inlet cleaning  Improve/enhance street sweeping  Street flushing with capture Pilot implementation in multiple locations

9 Mercury and PCBs Actions  Strategic runoff treatment retrofits  At sources or inlets  At location within drainage area  At outlets  Strategic routing of runoff to wastewater treatment systems  Dry weather (street flushing)  Limited (first flush) wet weather Pilot implementation in multiple locations

10 Summary of Issues  Many measures are new and implementation will need to be adaptive and closely evaluated  Selection of pilot controls along with frequency and timeframe for implementation needs to be determined  Roles and responsibilities of various agencies needs to be worked out  Load reduction credits need to be established

11 Pesticides


13 Pesticides Actions  Adopt and implement IPM (integrated pest management) policy or ordinance  Outreach  Work with Ag Commissioners  Provide input to USEPA and CA Dept of Pesticide Regulation regulatory processes All full implementation level

14 Pesticides Actions  Adopt and implement IPM policy or ordinance  Procedures for IPM at municipal facilities  Training in IPM for staff  Contract mechanisms to ensure IPM use

15 Pesticides Actions  Outreach  At point of purchase  To residents who use or contract for pest control  To pest control operators and landscapers  To new development  Irrigation management

16 Pesticides Actions  Work with Ag Commissioners  Report misuses of pesticides  Provide input to USEPA and CA Dept of Pesticide Regulation regulation processes

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