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Hospital Documentation

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Presentation on theme: "Hospital Documentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hospital Documentation
H & P Admit Note Admit Orders

2 History and Physical

3 …is the FULL work up SOAP format
Subjective – What is the patient telling you? Chief Complaint History of Chief Complaint Review of Systems Past medical history Past surgical history Family history/social history Allergies/meds

4 SOAP format Objective – what do YOU find? Assessment Plan Physical Lab
X-ray Other studies Assessment Plan

5 H & P Chief Complaint History of Chief Complaint CC
If using patients’ words, use “quotations” Ok to summarize History of Chief Complaint HCC or HxCC or HxPI “quotations” if using patients’ words Note if history is coming from someone other than the patient themself

6 H & P cont. Past medical/surgical history Review of Systems ROS
Pertinent positives AND negatives Get into a “flow” Is ok to have cheat sheets

7 ROS Integument/Skin HEENT CV Pulmonary GI GU Neurologic Musc/Skeletal
GYN Endocrine

8 H&P cont Family History/Social History/Job/Religion
Include habits here – smoking, alcohol, drugs Medications Don’t forget over the counter, vitamins and herbal supplements Need to ask – most patients don’t consider these “meds” Allergies And what is the actual allergy (so you can distinguish from a side effect)

9 H & P Physical Exam Again, use a logical flow
ALWAYS start with vital signs BP, pulse, resp, temp, height, weight OK to use cheat sheet here as well Chart pertinent positives and negatives Don’t make up acronyms RRR is standard c/r/g/m/ is NOT

10 H & P Other – Lab X-ray Other studies Old record review

11 H & P Assessment What does your physical and the lab, etc., lead you to find? Ok to use symptoms if don’t have full diagnosis DON’T use the OSCE format No need to put 4 diagnoses here If they have a history of something can put it here, but should NOT be the first listed (and you want to make sure state Hx of..)

12 Assessment, e.g. Pneumonia Hypokalemia
Hx HTN (or can say HTN – controlled)

13 Plan – What are you going to do with the patient?
Admit Start IV antibiotics Replace electrolytes (correct electrolytes, etc) Consult Pulmonary – anticipate bronchoscopy (ok to write see orders) Ok to write discussed the case with Dr. X (seen with Dr. x present, etc)

14 Admission (admit) note

15 Admit Note What you put as your first progress note
Abbreviated version of H & P Can be the full H & P Entitle “Admit/H &P” No need to duplicate

16 …MUST contain CC Hx cc Pertinent physical (pertinent positives)
Assessment Plan

17 Admission Orders

18 …Instructions to the Nursing Staff
What do you want done for this patient now that they are coming into the hospital? Systematic approach

19 Admission Orders Admit to service of (insert doctor) Condition
Any special floor? (ICU, stepdown, telemetry) Condition Allergies Vitals Activity Diet

20 Admission Orders Medications IV Medications PO Labs X-ray
These include any over the counter as well Labs X-ray Other studies Other

21 …so for our pneumonia ATSO Dr. Gail Feinberg Condition – stable NKDA
Vitals (q 4 hours, q shift) Activity – ABR with BRP (Absolute Bed Rest with Bathroom Privileges) Ambulation with assistance, no limitations, etc

22 Pneumonia cont Diet – regular as tolerated (1800 cal ADA, salt restricted, cardiac – check with hospital to see how these are categorized) Medications IV – 1000cc D5W.5NS с 40meq 75cc/hr Rocephin 1gm IV daily (DO NOT USE qd) Xopenex nebs q8 hrs

23 Pneumonia cont Labs CXR – PA and Lateral Other
Blood Culture prior to first dose IV antibiotic, sputum culture, CBC, CMP CXR – PA and Lateral Other Oxygen per protocol (2liters NC, only at hs…) Chest percussion after neb treatments Incentive spirometry q shift

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