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Your journey to saving our planet. Global Warming has been around for quite a while. But recently has surfaced into a big controversy. There are many.

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Presentation on theme: "Your journey to saving our planet. Global Warming has been around for quite a while. But recently has surfaced into a big controversy. There are many."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your journey to saving our planet

2 Global Warming has been around for quite a while. But recently has surfaced into a big controversy. There are many factors that influence our planet Earth and contribute to Global Warming. We as a community can help save our planet and slow down this deadly process.

3 Task Procedure Evaluation Conclusion Teacher’s Page

4 As you go through this Webquest, you will find out information on what Global Warming is, how it occurs, what it is doing to our planet, and how you can help slow down the process.

5 As a local scientist, it is your job to find out all the information you can on Global Warming. Investigate what it is, what is does, how it happens, and how you can help. This is a real life occurrence and it is important for you to understand these effects so that we can have a better, brighter future. Explore these few websites and write a one to two page paper on all the information you have found and how YOU will make a difference. Please also share some energy saving tips on our classroom blog!Global Warmingreal life occurrence understand these effects Explore YOU

6 When you are finished, ask yourself these few questions to be sure you have completed your task correctly: 1. Have I figured out how Global Warming occurs and what the effects are doing to the planet? (4 pts) 2. Have you found ways to help reduce your energy levels that pertain to your own life? (4 pts)

7 Great job everyone! Now you are educated with information all about Global Warming. You certainly can make a difference by getting the word out and showing people how they can help save our planet. Tell your parents, your neighbors, and your friends! Everyone will join in on the fight against Global Warming and now you can show them how!

8 This webquest is for grades 9 through 10. Students will research all the information on Global Warming and come up with plenty of energy saving tips to use in their daily lives. Using the PA Standard, 4.1.3 Explaining the consequences of interrupting natural cycles, students will describe and interpret patterns of change in the natural environment.

9 1. ORACLE ThinkQuest – Global Warming This website has a plethora of information and is great for students to easily research information. It is very clear and constructed well, with a bibliography at the bottom. It was made for education purposes and has reliable information.

10 2. Planetsave This website is very environmentally friendly. Firstly, it has the effects of Global Warming listed in a very easy to read manner. It has a sort of blog at the bottom that people can respond to with their own ideas which gives more insight on the different perspectives of certain issues. It also shows a recent date and different pages you can explore for more information.

11 3. The New York Times – Global Warming and Climate Change This website is more sophisticated with a “what will happen next?” tone. It has a lot of news articles on the sidebar which can be distracting to the real article being read. It shows an recently updated date and even has more articles to choose from about Global Warming.

12 4. National Geographic News This website has a short amount of information about why Global Warming is happening, what is causing it, and how it might change our planet. It has hyperlinked sentences that will take you to another page on information about the hyperlinked words. Since it is a news website, it has other news articles on the side that you can also explore.

13 5. Top Ten Things You Can Do to Reduce Global Warming This website had ten bolded ways that tells you how you can reduce Global Warming, with a paragraph underneath explaining it more in depth. This website is very helpful in not just saying what you can do, but explaining how you can do it.

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