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Tesina di Ornella Venti III i

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1 Tesina di Ornella Venti III i
Violenza sui minori Tesina di Ornella Venti III i

2 Indice Type of child abuse Child labour
Children employed in armed conflicts and children without education.

3 Type of child abuse There exist in the world,today a problem,called “child abuse”, that concern 16 million of children.Children are only an instrument of survival for the whole family, or live as slaves. There are many different type of child abuse: Child labour; children employed in armed conflicts;children sold for transplantation;sexual abuse on children; children without education; and so on…

4 Child labour The problem of the child labour is global Thousands black and white photos could appear in front of our eyes, telling us many histories of exploitation: the sewers of footballs in Pakistan, the young interweavers of Indian rugs, the beet sugar pickers in Brasil...

5 This problem, sadly unites developed Countries and poor Countries; the facets that characterize it are different, but an only cruel common feature exists: the exploitation, the indigence, the poverty, the deprived of infancy.

6 Children employed in armed conflicts and children without education
Directly or indirectly involved in the armed conflicts, there are millions of children victims of war. More often children always become target of armed conflicts, almost halves the people killed in war during the '90s are children. Many other millions of children have seriously been wounded or they have been made disabled in permanent way; they have suffered sexual abuse , psychological traumas, hunger and illnesses. Around 20 million children have been torn from their houses and community of origin because of war.

7 We can calculate that in the world there are at least 300
We can calculate that in the world there are at least boys under 18 years currently engaged in armed conflicts. Most soldier children are between the age of 15 and 18 years. Many others, are recruited before they’ re 10 years old.

8 The anti-personel mines are responsible of many victims a year
The anti-personel mines are responsible of many victims a year. Children particularly are in danger to be wounded or killed by mines, because their reduced dimensions, unusual shapes and colors make them look like toys.

9 The consequences of the denied access to education of the smaller ones that live in the zones of war are dramatic. In these areas the educational system is the first one to pay: if not destroyed by bombings, schools are often seized to be used as military bases or to accomodate evacuees. Between January and March 2005, in Nepal many students were abducted from their rural schools and forced to join up the Army. Besides this, teachers themselves are victims of conflicts too.

10 Senza l’educazione e l’istruzione, i bambini vengono privati di una speranza per il futuro: per loro sarà impossibile la crescita personale, che inoltre è alla base dello sviluppo economico e sociale di un Paese !

11 Aldo Forbice : “Orrori”
Del problema della violenza sui minori si è occupato anche il giornalista-scrittore Aldo Forbice,nel suo libro “Orrori”, in cui ci presenta la radiografia dei crimini sull’infanzia.

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