The Nullification Crisis Southern Response When Tariffs Get Too High.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nullification Crisis Southern Response When Tariffs Get Too High."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nullification Crisis Southern Response When Tariffs Get Too High

2 Review: Purpose of Tariffs O Why were protective tariffs put in place following the War of 1812? O Why did the three regions of the country agree to the tariffs when they most directly benefit the North?

3 Tariff of 1828/Tariff of Abominations O Follows tariffs in 1816, 1818 and 1824 O Tariffs have been overly successful. People are buying American goods, but British demand for Southern cotton has decreased for two reasons:

4 Southern Response States’ rights- States have the right to limit the power of the federal government Nullification- States may cancel any federal law they believe to be unconstitutional

5 States’ or Federal Rights? “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable,” – Daniel Webster “The Union- next to our liberty, most dear,” – John C. Calhoun “Our Federal Union – it must be preserved!” -Andrew Jackson

6 A Lower Tariff- 1832 O But not low enough! South Carolina passes the Nullification Act – declares the tariff illegal O Warns the U.S. government that the state of South Carolina will secede if forced to pay the tariff What is Jackson’s response and how does it impact the United States?

7 Planner Take out Frederick Douglass Notes

8 Describe what happened during the Nullification Crisis. Your answer should include the following terms… nullify Tariff of Abominations Tariff of 1832 states’ rightsCalhoun Jacksonsecede Force Bill

9 Review: Jackson Then and Now O Why was Jackson popular during his presidency? O In what ways was he controversial? O Why do many Americans view Jackson negatively today? O What were some important achievements of his presidency, as viewed by modern Americans?

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