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Español 1 lunes el 22 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up Quiz: vocab 1.1 Practice: Tarea (HW): Continue to review vocabulary 1.1 Pick Up New Warm Up Sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Español 1 lunes el 22 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up Quiz: vocab 1.1 Practice: Tarea (HW): Continue to review vocabulary 1.1 Pick Up New Warm Up Sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Español 1 lunes el 22 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up Quiz: vocab 1.1 Practice: Tarea (HW): Continue to review vocabulary 1.1 Pick Up New Warm Up Sheet

2 Español 1 lunes el 22 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up Quiz Review – Quiz on vocab 1.1 tomorrow Poetry Slam (9 th graders) Tarea (HW): Continue to review vocabulary 1.1 for tomorrow’s quiz! Pick Up New Warm Up Sheet

3 Warm Up: Spanish 1 lunes 9/22 Last Minute Study Time! Review your list on your own Study with your seat mate (quiz each other)

4 Español 2 lunes el 22 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up Quiz: er/ir verb definitions Verbs in Context & Necesito Practicar WS Tarea (HW): Start to review irregular verb conjugation notes Verb Conjugations Test later this week! Quiz if you were absent Friday! Pick Up New Warm Up Sheet

5 Warm Up: Spanish2 lunes 9/22 Last Minute Study Time! Review your list on your own Study with your seat mate (quiz each other)

6 Español 1 martes el 23 de septiembre Daily Warm-up Quiz (6 th hour only) Notes: Subject Pronouns – Practice Worksheets: Finish Selecting Pronouns Sheet Tarea (HW): - Review notes & memorize the Spanish subject pronouns. -Keep reviewing vocab 1.1

7 Warm Up: Spanish 1 martes 9/23 Translate the following sentences into Spanish: 1.This is Mrs. Benner, she is my best friend. 2.This is Mr. Kment, he is my teacher. 3.Hector is a classmate.

8 Español 2 martes el 23 de septiembre Daily Warm-up and homework check Video: Cry Me a Verb Review of Irregular verb notes Irregular Verb Practice: common verbs #5 Tarea (HW): Review irregular verb conjugation notes and regular verb endings. Verb Conjugations Test later this week!

9 Warm Up: Spanish2 martes 9/23 Write out each sentence. Then underline the subject and circle the verb in each sentence. 1.Sancho lee el libro de español. 2.Yo vivo en 12 mile. 3.Nosotros estudiamos mucho.

10 Español 1 miércoles el 24 de septiembre Daily Warm-up & Song Go over Selecting Pronouns homework Video: Pronouns Subject Pronouns Worksheets – Homework if you don’t finish Tarea (HW): -Memorize subject pronouns -Finish pronouns worksheet 1

11 Warm Up: Spanish 1 miércoles 9/24 Use your notes and write the Spanish subject pronouns: 1.I 2.You (informal) 3.He 4.We 5.You (all) 6.They (f)

12 Español 2 miércoles el 24 de septiembre Daily Warm-up White Board Practice 7.1 vocab definitions sheet – Homework if you don’t finish Tarea (HW): -Study for conjugation test (reg. & irreg. verbs). Conjugations Test Friday!!! YOU NEED YOUR TEXTBOOK!

13 Warm Up: Spanish2 miércoles 9/24 Translate the following sentences into español: 1.The girls go to the mall. 2.I say “hi” to the teacher. 3.We have a lot of homework.  4.Paco eats lunch in the cafeteria.

14 Español 1 jueves el 25 de septiembre Daily Warm-up & homework collection White Board Practice (pronouns) Notes: Subject and Verbs in Sentences – Identifying Subjects & Verbs worksheet Tarea (HW): - Memorize subject pronouns -Study Subject & Verb notes YOU NEED YOUR BOOK!

15 Warm Up: Spanish1 jueves 9/25 1.What do “tú” and “usted” mean? 2.Explain the difference for when you would use each one.

16 Español 2 jueves el 25 de septiembre Daily Warm-up Quick Test Review (verb conjugations) Review vocab list 7.1 Body parts power point Tarea (HW): -Study for your verb conjugations Test (It’s tomorrow!!) -Start to study vocab 7.1 (focus on body parts)

17 Warm Up: Spanish2 jueves 9/25 1.What type of irregular verbs are almorzar, tener, querer,poder, and decir? 2.In what form are ver, saber, conocer,hacer, poner, salir, decir, tener, and dar irregular? 3.What are the forms of the verb IR (to go)?

18 Español 1 viernes el 26 de septiembre Daily Warm-up & turn in Go over homework Game: Toca la Estrella Book Work: _____ Tarea (HW): - Memorize subject pronouns -Study Subject & Verb notes Test Tuesday on Pronouns & identifying Subjects & verbs in sentences.

19 Warm Up: Spanish1 viernes 9/26 Write out each sentence and then underline the subject and circle the verb. 1.La muchacha es mi amiga. 2.Señor Taylor es mi profesor. 3.Mi compañera de clase es Maria.

20 Español 2 viernes el 26 de septiembre Daily Warm-up & turn in Test: verb conjugation Finish going over vocab sheet 7.1 Reflexive Verb Pic. Sheet Tarea (HW): -Start to study vocab 7.1 (focus on body parts)

21 Warm Up: Spanish2 viernes 9/26 Give a short explanation of what you did to study for this test and how much time over the last week you spent in study time. *When you are finished, put your name on your warm up sheet and turn it in.

22 Partner Practice: Conversation In español, have the following conversation: Give a greeting Ask them their name Ask how they are Ask where they are from Give a goodbye *Switch roles and do it again!!

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