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Presentation on theme: "Daniele Santini RUOLO DEI BISFOSFONATI NEL TRATTAMENTO"— Presentation transcript:

DEL PAZIENTE ANZIANO CON NEOPLASIA METASTATICA ALL’OSSO Daniele Santini Oncologia Medica Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Presente e futuro della terapia di supporto in oncologia Roma, Giugno 2006

2 Metastatic Bone Disease Is Prevalent
5-year world prevalence, thousands1 Incidence of bone metastases in cancers2 Median survival, Months2-4 Myeloma 144 6 - 54 Renal 480 12 Melanoma 533 6 More lytic Bladder 1,000 40 6 - 9 Thyroid 475 60 48 More blastic Lung 1,394 6 - 7 Incidence of bone metastases in cancers High incidence of bone metastases sets the stage for skeletal complications A wide range of cancer types is associated with a high incidence of skeletal involvement, and the resulting lesions vary in radiographic appearance across a continuum from osteolytic to osteoblastic Approximately 80% of patients with multiple myeloma have radiographic evidence of predominantly osteolytic bone destruction The prevalence (number of cases worldwide during a 5-year period) of bone metastases is greatest in breast and prostate cancer, reflecting both the high incidence and the relatively long clinical courses of these tumors.1 These 2 cancers probably account for more than 80% of cases of metastatic bone disease. Bone metastases associated with breast cancer are typically a mixture of osteolytic, mixed, and osteoblastic lesions, whereas prostate carcinoma is usually associated with sclerotic (osteoblastic) lesions Bone metastases cause considerable morbidity—including pain, impaired mobility, pathologic fracture, spinal-cord or nerve-root compression, and hypercalcemia of malignancy (HCM)2 References Ferlay J, Bray F, Pisani P, Parkin DM. IARC Globocon Cancer Incidence, Mortality, and Prevalence. Coleman RE. Skeletal complications of malignancy. Cancer. 1997;80: Breast 3,860 Prostate 1,555 1. Ferlay J, et al. IARC Globocon Cancer Incidence, Mortality, and Prevalence. 2. Coleman RE. Cancer Treat Rev. 2001;27: 3. Coleman RE. Cancer. 1997;80: 4. Zekri J et al. Int J Oncol. 2001;19:

3 Prevalence of Skeletal-Related Events in Clinical Trials (Placebo Group)
% of patients Pamidronate trials Zol trials Disease Breast Myeloma Prostate Lung/Others Observation time 24 months 21 months 24 months 21 months Total SREs 68 51* 49 48 Radiation to bone Fractures Hypercalcemia of malignancy Surgery to bone 11 5† 4 5 Spinal cord compression 3 3† 8 4 In the placebo-controlled trials of pamidronate and zoledronic acid, the placebo arm provides an accurate picture of the extent to which patients suffer these various skeletal complications Radiation to bone and pathologic fractures are the most common events, reflecting the burden of bone pain and the fragility of patients’ bones Patients with breast cancer have the highest incidence of skeletal complications—approximately half the patients in the placebo arm experienced a fracture over the 2 years on study, and 11% of patients required orthopedic surgery Therefore, there is a great need to provide effective therapy to reduce the risk of these painful and debilitating skeletal complications *Excluding hypercalcemia

4 Key Issues End points nel trattamento delle metastasi ossee
Efficacia dei differenti bifosfonati nelle diverse patologie tumorali Safety and elderly Ruolo dei bifosfonati in adiuvante Ruolo dei bifosfonati nella prevenzione dell’osteoporosi indotta dal trattamento antineoplastico Possiamo ottimizzare l’efficacia dei bifosfonati? Schedula ottimale Altre opzioni teraputiche

5 Different Classes of Bisphosphonates1,2
1 gen 2 gen 3 gen etidronate clodronate tiludronate pamidronate alendronate ibandronate 1. Thurlimann B. Bisphosphonates in Clinical Oncology: Focus on Pamidronate 2. Fleisch H, Endocr Rev zoledronic acid

6 Efficacia dei diversi bisfosfonati
Zoledronic acid 10 3 Ibandronate Risedronate 10 2 Olpadronate Alendronate Relative inhibitory potency in vitro, bone cultures Pamidronate Clodronate 10 1 Neridronate L’acido zoledronico, con l’inclusione di due atomi di azoto nell’anello eterociclico, ha una potenza da 100 a volte maggiore rispetto agli altri bisfosfonati. 10 R = 0.97 Etidronate 10 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 Relative inhibitory potency in vivo, hypercalcemic rat Green JR, et al. J Bone Miner Res. 1994;9:

7 Eventi scheletrici (SRE) rilevabili nei pazienti neoplastici
Necessità di radioterapia per il dolore osseo o per trattare o prevenire fratture patologiche o compressione spinale Fratture patologiche Compressione spinale Necessità di chirurgia ortopedica Ipercalcemia neoplastica (HCM) Johnson R et al, J Clin Oncol, 2003

8 Stime di efficacia per la valutazione del trattamento con bisfosfonati
First event analysis Percent of patients with  1 event Time to first event Skeletal morbidity rate (SMR) Number of events per person per defined time period (usually 1 yr) Skeletal morbidity period rate (SMPR) Number of specific time intervals (eg, 12-week period) per person with new skeletal complications Multiple event analysis Considers all skeletal events and the time to each event Sulla base della rilevazione del “composite endpoint” SREs vengono di norma utilizzate varie metodiche di stima di efficacia basate : sul primo SRE rilevato sul numero di SREs osservati nel tempo per ciascun soggetto sul numero di definiti intervalli di tempo con SRE per ciascun soggetto (metodica peculiare per l’Ibandronato) sul tempo alla comparsa di ciascun SRE, per tutti gli SREs complessivamente osservati

9 Efficacy of bisphosphonates in Patients With Breast Cancer

10 Ca. mammario: bisfosfonati vs. placebo
% pazienti con ≥1 SRE % P BP placebo decrease value Pamidronate % <0.001 Oral Ibandronate % 0.122 IV Ibandronate % 0.052 Zoledronic acid % 0.003 1Lipton, Cancer 2000; 2Body, Ann Oncol 2003; 3Body, Br J Cancer 2004; 4Kohno, J Clin Oncol 2005 L’acido zoledronico riduce del 40% la percentuale di pazienti con almeno un SRE raddoppia l’efficacia a sua volta dimostrata dal pamidronato vs. placebo dimostra un’efficacia di gran lunga superiore rispetto alle due formulazioni di ibandronato* nei confronti di placebo NB I confronti indiretti del tipo “se A è migliore di B e C non è migliore di B, allora A è migliore di C” hanno solo valore informativo, non assoluto! * Il confronto fra ciascuna delle due formulazioni di ibandronato vs placebo non ha raggiunto la significatività statistica in entrambi i casi Coleman R, 5th International Conference on CIBD, Davos 2005

11 Ca. mammario: bisfosfonati vs. placebo
mediana del tempo a comparsa del primo SRE % P BP placebo increase value Clodronate % 0.022 Pamidronate % 0.001 Oral Ibandronate % 0.089 IV Ibandronate % 0.018 Zoledronic acid5 NR %* 0.007 1Pavlakis, Cochrane review 2004; 2Lipton, Cancer 2000; 3Body, Ann Oncol 2003; 4Body, Br J Cancer 2004; 5Kohno, J Clin Oncol 2005; *estimated L’acido zoledronico incrementa di oltre il 100% il tempo a comparsa del primo SRE quasi raddoppia l’effetto a sua volta dimostrato dal clodronato vs. placebo aumenta del 25% l’effetto del pamidronato vs. placebo dimostra un’efficacia di gran lunga superiore rispetto alle due formulazioni di ibandronato* nei confronti di placebo NB I confronti indiretti del tipo “se A è migliore di B e C non è migliore di B, allora A è migliore di C” hanno solo valore informativo, non assoluto! * Il confronto fra la formulazione orale di ibandronato vs placebo non ha raggiunto la significatività statistica Coleman R, 5th International Conference on CIBD, Davos 2005

12 Ca. mammario: Ac.Zoledronico vs. pamidronato
Independent Survival-Adjusted Multiple Event Analysis (Cook & Lawless approach) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.8 Cumulative expected SREs, n L’acido zoledronico riduce in maniera significativa l’incidenza nel tempo degli SREs, per tutti gli SREs complessivamente osservati (multiple-event analysis) rispetto al pamidronato Pamidronate P = .046 Zoledronic acid 4 mg 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Time since randomization, months Major P, et al. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol. 2003;22:762. Abstract 3062.

13 Ca. mammario: Ac.Zoledronico vs. pamidronato
Multiple event analysis (Andersen-Gill) Risk reduction P value .799 +HCM 20% .025 .816 –HCM 18% .042 L’acido zoledronico è in grado di ridurre il rischio globale di SREs (multiple-event analysis) del 20% circa rispetto al pamidronato, indipendentemente dalla presenza o meno di ipercalcemia neoplastica. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Risk ratio (zoledronic 4 mg acid versus pam) In favor of zoledronic acid In favor of pamidronate Rosen LS, et al. Cancer. 2003;98:

14 Ca. mammario: Ac.Zoledronico vs. pamidronato
Presenza di dolore osseo all’arruolamento mean BPI change from baseline Zoledronic acid L’acido zoledronico riduce il dolore osseo (già presente al momento dell’instaurazione del trattamento) in maniera paragonabile a quanto ottenibile con il pamidronato Pamidronate 12 24 36 48 Time on study (weeks) Lipton, 5th International Conference on CIBD, Davos 2005 (data not published)

15 Ca. mammario: Ac.Zoledronico vs. pamidronato
Non dolore osseo all’arruolamento Pamidronate mean BPI change from baseline Zoledronic acid L’acido zoledronico previene la comparsa di dolore osseo (non presente al momento dell’instaurazione del trattamento) in maniera sostanzialmente maggiore a quanto ottenibile con il pamidronato 12 24 36 48 Time on study (weeks) Lipton, 5th International Conference on CIBD, Davos 2005 (data not published)

16 Efficacia dei bisfosfonati in neoplasie diverse dal ca. mammario
Etidronate ineffective Intravenous clodronate no significant effect on pain in prostate cancer Oral clodronate no significant effect on progression/survival in prostate cancer Oral / intravenous ibandronate Pain relief in urological malignancies Coleman R, 5th International Conference on CIBD, Davos 2005

17 Efficacy of bisphosphonates in Patients With Prostate Cancer

18 Stadio : M+ ossee Metastasi ossea è associata ad una significativa morbidità (dolore a volte intrattabile e fratture patologiche) 30% - 50% dei pazienti PCa M+ hanno un episodio di SREs nei due anni di follow up (Berruti, 2000 – Saad, 2004) 7% – 16% di fratture secondarie a M+ ossee (Melton, 2003 – Townsend,1997) Frattura può correlarsi con la diminuzione della sopravvivenza (10% - 20% degli uomini anziati muore entro 6 m dalla frattura del collo del femore) (Oefelein, 2002 – Riggs, 1995) Data from september 2000 to december 2001 115 ps underwent SNB under local anesthesia in our centre the median age was 54 years old (with a range of years old) the diameter of primary tumor (T) was 1,4 cm

19 Stadio : HRPC 43% di SREs (vertebral collapse=20.5%; fracture=12.5%; spinal cord compression=10%) 5% di SREs avvenuti prima di HRPC 38% di SREs avvenuti in HRPC 100% radioterapia in pts con SREs 6.5% sottoposti a chirurgia Conclusioni: In analisi multivariata il dolore osseo e l’estesione della malattia ossea sono due fattori indipendenti predittivi per SREs Data from september 2000 to december 2001 115 ps underwent SNB under local anesthesia in our centre the median age was 54 years old (with a range of years old) the diameter of primary tumor (T) was 1,4 cm

20 Ca. prostatico: A. Zoledronico vs. placebo
Independent Survival-Adjusted Multiple Event Analysis (Cook & Lawless approach) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.8 Cumulative expected SREs, n L’acido zoledronico riduce in maniera significativa l’incidenza nel tempo degli SREs, per tutti gli SREs complessivamente osservati (multiple-event analysis) rispetto al placebo Placebo P = .0023 Zoledronic acid 4 mg 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Time since randomization, months Major P, et al. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol. 2003;22:762. Abstract 3062.

21 Ca. prostatico: A. Zoledronico vs. placebo
Multiple event analysis (Andersen-Gill) Risk reduction P value 0.640 36% .002 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 L’acido zoledronico è in grado di ridurre il rischio globale di SREs (multiple-event analysis) del 36% rispetto al placebo Risk ratio (zoledronic acid 4 mg versus placebo) In favour of zoledronic acid In favour of placebo Saad et al. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2004

22 Ca. prostatico: A. Zoledronico vs. placebo
Change from baseline pain score (BPI) 1.2 *P < .05 1 0.8 Mean change from baseline * * 0.6 * Mean n baseline BPI Zol 4 mg Placebo 0.4 L’acido zoledronico è in grado di assicurare una significativa riduzione del dolore nel tempo (in termini di modificazioni del questionario BPI dal livello basale) rispetto al placebo 0.2 * 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Time on study, months Saad et al. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2004

23 Overall Survival: Zoledronic Acid
Median, days P value Zol acid 4 mg m Placebo 15.6 m Zol 4 mg Placebo Saad F, et al. JNCI June 2004

24 Altre neoplasie (NSCLC, RCC) A. Zoledronico vs. placebo
Independent Survival-Adjusted Multiple Event Analysis (Cook & Lawless approach) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.8 Cumulative expected SREs, n L’acido zoledronico riduce in maniera significativa l’incidenza nel tempo degli SREs, per tutti gli SREs complessivamente osservati (multiple-event analysis) rispetto al placebo Placebo P = .010 Zoledronic acid 4 mg 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Time since randomization, months Major P, et al. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol. 2003;22:762. Abstract 3062.

25 Altre neoplasie: A. Zoledronico vs. placebo
Multiple event analysis (Andersen-Gill) Risk reduction P value 0.693 All patients 31% .003 0.675 NSCLC 32% .016 0.418 RCC 58% .010 L’acido zoledronico è in grado di ridurre il rischio globale di SREs (multiple-event analysis) del 31% rispetto al placebo Particolarmente interessante è l’entità della riduzione del rischio (58%) osservata nei pazienti con ca. renale 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Risk ratio (zoledronic acid 4 mg versus placebo) In favour of zoledronic acid In favour of placebo *Hypercalcemia of malignancy is included as a skeletal-related event. Data from Rosen et al. Cancer. 2004; RCC subset: Lipton A. Cancer. 2003;98:

26 Tempi di somministrazione dei bisfosfonati
Start no specific data ASCO recommends initiation at time of bone metastasis diagnosis Stop no data continue despite SRE or disease progression “resistance” not defined Coleman R, 5th International Conference on CIBD, Davos 2005


28 Advisory Board on Bisphosphonates in the elderly

29 Osteonecrosi e elderly

30 Elderly and renal function

31 …thus NO higher risk than young patients
Breast cancer and Myeloma Renal safety in elderly versus young population …thus NO higher risk than young patients

32 …thus NO higher risk than young patients
Prostate cancer and other cancers Renal safety in elderly versus young population …thus NO higher risk than young patients

33 Renal safety and elderly

34 Renal Safety of Zoledronic Acid in Patients With Solid Tumors

35 Bisphosphonates and renal function
Bisphosphonates have been associated with subacute or acute renal insufficiency (renal biopsy: acute tubular necrosis ) iv bisphosphonates are associated with dose- and infusion rate dependent effects on renal function - iv pamidronate > 90 mg: higher risk of nephrotoxicity - Zoledronic acid : infusion time lenghtened from 5 to 15 min. and 8mg dose discontinued Clinically relevant serum creatinine increases are rare (< 10%), and generally reversible. However ASCO guidelines and FDA recommend SCr evaluation prior to each dose Saad F, et al: (In press); Rosen LS, et al: (In press) Rosen LS, et al: Cancer 2003;98:

36 Safety of iv Bisphosphonates beyond two years
Few data on long term safety of bisphosphonates, in particular in combination with other anticancer treatments SM Ali et al, JCO 2001 iv pamidronate (18 pts) iv zoledronic acid (4 pts) Mean treatment duration 3.6 yrs (range: ) clinically insignificant increase in SCr

Author # pts BPS therapy Mean Treatment duration Renal function Ali* 22 18 Pam. 4 Zoledronate 3.6 yrs (range: ) Clinically insignificant  SCr Guarneri^ 57 3 Pam. 11 Zoledronate 43 Both 3.5 yrs (range:2-10) Significant  SCr (G1) 12.2% Both ZOL and PAM are safe to use long-term if prescription protocols are adhered with. Ali SM, Esteva FJ, Hortobagyi G. J Clin Oncol. 2001;19: ^ Guarneri et al, The Oncologist, 2005

38 Ibandronate: renal safety
Monitoring of SCr prior to each administration: not mandatory Can be administered in case of renal failure (creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min) - iv 2 mg over 1 hour every 3-4 weeks - oral 50 mg once a week No restriction for use in combination with nephrotoxic agents European Bondronat SmPC. F Hoffman-La Roche Ltd

39 Hypocalcemia induced by bisphosphonates

GENERALMENTE Modesta e graduale (7.5-8 mg/dl (vn mg/dl) Asintomatica Transitoria (può persistere a lungo se Insuff. Renale anche modesta) PRATICAMENTE SEMPRE: IPERPARTORIDISMO SECONDARIO persiste per tutta la durata del trattamento con BPs frequente anche con basse dosi di BPs per os (alendronato, risedronato) nell’osteoporosi postmenopausale è presente nel 30% dei maschi con cr prostata è presente nel 70% dei soggetti > 60 anni (ipovitaminosi D)

500 /1000 mg /die calcio gluconato (bassa compliance/ stipsi) 25 OH vit D (10 gtt Didogyl / settimana) Se ipocalcemia severa (< 7 mg) ASINTOMATICA Rocaltrol 0.5 y 2 volte die mg Calcio per OS Calcio gluconato I.V. solo nel caso TETANIA

42 Studi di terapia adiuvante con Acido Zoledronico
Neoplasia Studio Scopo Ca. mammario AZURE Prevenz. MO IG-S0307 Prevenz. MO Ca. prostatico RADAR Prevenz. MO CECOG Prevenz. MO EAU-ZEUS Prevenz. MO MRC-STAMPEDE Prevenz. / ritardo MO NSCLC (IIIA-IIIB) G2419 Prevenz. /

43 Definitive Adjuvant Bisphosphonate Trials - NSABP B34
Patients: 4,200 patients with stage I or II breast cancer; may receive chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, both, or neither R A N D O M I SE Clodronate 1,600 mg OD  3 yr Placebo  3 yr Recruitment completed

44 Acido Zoledronico adiuvante nel ca. mammario
The AZURE study 3

45 Zoledronic Acid vs. Clodronate / Risedronate in Adjuvant Primary BC
Intergroup Trial S0307 Patients 6,000 stage I, II, IIIa breast cancer patients receiving “standard” systemic therapy Treatment (3 years) Clodronate 1,600 mg po qd vs. Risedronate 30 mg po qd vs. Zoledronic Acid 4 mg IV q month x 6, followed by q3 months

46 “Effectiveness of Zometa® treatment for the prevention of bone metastases in high risk prostate cancer patients. A randomized, open label, multicenter study of the European Association of Urology (EAU) in cooperation with the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group (SPCG) and thye Arbeitsgemeinschaft Urologische Onkologie (EAU) “

47 Study Objective Evaluate if the early administration of Zometa in high risk prostate cancer patients can prevent or delay the appearance of bone metastases.

48 Study Eligibility Non metastatic patients > 18 y/o and ECOG PS = 0
Gleason score > 8 a/o presence of positive lymphnodes a/o PSA > 20 at diagnosis.

49 Study Outline Zometa 4 mg every 3 months Control group
In both groups a supplement of 500 mg calcium and IU of vitamin D will be administered. In case of appearance of bone mets, treatment with BP every 4 weeks is recommended.

50 Bifosfonati e osteoporosi correlata alla neoplasia
Neoplasia prostatica Neoplasia mammaria

51 Meccanismi implicati nella diminuzione della Densità Minerale Ossea (BMD)
Ipogonadismo nella donna menopausa precoce da chemioterapia menopausa precoce da LHRH-analoghi deficit di estrogeni da inibitori delle aromatasi nell’uomo andropausa precoce da chemioterapia orchiectomia / LHRH-analoghi Altri fattori chemioterapia (effetto diretto) glucocorticoidi

52 Risk of Osteoporosis after LHRH Treatment
In men osteopenic at baseline P<0.001 Weston R, Hussain A, Stephenson RN, George E, Parr NJ. Presented at the British Association of Urological Surgeons Annual Meeting June 23-27, 2003, in Manchester, UK.

53 Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) Increases Fracture Risk
50 Orchiectomy Control 40 30 Cumulative fracture incidence (%) 20 Similar to the effects of estrogen deprivation in postmenopausal women, osteoporotic fractures were found to increase in men who had received therapeutic orchiectomy to induce androgen deprivation as treatment for prostate cancer1 The cumulative incidence of first fractures 7 years after diagnosis with nonstage A prostate cancer was 1% for patients who did not undergo therapeutic orchiectomy (dark line) and 28% for patients who underwent orchiectomy (dashed line) Although there are limited long-term data on osteoporotic fracture rates in patients who have been treated with nonsurgical ADT regimens, androgen depletion has been shown to greatly accelerate bone loss2 References Daniell HW. Osteoporosis after orchiectomy for prostate cancer. J Urol. 1997;157: Daniell HW, Dunn SR, Ferguson DW, et al. Progressive osteoporosis during androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. J Urol. 2000;163: 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Years Daniell. J Urol. 1997;157:439.

54 Fractures May Reduce Survival

55 Can Bisphosphonates Prevent Bone Loss Due to ADT?

56 Zoledronic Acid Bone Loss Study
M0 prostate cancer (n=106) RANDOMIZE ADT + zoledronic acid (4 mg q3mo) ADT + placebo *Both arms received a daily oral vitamin D 400 IU and calcium 500 mg Smith et al. J Urol. 2003;169:2008.

57 Results: change from baseline LS mean percent P<0.001 P<0.001
Mean percent change from baseline lumbar spine BMD are presented here Patients in the placebo group had a significant decrease from baseline BMD Loss of BMD was greatest in patients receiving combined therapy with a GnRH agonist and an antiandrogen ZOMETA not only prevented the bone loss associated with ADT, but also increased BMD. The differences in BMD between the ZOMETA and placebo treatment groups were significant for the overall population and for patients receiving each type of ADT Smith et al. J Urol. 2003;169:2008.

58 Fracture Rates in Adjuvant Trials of Aromatase Inhibitors
Tamoxifen /Placebo* Reference ATAC 340 (11%) 237 (7.7%) Howell 2005 BIG 1-98 228 (5.8%) 162 (4.1%) Thurlimann 2005 IES 111 (5.0%) 82 (3.5%) Coleman 2004 ABCSG/ARNO MA-17* 34(2.0%) 137(5.3%) 16 (1.0%) 119 (4.6%) Jakesz 2005 Perez 2004

59 Z-FAST (Zometa-Femara Adjuvant Synergy Trial)
D O M I Z E D Eligibility ER+/PgR+ tumor PMW with T score ≥2 Stratification  adjuvant chemo T score >1 or between 1 and 2 UPFRONT zoledronic acid 4 mg q6mo + letrozole 2.5 mg/d* DELAYED† zoledronic acid 4 mg q6mo + letrozole 2.5 mg/d* 1 y 3 y 5 y (Final analysis) Accrual complete: N=602 *Plus daily calcium ( mg) and vitamin D ( IU). †Initiation determined by postbaseline T score below 2, clinical fracture, or asymptomatic fracture at 36 months. PMW = postmenopausal women. Update of Brufsky et al. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23(16S):12s. Abstract 533.

60 Z-FAST: Changes in Bone Mineral Density at Months 6 and 12
Upfront group Delayed group 4 2 Mean % change (± SD) in BMD (g/cm2) -2 -4 -6 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 -8 Month 6 Month 12 Month 6 Month 12 Lumbar spine Total hip SD = standard deviation; BMD = bone mineral density. Update of Brufsky et al. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23(16S):12s. Abstract 533.

61 Possiamo ottimizzare l’efficacia dei bifosfonati?
Schedula ottimale Altre opzioni teraputiche

62 Bone marker (NTX) directed therapy Zoledronic acid 4mg iv 3-4 weekly
Use of Bone Resorption Markers to Direct Zoledronic Acid Therapy - BISMARK 1400 patients with bone metastases from breast cancer Bone resorption assessed every 16 weeks- Urinary NTX Primary endpoint: Risk of skeletal events (SRE) with time Non-inferiority design R A N D O M I SE Bone marker (NTX) directed therapy Q 4, 8 or 16 weeks Zoledronic acid 4mg iv 3-4 weekly

63 Cell Signaling in the Control of Bone Cell Function-The RANK / RANK-L and OPG System
Hormones, Inflammation and Cancer Osteoclast Precursor products OPG RANK ligand The OPG, OPGL, RANK pathway has been found to be central to the regulation of bone resorption. Hormones, such as PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3, inflammatory cytokines and cancer products such as PTHrP, increase bone resorption by binding to their receptors on osteoblasts. Osteoblasts (the cells which make bone) then express OPG ligand which acts on osteoclast precursors to induce osteoclast formation and on mature osteoclasts to increase activity and survival. OPG opposes this process and is also produced by osteoblasts. Osteoclast Osteoblasts BONE 3

64 AMG 162 Fully Human MoAb with high affinity and specificity for RANKL that can bind and neutralize the activity of human RANKL similar to the action of native OPG. Clinical experience: Single doses of up to 3 mg/kg sc or iv have been studied A single sc or iv dose was effective in reducing markers of bone turnover (urinary NTX), and the duration of effect was at least 6 months at higher doses in healthy postmenopausal women, and 3 mos in MM or MBC

65 Urinary NTx/Creatinine % of Baseline (Mean ± SD)
Breast Cancer Phase 1: Inhibition of Bone Turnover in AMG 162 vs. Pamidronate Urinary NTx/Creatinine % of Baseline (Mean ± SD) In breast cancer patients, AMG 162 produced rapid (within 24 hours) and sustained reductions in bone turnover as assessed by percent change from baseline in uNTx/creatinine. Inhibition of bone turnover was more sustained with AMG 162 (1.0 and 3.0 mg/kg) compared to pamidronate. At doses greater than 0.3 mg/kg, AMG 162 produced marked suppression in uNTx/creatinine with median maximal suppression greater than 75%. A 1.0 mg/kg dose produced sustained median suppression (>70%) for the duration of the study (84 days).1,2 Peterson MC, et al. Pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of AMG 162, a fully human monoclonal antibody to Receptor Activator of NF kappa B Ligand (RANKL), following a single subcutaneous dose to patients with cancer-related bone lesions. Poster presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 5-8, 2004, St Louis, MO. Peterson MC, Martin SW, Stouch B, et al. Pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of AMG 162, a fully human monoclonal antibody to Receptor Activator of NF kappa B Ligand (RANKL), following a single subcutaneous dose to patients with cancer-related bone lesions. J Clin Oncol 2004;22(July 15 Supplement):14S. Abstract 8106. Peterson MC, et al. Proc. ASCO 2004

Courtesy by Donatella Decise


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