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Puerto Rico Researched via: Student Name: Vanessa Polin Date: 5-13-10.

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Presentation on theme: "Puerto Rico Researched via: Student Name: Vanessa Polin Date: 5-13-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puerto Rico Researched via: Student Name: Vanessa Polin Date: 5-13-10

2 Where is Puerto Rico located? Puerto Rico is the smallest of the group of islands known as the West Indies or Greater Antilles in the Atlantic Ocean. Along with the Lesser Antilles, South and Central America, the West Indies surround the Caribbean Sea.

3 Flag, Motto, Anthem: Motto : “John is his name”. Anthem: "La Borinqueña". La tierra de Borinquén donde he nacido yo, es un jardín florido de mágico fulgor. Un cielo siempre nítido le sirve de dosel y dan arrullos plácidos las olas a sus pies. Cuando a sus playas llegó Colón; Exclamó lleno de admiración; "Oh!, oh!, oh!, esta es la linda tierra que busco yo". Es Borinquén la hija, la hija del mar y el sol, del mar y el sol, del mar y el sol, del mar y el sol, del mar y el sol.

4 Sports: Baseball Basketball Biking and skating Boating and sailing Bowling Camping Cockfighting Cycling Diving Fishing Golf Hiking Horse racing Marathons

5 History: The Taíno culture was the first infuence in Puerto Rican culture but it was Spanish culture which most greatly infuenced the island's history until the beggining of this century. When the Spanish forced the Tainos into slavery, virtually the entire indigenous population was decimated, except for a few Amerindians who escaped into the remote mountains. Eventually they intermarried with the poor Spanish farmers and became known as jíbaros. Because of industrialization and migration to the cities few real jíbaros remain. Puerto Rico also has a rich African culture dating from the importation of Africans as slaves by the Spaniards in past centuries. The people of Puerto Rico represent a mixture of races, cultures, languages and religions. They draw their unique heritage from the Tainos, from Spanish loyalists who sought refuge here, from the African slaves and from other Caribbean islanders who came to the island in search of jobs.The Spanish they speak is a mix too, different somewhat from Castillian Spanish, with many words borrowed from the pre-Colombian Amerindian tongue right up to modern-day English.American culture has had a progressive effect upon Puerto RicanTaíno culture culture since 1898 but especially so after the 40's. Some Puerto Ricans are not happy with the result of that influence; others welcome it.

6 Famous People / Role Models: Acosta, José Julian (1825--1891) Acosta, Juan F. (1890-- 1968) Agrelot, José Miguel (1927--2004) Baldorioty de Castro, Román (1822--1889) Barbosa, José Celso (1857--1921) Batista, Tomás (1935--) Benitez, Maria BibianaAcosta, José Julian Acosta, Juan F. Agrelot, José Miguel Baldorioty de Castro, Román Barbosa, José Celso Batista, Tomás Benitez, Maria Bibiana

7 What do you or your peers like the most about Puerto Rico? They like that Puerto Rico has many sports that you’re able to play when going on a vacation to visit.

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