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DITANET International Conference: Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Diagnostics Centro Nacional de Aceleradores Seville, 9-11 November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "DITANET International Conference: Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Diagnostics Centro Nacional de Aceleradores Seville, 9-11 November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 DITANET International Conference: Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Diagnostics Centro Nacional de Aceleradores Seville, 9-11 November 2011

2 MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION Y CIENCIA Parque Tecnológico Cartuja’93, Avda.Thomas Alva Edison nº 7, E-41092 – Sevilla. Spain Phone: +34.95.4460553, Fax: +34.95.4460145

3 CNA is:  A research centre.  A user facility (ICTS) open to the research of external scientists.  A laboratory which provides advanced scientific services.  A good environment for the training of scientists and technicians.

4 Tándem 3MV

5 Líneas (7) Líneas (7)

6 Ciclotrón de 18 MeV (p) Producción de radiofármacos PET 18 F, 11 C, 13 N, 15 O Colaboración con IBA Línea externa: implantación, daños por radiación

7 Radiofarmacia Se ha producido FNa y FLT (Fluorotimidina) para investigación. IBA-Molypharma distribuye FDG a los centros sanitarios del SAS

8 SARA, AMS system in CNA

9 New facilities at CNA Underground laboratory 60 Co irradiator PET-CT scanner 14C AMS compact accelerator

10 Objectives and research lines Objectives and research lines  Materials science  Nuclear science and technology.  Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)  Production of PET isotopes and bio- medical research.


12 ‹‹ novel DIagnostic Techniques for future particle Accelerators: A Marie Curie Initial Training NETwork ››

13 A „typical“ Accelerator Diagnostics Multi-disciplinary field ! Camera OTR Light  Material sciences  Thermodynamics  Electro-Magnetism  Optics  Mechanics  Electronics  Nuclear Physics  …

14 What is DITANET ?  Largest-ever EU funded training network in beam instrumentation and diagnostics;  Aim: Training of early stage researchers (18 ESRs, 3 ERs)  Gives industry an important role;  Presently 28 partners (and growing...)  Recognized importance of beam diagnostics at European level ! (only 68 from 905 selected - with 11 in physics) C.P. Welsch, Proc. BIW 2010, IPAC 2011

15 The DITANET Consortium Network Participants Associated Partners

16 Adjunct Partners  Part of a long term strategy – DITANET is growing Interested in joining ? Interested in joining ?

17 Dissemination: DITANET Website

18 Quarterly Newsletter  Part of the dissemination strategy  Contribution from all network partners  Announcement and review of activities  >400 recipients, growing –Registration by Email.

19 Dissemination: DITANET Prize  For early stage researchers, 1.000 €  International Competition, open to external candidates  First award: Dr. Frank Becker, GSI, Germany for Beam Induced Fluorescence (BIF)-Monitor Next Call: 31.10.2011 Next Call: 31.10.2011

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