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Spanish Verbs Megan Murlless Laura Haller Lindsey Mahn Gabrielle Swaney.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Verbs Megan Murlless Laura Haller Lindsey Mahn Gabrielle Swaney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Verbs Megan Murlless Laura Haller Lindsey Mahn Gabrielle Swaney

2 Acabar To have just

3 Alquilar To rent

4 Andar To Ride

5 Apagar To turn off

6 Ayudar To help

7 Bailar To Dance

8 Bucear To dive

9 Caminar To walk

10 Cantar To sing

11 Cenar To have dinner

12 Comprar To buy

13 Contestar To Answer

14 Cuidar To take care of

15 Desayunar To have breakfast

16 Descansar to rest

17 dejar To leave

18 doblar To turn

19 Ense ñar To teach

20 Escuchar To Listen

21 Esperar To wait for/ to expect

22 Esquiar To ski

23 Estudiar To study

24 Ganar To Win

25 Hablar To Talk

26 Invitar To Invite

27 Lavar To Wash

28 Levantar To lift

29 Limpiar To clean

30 Llamar To call

31 Llegar To Arrive

32 Llevar To wear/ carry

33 Mandar To Send

34 Mirar To watch/ look at

35 Nadar To swim

36 Necesitar To need

37 Pagar To pay

38 Pasar To pass

39 Patinar To skate

40 Pescar To fish

41 Planchar To iron

42 Practicar To practice

43 Preparar To prepare

44 Presentar To present

45 Regresar To return

46 Repasar To review

47 Sacar To take

48 Tocar To play (an instrument)

49 Trabajar To work

50 Usar To use

51 Viajar To travel

52 Visitar To visit

53 Aprender To learn

54 Beber To drink

55 Comer To eat

56 Comprender To understand

57 Creer To believe

58 Deber To should/ ought to

59 Leer To read

60 Vender To sell

61 Ver To see

62 Compartir To share

63 Escribir To write

64 Decidir To decide

65 Recibir To receive

66 Vivir To live

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