…. Periods of Bible History Bible Narrative Periods of Bible History Before the Flood Flood Scattering of the People Patriarchs Exodus Genesis 1-5 Genesis.

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2 Periods of Bible History Bible Narrative

3 Periods of Bible History Before the Flood Flood Scattering of the People Patriarchs Exodus Genesis 1-5 Genesis 6-10 Genesis 11 Genesis 12-50 Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers 1-13

4 Periods of Bible History Wandering in the Wilderness Invasion and Conquest Judges United Kingdom Num 14-36; Deut; Joshua 1-5 Joshua 4-24 Judges; Ruth; 1 Sam 1-9 1 Sam 10-1 King 11; (b) 1 Chr 10-2 Chr 9

5 United Kingdom Saul David Solomon 1 Samuel 10-31; 1 Chronicles 10 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles 11-29 1 Kings 1-11; 2 Chronicles 1-9

6 Lesson 9 David in the Wilderness 1 Sam 23:15–29 David Spares Saul 1 Sam 24



9  Jonathan Covenants Againvv. 15-18 David at Horesh in Ziph wilderness Learns Saul had come out to take his life Jonathan comes to help David find strength in the Lord Relinquishes crown vv. 17-18 (cf. 18:4) Covenant again (18:3; 20:8) Jonathan returns home, David stays David in the Wilderness Ch. 23

10  Ziphites Plot With Saulvv. 19-25 Ziphites go to Saul Report David is hiding in strongholds of Horesh, on the hill of Hakilah, S of Jeshimon Saul may come when ready, the Ziphites will be responsible for handing over David David in the Wilderness Ch. 23

11  Ziphites Plot With Saulvv. 19-25 Saul greets Ziphites with the Lord’s blessing [not!] Saul asks them to spy on David for he is very crafty Saul will search the clans of Judah for David Ziphites leave ahead of Saul David in the Wilderness Ch. 23

12  Ziphites Plot With Saulvv. 19-25 David and his men are in the Desert of Maon, in the Arabah, S of Jeshimon Saul and his men begin the search, David is told about it David goes to the rock in Desert of Maon, Saul finds out and goes there Psalms 54 David in the Wilderness Ch. 23

13  David Barely Escapesvv. 26-29 Saul was going along one side of the mountain, David and his men were on the other side hurrying to get away As Saul and men are closing in on David, a messenger arrives… David in the Wilderness Ch. 23

14  David Barely Escapesvv. 26-29 “Come quickly! The Philistines are raiding the land.” Saul quits pursuing David and goes against the Philistines The rock = Sela Hammahlekoth (Rock of Parting or Escape) David goes to the strongholds at En Gedi David in the Wilderness Ch. 23



17  David Spares Saul’s Lifevv. 1-15 Saul returns from pursuing Philistines Is told David is in En Gedi Saul takes 3000 chosen men of Israel Looks for David near the Crags of the Wild Goats Saul enters a cave near the sheep pens to ‘relieve himself’ David Spares Saul Ch. 24

18  David Spares Saul’s Lifevv. 1-15 David and men hiding far back in the same cave David’s men encourage him – the Lord has delivered David’s enemy into his hand David secretly cuts off a corner of Saul’s robe David Spares Saul Ch. 24

19  David Spares Saul’s Lifevv. 1-15 Afterward, David is conscience stricken Tells his men the Lord forbid that he do such a thing to his master, the Lord’s anointed David rebukes his men and did not allow them to attack Saul Saul leaves and goes on his way David Spares Saul Ch. 24

20  David Spares Saul’s Lifevv. 1-15 David exits cave and calls out to Saul, “My lord, the king!” Saul looks behind and David bows, face to the ground David’s plea vv. 9-15 David Spares Saul Ch. 24 lesson

21  Saul Asks Covenantvv. 16-22 Saul asks, “Is this your voice, my son David?” Saul weeps; - David is more righteous than he - David did good, Saul did evil - The Lord delivered, but David did not kill him - I know you will be king David Spares Saul Ch. 24

22  Saul Asks Covenantvv. 16-22 Saul asks David to swear that he will not cut off his descendants and destroy the name of his father’s house David gives oath to Saul (cf. 1S 19:4-7 vs. ch. 26) Saul returns home; David returns to stronghold Psalm 57 David Spares Saul Ch. 24

23 (1) Be unselfish in our dealings with others Jonathan unselfish regarding David David unselfish regarding kingship Gen. 13:9 Abram and Lot Gen. 50:21 Joseph and his brothers Rom. 15:1-3; 2 Cor. 8:9 Christ Phil. 2:3-8

24 (2)1 Sam. 24:4 – There is a warning in this that some ‘providences’ are really not that at all. Time and chance happen to all. Ecc. 9:11 e.g. Jonah finding a ship for Tarshish 1:3

25 (3)Overcome evil with good Romans 12:9-21 1 Peter 3:17-18


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