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Networked through-water digital com/nav

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1 US Navy Seaweb program Undersea acoustic sensing, signaling, communications & networks
Networked through-water digital com/nav Scalable wide-area wireless grid Composable architectural flexibility Fixed and mobile autonomous nodes Gateways to command centers Persistent and pervasive Low source level, wide band, high freq TRANSEC attributes Integrating sensors, UUVs, SSNs Sponsors: ONR, PEO LMW, SOCOM PEO IIS, CTTSO, PEO C4I & Space, PEO IWS, OSD, DARPA, SBIR Collaborations: TTCP Unet (Undersea networking) DARPA DTN (Disruption-Tolerant Networking) ONR DADS (Deployable Autonomous Distributed Sys) ONR ASAP (Adaptive Sampling & Prediction) OSD Coalition Warfare Seaweb is in routine use by several client programs POC: (831) Seaweb is an SSC San Diego S&T product expected to reach Milestone C in FY08. Seaweb is an enabling technology for an ASW sensor network program (DADS), an ISR sensor network program, and a METOC sensor network program. Seaweb is routinely applied to undersea data telemetry, UUV command & control, and sea-mine remote control. Seaweb modems are COTS items developed by Navy SBIR contracts. Seaweb modem software is Navy developed and controlled. Seaweb racom (radio/acoustic communication) gateway buoys incorporate various radio types, including Iridium SATCOM, FreeWave Line-of-Sight packet radio, Cellular telephone modem, Special Radio, and GPS. Seaweb has been integrated with organic submarine sonar. Seaweb has successfully supported submarine networked Comms at Speed & Depth (Fleet Battle Experiment India and TASWEX-04). Seaweb is certified to carry encrypted GCCS-M messages. J. Rice, “Enabling Undersea FORCEnet with Seaweb Acoustic Networks,” Biennial Review 2003, SSC San Diego TD 3155, pp , Dec 2003

2 Iridium, FreeWave, Telesonar Telesonar repeater nodes
US Navy Seaweb program Applied research, “Discovery & Invention”, 6.2 funding Art of the possible for Maritime sensor networks & Undersea Distributed Networked Systems (UDNS) Iridium satellite Ashore & afar command centers Racom buoy with Iridium, FreeWave, Telesonar UUVs SDV SSN/SSGN with Seaweb server Telesonar repeater nodes ASW / ISR / MCM nodes Float Telesonar modem Acoustic release Weight

3 SPAWAR SBIR topic N advanced and commercialized DSP-based acoustic comms SBIR contractor: Teledyne Benthos (formerly Datasonics, Inc.) Pre-SBIR ATM ATM-865 SBIR Phase-2 ATM-875 SBIR Phase-3 ATM-885 TMS320C5410 3rd generation telesonar Spiral development all analog 10 b/s FSK TMS320C50 2nd generation telesonar Spiral development SBIR Phase-1 ATM-850 (not shown) achievement: Stable COTS hardware COTS & Navy firmware 8X less expensive 40X more efficient Multi-band MFSK 1st generation telesonar Technology transfer from MIT/WHOI 2007: 4th gen telesonar with TRANSEC features

4 TBED Navy’s first experimental digital sensor network 1995-96
“TBED” Telemetry Buoy Environmental Data NSWC Coastal Systems Station, Panama City, FL Objective: telemeter environmental data from distributed seafloor sensor nodes to one or more gateway nodes Sea test in 1996 Gulf of Mexico, 60 km offshore Panama City, 45-m water 8-km node-to-node ranges achieved 4 Datasonics ATM-850 telesonar modems 150-bit/s, 1024-bit messages Flooding protocol designed for up to 10 nodes Advantages: Simple, COTS modem firmware, Plug & play, Routing tables not required, Centralized control not required Disadvantages: Redundant communications, Not bandwidth efficient for fixed network, High latency Analogous to terrestrial “Zebranet” Well suited for delay-tolerant AUV mobile networks J. Rice, et al, “Evolution of Seaweb Underwater Acoustic Networking” Proc IEEE Oceans 2000

5 Seaweb ’98 engineering experiment Buzzards Bay, MA, September 1999 An undersea wireless sensor network employing ten telesonar modems and an RF gateway buoy 41°43´ Racom-1 10-m water depths 10 ATM-875 telesonar modems 3-FDMA 3 sensor nodes FreeWave gateway Bi-directional routing tables Scaleable architecture ATM-875 Isobath contours at 5-meter intervals 1 km 41°35´ 70°46´ 70°36´ M. D. Green, J. A. Rice and S. Merriam, “Underwater acoustic modem configured for use in a local area network,” Proc. IEEE Oceans ’98 Conf., Vol. 2, pp , Nice France, September 1998

6 Seaweb ’99 engineering experiment Buzzards Bay, MA, August 1999 SSC San Diego, Delphi, Benthos, SAIC
FreeWave 900-MHz LOS gateway Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) gateways Seaweb server 15 ATM-875 nodes Seaweb ‘99 firmware FDMA-6 network Node addressing Ranging Handshake protocol Adaptive power control Remote-controlled routing Commercial sensors J. Rice, et al, “Evolution of Seaweb Underwater Acoustic Networking” Proc IEEE Oceans 2000

7 Seaweb 2000 engineering experiment
Buzzards Bay, Aug-Sept 2000 ATM-885 modems FreeWave LOS gateway Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) gateways Asynchronous TDMA Rerouting RTS/CTS handshake + ARQ Isobath contours at 5-meter intervals

8 Demonstrated capabilities: FRONT ocean observatory National Oceanographic Partnership Program
Jan-June, 2002 FRONT-3 March-June, 2001 Concept D. L. Codiga, et al, “Networked Acoustic Modems for Real-Time Data Telemetry from Distributed Subsurface Instruments in the Coastal Ocean: Application to Array of Bottom-Mounted ADCPs,” J. Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology, June 2005

9 US participation in Canada’s ICESHELF 2002 April experiment in the Arctic Ocean
m water covered by rough ice of 2-8 m thickness and large subsurface ridges and keels Upward-refracting water Ice-mounted Seaweb network, first test of acoustic networking in the Arctic Prepares for RDS-4 experiment with interoperable US and Canadian ASW sensor nodes

10 Demonstrated capabilities: FBE India June 2001
Racom buoy (Prior Seaweb tests with USS Dolphin submarine: Sublinks ’98, ’99, 2000) SSN with BSY-1 sonar Seaweb TEMPALT Ashore ASW command center Seaweb server at SSN and ASWCC Acoustic chat and GCCS-M links to fleet SSN/MPA cooperative ASW against XSSK Flawless ops for 4 continuous test days Experimental DADS sensor node J. Rice, et al, “Networked Undersea Acoustic Communications Involving a Submerged Submarine, Deployable Autonomous Distributed Sensors, and a Radio Gateway Buoy Linked to an Ashore Command Center,” Proc. UDT Hawaii, October 2001

11 Precursor to Seaweb cellular routing Source node
Seaweb message example: Multi-Access Collision Avoidance (MACA) Internet Protocol (IP) Fixed routing tables Precursor to Seaweb cellular routing Source node DATA RTS CTS CTS RTS DATA DATA CTS RTS RTS CTS DATA G. Hartfield, Performance of an Undersea Acoustic Network during Fleet Battle Experiment India, MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, June, 2003 Destination node

12 Iridium satellite radio links 3 glider UUV mobile nodes
Demonstrated capabilities: Seaweb network with UUVs US/Canada collaboration Gulf of Mexico, Feb 1-8, 2003 UUV nose section Iridium satellite radio links Over-the-horizon command center Shipboard command center 2 Racom buoy gateway nodes FreeWave radio links Mobile gateway nodes Mobile sensor nodes 200 km logged by UUVs 300 hrs logged by UUVs Node-to-multinode comm/nav 6 fixed repeater nodes 3 glider UUV mobile nodes

13 Iridium satellite constellation
Seaweb navigation development Seaweb 2005 UUV Experiments Monterey Bay, May 9-11, July St. Andrews Bay, December 5-9 Iridium satellite constellation GPS satellite constellation Racom buoy gateway node Shipboard command center ARIES UUV NPS M. Hahn, Undersea Navigation via a Distributed Acoustic Communications Network, MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, June 2005 S. Ouimet, Undersea Navigation of a Glider UUV using an Acoustic Communications Network, MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Sept 2005 Slocum UUV EMATT UUV constellation of 6 Seaweb repeater nodes fixed on seabed M. Reed, Use of an Acoustic Network as an Underwater Positioning System, MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, June 2006

14 (d) Networked telemetry
Demonstrated capability: All Seaweb communications yield the node-to-node range as a by-product of the link-layer RTS/CTS handshake. The broadcast ping command returns ranges to all neighboring nodes. (a) Networked command (b) Broadcast ping (c) Echoes (d) Networked telemetry

15 Seaweb cellular grid deployment
Theater ASW Experiment – TASWEX 04 Submarine speed & depth (CSD) Average speed 6.5 knots Average 1 repeater every 20 min


17 Seaweb 2004 grid post mortem
Impacted by trawling along the 300-m isobath 3 nodes removed, 6 nodes displaced or damaged COMEX FINEX FINEX H. Kriewaldt, Communications Performance of an Undersea Acoustic Wide-Area Network, MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, December 2005

18 Seaweb 2005 experiment February 2005, Panama City, FL
SRQ link-layer mechanism NSMA (Neighbor Sense Multiple Access, a cross-layer variation on CSMA) Ranging and node localization Iridium-equipped Racom buoy Compressed image telemetry NPS, SSCSD, CSS, Benthos

19 Demonstrated capability: Selective Automatic Repeat Request (SRQ) is a link-layer mechanism for reliable transport of large datafiles even when the physical layer suffers high BERs Node A Node B RTS 1. Node A initiates a link-layer dialog with Node B. 2. Node B is prepared to receive a large Data packet as a result of RTS/CTS handshaking. CTS HDR 4. Node B receives 12 subpackets successfully; 4 subpackets contained uncorrectable bit errors. 3. Node A transmits a 4000-byte Data packet using byte subpackets, each with an independent CRC. 5. Node B issues an SRQ utility packet, including a 16-bit mask specifying the 4 subpackets to be retransmitted. 6. Node A retransmits the 4 subpackets specified by the SRQ mask. SRQ 7. Node B receives 3 of the 4 packets successfully (future implementation of cross-layer time-diversity processing will recover 4 of 4). B issues an SRQ for the remaining subpacket. HDR 9. Node B successfully receives and processes Data packet. SRQ 8. Node A retransmits the 1 subpacket specified by the SRQ. HDR J. Kalscheuer, A Selective Automatic Repeat Request Protocol for Undersea Acoustic Links, MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, June 2004

20 Seaweb telesonar repeater node
Seaweb telesonar modem, circa Texas Instruments TMS320C5410 DSP Teledyne Benthos COTS hardware US Navy firmware Spectral bandwidth = 5 kHz (9-14 kHz) SL = 174 dB (typ) re 1m Modulation = Multi-channel 4-FSK Forward Error Correction Raw bit rate = 2400 bit/s Data packets = 800 b/s Utility packets = 150 b/s DI = 0 dB (omni) K. Scussel, “Acoustic Modems for Underwater Communications,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, Vol. 1, pp , Wiley-Interscience, 2003

21 Transmit/Receive Board Digital Board
Small Business Innovative Research SBIR N is producing the 4th-gen telesonar modem Contractor: Teledyne Benthos, Inc. Sponsor: PEO C4I & Space, PMW 770 Transmit/Receive Board Digital Board ATM-885 board set New ATM-900 Spectral bandwidth up to 20 kHz, Operating frequency up to 70 kHz Processing speed increased by 2X, Memory increased by 20X Xmit efficiency improved by 50%, Rcvr efficiency improved by 50% One new digital board can support 4 T/R boards (for multi-band, MIMO, spatial diversity, etc) SBIR Ph-2 Option will integrate SBIR N directional ducer (Image Acoustics, Inc) SBIR Ph-3 5-year delivery-order contract being negotiated by SSC San Diego

22 Current work The Seaweb network organizes and maintains itself under the control of autonomous master nodes or Seaweb servers at command centers Preparation 5 days Analyze mission requirements Measure or predict environment Model transmission channels Predict connectivity range limits Specify spacing, aperture, and node mix Pre-program master node only Installation 1 day Activation 1 hr Obey spacing constraints Test master node link to gateway Awaken network nodes Discover neighbors Initiation 2 hrs Registration 1 hr Obtain reciprocal channel response Perform 2-way ranging Sound own depth Initialize spectral shaping Report link data & node configuration Assimilate data at master node Optimization 1 hr Operation 90 days Compute optimal/alternate routes Assign protocols Monitor energy, links, and gateways Optimize life, TRANSEC, and latency

23 Current research Adaptive modulation
Node A Node B Demodulate RTS transmission Reconstruct transmitted waveform RTS Estimate channel scattering function CTS Specify Data-packet comms parameters Determine h(τ, t ) / Doppler / SNR S. Dessalermos, Undersea Acoustic Propagation Channel Estimation, MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, June 2005 Data Map channel characteristics against available repertoires and signal techniques Decision

24 Current research Asymmetric links
Low-rate C2 Submarine High-rate data telemetry Autonomous node

25 Node-to-node range (m)
Unet through-water acoustic signaling range regimes Categorized at Unet Workshop 5 and refined at Unet Workshop 6 Range regime Node-to-node range (m) Frequencies (kHz) Use Very short 5 – 50 >100 Proximity communications, e.g., Seamule Short 50 – 500 30-100 Local-area networks, e.g., Seastar Medium 500 – 5k 8-30 Wide-area networks, e.g. Seaweb Long 5k – 50k 1-8 Tactical paging Very long 50k – 500k <1 Blue-water paging

26 Acoustic link budget Each term in the standard radio link budget is analogous to specific quantities in the sonar equation. SNR(f) = PSL(f) – TL(f) – AN(f) + DIxmt(f) + DIrcv(f) We develop the acoustic link budget as a wideband model because, unlike most radio channels, the acoustic channel exhibits strong frequency dependency. PSL pressure spectrum level AN DIxmt DIrcv TL SNR Pxmt Prcv

27 Sonar equation analysis (TL+AN) for 500-m range and 4 noise spectra
W= 20kHz PSL TL + NSL (dB re 1μPa) Frequency (kHz)

28 Current research Seastar local-area networks
Asymmetric links: high-BW links from peripheral nodes to central node; low-BW links from central node to peripherals and peer-to-peer Point-to point communications at short ranges (50 to 500 m) employ the kHz band Data are fused/beamformed at the central node Seastar LAN increases the carrying capacity of the undersea environment by an order of magnitude Central node reports compressed information through the wide-area network Applications include sensor arrays, sensor clusters, autonomous MCM vehicles, and SDV/DDS dive teams DADS magnetometer array a near-term pilot application Prototype Seastar at AUVfest 2007, 2 NPS thesis students ONR 321MS 6.2 funding Seaweb WAN Seastar LAN

29 Over 40 Seaweb deployments Spirally developed USW com/nav capability
NPS Iceweb, 2002 Q272 Seaweb GoM, 2003 Q G H K U R FBE-I, 2001 RDS-4, 2002 FRONT-4, 2002 TASWEX04 Seaweb NSW, 2004

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