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Multiple View Geometry. THE GEOMETRY OF MULTIPLE VIEWS Reading: Chapter 10. Epipolar Geometry The Essential Matrix The Fundamental Matrix The Trifocal.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple View Geometry. THE GEOMETRY OF MULTIPLE VIEWS Reading: Chapter 10. Epipolar Geometry The Essential Matrix The Fundamental Matrix The Trifocal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple View Geometry

2 THE GEOMETRY OF MULTIPLE VIEWS Reading: Chapter 10. Epipolar Geometry The Essential Matrix The Fundamental Matrix The Trifocal Tensor The Quadrifocal Tensor

3 Epipolar Geometry Epipolar Plane Epipoles Epipolar Lines Baseline

4 Epipolar Constraint Potential matches for p have to lie on the corresponding epipolar line l’. Potential matches for p’ have to lie on the corresponding epipolar line l.

5 Epipolar Constraint: Calibrated Case Essential Matrix (Longuet-Higgins, 1981)

6 Properties of the Essential Matrix E p’ is the epipolar line associated with p’. E T p is the epipolar line associated with p. E e’=0 and E T e=0. E is singular. E has two equal non-zero singular values (Huang and Faugeras, 1989). T T

7 Epipolar Constraint: Small Motions To First-Order: Pure translation: Focus of Expansion

8 Epipolar Constraint: Uncalibrated Case Fundamental Matrix (Faugeras and Luong, 1992)

9 Properties of the Fundamental Matrix F p’ is the epipolar line associated with p’. F T p is the epipolar line associated with p. F e’=0 and F T e=0. F is singular. T T

10 The Eight-Point Algorithm (Longuet-Higgins, 1981) | F | =1. Minimize: under the constraint 2

11 Non-Linear Least-Squares Approach (Luong et al., 1993) Minimize with respect to the coefficients of F, using an appropriate rank-2 parameterization.

12 Problem with eight-point algorithm linear least-squares: unit norm vector F yielding smallest residual What happens when there is noise?

13 The Normalized Eight-Point Algorithm (Hartley, 1995) Center the image data at the origin, and scale it so the mean squared distance between the origin and the data points is sqrt(2) pixels: q = T p, q’ = T’ p’. Use the eight-point algorithm to compute F from the points q and q’. Enforce the rank-2 constraint. Output T F T’. T iiii ii

14 Weak-calibration Experiments

15 Epipolar geometry example

16 Example: converging cameras courtesy of Andrew Zisserman

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