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IBS 685 Week 6. Update Forms Updating Data The update process is as follows: –The user is presented with a list of rows and selects one row to update.

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Presentation on theme: "IBS 685 Week 6. Update Forms Updating Data The update process is as follows: –The user is presented with a list of rows and selects one row to update."— Presentation transcript:

1 IBS 685 Week 6

2 Update Forms

3 Updating Data The update process is as follows: –The user is presented with a list of rows and selects one row to update –A pre-filled form is presented to the user. –The user changes the values and submits the form. –The action page processes the update.

4 Building an Update Action Page An update action page: –Contains tag with an SQL UPDATE statement. –Should contain a message to the user, or redirect them to another page.

5 Using with SQL UPDATE Unless you use a “where” clause, all the rows will be updated.

6 Best Practices Always include a WHERE clause in an UPDATE statement to specify which row(s) to update. Do not allow users to update the primary key of a database record.

7 Pre-filling HTML Forms Pre filled form controls is particularly useful when forms are being used to update data. To pre-fill text controls, enter the initial value in the VALUE attribute of tag.

8 Client-Side Validation Client-side validation can only be accomplished with a scripting language, such as JavaScript. ColdFusion gives you a very powerful and simple way to implement client-side validation using tag and its related tags. ColdFusion implements client-side validation by automatically generating JavaScript for you on the fly.

9 Using In order to implement client-side validation you must use the TAG. The method attribute of defaults to “Post,” so that attribute may be omitted. The syntax for this tag is: ……

10 Comparing to

11 Using Required Attribute with CFINPUT Use to require entry of a value in a form control and display custom JavaScript alert messages: –Specify required attribute as “YES” –Provide a custom error message in the MESSAGE attribute. CF will generate the JavaScript validation code that prevents form submission if the required fields was left blank.

12 The following code validates that the login_name form control has a value upon submission. <CFINPUT TYPE = “text” Name= “login_name” Required = “YES” Message = “Please specify login.”> INPUT TYPE = “Submit” Value=“Login”> Using Required Attribute with CFINPUT

13 When the user submits the form: –A JavaScript function is executed to perform a validation check to ensure that the user provided an entry in the login_name field. –If no entry has been provided, the function calls an error function, which, in turn calls JavaScript alert function to display an error message. –The form is not submitted to the server if the login_name field is blank. –See page 10-13 Using Required Attribute with CFINPUT

14 Using Validate Attribute Date of Birth: <CFINPUT TYPE = “text” Name= “dob” Required = “YES” Validate=“DATE” Message = “Valid Date of Birth Must Be Specified”> INPUT TYPE = “Submit” Value=“Register”>

15 This code does the following: –The REQUIRED attribute instructs CF to generate JS code to prevent form submission without values for the last_name, first_name and dob form controls –The dob field uses the VALIDATE attribute to perform date validation. In this example, only valid date values are accepted. –Each tag has a MESSAGE attribute that contains the error text to be displayed if validation fail. Using Validate Attribute

16 Data Types –Page 10-15 –When you pass any of these data types to the validate attribute, CF generates the appropriate JS Code. –Besides Required, Validate and Message you can also use any of the standard tag attributes with, such as Value, Size Maxlength and Checked Using Validate Attribute

17 Displaying an Image using CFOUTPUT 1.Save images in a folder under wwwroot directory 2.Create a database column and name it e.g. imagefilename Make sure that imagefilename column’s datatype is “Text” 3.Create a query that selects the imagefilename column 4.Create a img src tag where you want to display the image With you, is a new 5.Create a CFOUTPUT tag to display the image 6.The alt tag can be dynamic too. You can output the definition of the image if you have the information in your database.

18 ../ = you can refer up one directory level for each instance of "../" you write in front of the path reference.

19 The structures of the email (such as the recipient list, the subject line and sender) is specified in attributes to the CFMAIL tag. The content of the message is placed between opening and closing CFMAIL tags. The critical attributes used in the CFMAIL tag are: To: specifies the email address of the recipients From: Specifies the content of the From line of the message Subject: Specifies the Subject line of the email You don’t need to use cfoutput within cfmail tag, Your variables will be evaluated as if there were tag in effect.

20 CFMAIL <CFMAIL TO="recipient“ FROM="sender" SUBJECT="msg_subject" TYPE="msg_type" MIMEATTACH="path“> Before you can use the tag to send email messages, you need to specify a mail server in the CF Administrator.

21 CFMAIL Example <CFMAIL to=someone@some.domain From=thesender@another.domain Subject=“A sample Coldfusion E-mail” This is my test message Type:Specifies the content type of the message MIMEATTACH: Specifies the path and filename of a file to be attached to outgoing email message Server: Specifies an alternate SMTP mail server. By default, the mail server specified in the CF administrator is used for sending outgoing messages

22 Generating Email from the Contents of a Form Send a Greeting Send a Greeting Use the following form to send a greeting to a friend by e-mail Your Friend's E-mail Address: Your Name:

23 Sending Your Greeting <CFMAIL TO="" FROM="" SUBJECT="A Greeting">Hi! This is a quick, computer-generated greeting sent to You courtesy of and the CFMAIL tag. Message Sent Your message to has been sent Oops You need to provide an E-mail address for the recipient. Hit the Back button to return to the form and provide one. Thanks. Generating Email from the Contents of a Form

24 Using CFLOOP SELECT DISTINCT Location, ZipCode FROM Properties Locations Example List of Zip Codes and Locations with Properties for Sale #ZipCode# - #Location#

25 Optionally Query loop can have two additional attributes named STARTROW and ENDROW with values startrow_value and endrow_value. This allows you to restrict the output to a certain number of records in the record set of the query object.

26 CFLOOP SELECT DISTINCT Location, ZipCode FROM Properties Locations Example 2 List of Zip Codes and Locations with Properties for Sale #ZipCode# - #Location#

27 This would look up the /template_mapping CF mapping, replace it with C:\inetpub\wwwroot\includes and look for file.cfm in that directory. Creating ColdFusion Mappings

28 Displaying an Image using CFOUTPUT 1.Save images in a folder under wwwroot directory 2.Create a database column and name it e.g. imagefilename Make sure that imagefilename column’s datatype is “Text” 3.Create a query that selects the imagefilename column 4.Create a img src tag where you want to display the image With you, is a new 5.Create a CFOUTPUT tag to display the image 6.The alt tag can be dynamic too. You can output the definition of the image if you have the information in your database.

29 ../ = you can refer up one directory level for each instance of "../" you write in front of the path reference.

30 The structures of the email (such as the recipient list, the subject line and sender) is specified in attributes to the CFMAIL tag. The content of the message is placed between opening and closing CFMAIL tags. The critical attributes used in the CFMAIL tag are: To: specifies the email address of the recipients From: Specifies the content of the From line of the message Subject: Specifies the Subject line of the email

31 CFMAIL Example <CFMAIL to=someone@some.domain From=thesender@another.domain Subject=“A sample Coldfusion E-mail” This is my test message Type:Specifies the content type of the message MIMEATTACH: Specifies the path and filename of a file to be attached to outgoing email message Server: Specifies an alternate SMTP mail server. By default, the mail server specified in the CF administrator is used for sending outgoing messages

32 Generating Email from the Contents of a Form Send a Greeting Send a Greeting Use the following form to send a greeting to a friend by e-mail Your Friend's E-mail Address: Your Name:

33 Sending Your Greeting <CFMAIL TO="" FROM="" SUBJECT="A Greeting">Hi! This is a quick, computer-generated greeting sent to You courtesy of and the CFMAIL tag. Message Sent Your message to has been sent Oops You need to provide an E-mail address for the recipient. Hit the Back button to return to the form and provide one. Thanks. Generating Email from the Contents of a Form

34 The Web's Statelessness You will need to persist information across pages in order to: –Validate user authentication at login, and maintain that authentication throughout the session –Personalize the user’s experience –Maintain information about the user’s session - for example, a shopping cart

35 Login Page SELECT Count(*) AS Login_Match FROM Logins WHERE Login = '#Form.Login#' AND Password = '#Form.Pwd#‘ The count function counts the number of records. When you execute this select statement, it will produce output that contains one column named login_match and one row where the value in the login_match field is the number of records in logins table

36 The Web's Statelessness Page 528 HTTP creates a new connection for every page request –Variables and flags set during one request are not available for the next request Work around this problem by using: –Cookies –Application framework –Session variables

37 Cookies Cookies are simple mechanism for asking a browser to remember something, such as a users favorite color or some type of ID number.The information is stored in the client machine’s memory

38 Client Variables Client variables are similar to cookies, except that the information is stored on the server, rather than on the client machine.

39 Session Variables Similar to client variables session variables are stored on the server. However instead of being stored physically they are simply maintained in the server’s RAM. Session variables are designed to hold temporary data, such as items in a shopping cart.

40 Feature TypeUsage Cookies A variable that is set and then stored on the client machine for all subsequent requests. Application Framework The ability to create variables for each page request by automatically including the application.cfm page Session Variables A variable that is set for a particular session that persists for the life of the browser session.

41 Securing Applications You need to: –Authenticate them on first access by giving them a login page –Allow access to an application for a predetermined session time or time without activity –Secure each page to be sure they cannot bookmark a page and circumvent the login

42 Security Components Secure your Web pages by using the following security components: –Login page and login action page to authenticate users against a database table of users –Application Framework to test for login on each page in the application –Session variables to persist a logged in flag for each page in the application

43 Web Application Framework The features all have to do with making all your CF templates for a particular site or project behave as if they were related to one another – that is to make them behave as a single application. These features are referred to as the Web Application Framework

44 The Application Framework The application framework is enabled by the use of a special file, named Application.cfm This file is an ordinary CF Template. The code in your application.cfm file will be automatically included just before any of your application pages. Same behaviour as you included the file using an ordinary tag at the top of every page. You cant visit an application.cfm file directly. –You will receive an error message from the browser. This reserved file name, when it exists, is always included at the top of every CF page request.

45 Application.cfm File CF looks for an Application.cfm file in the directory of the called page. –If not found in the current directory, CF will continue to search the directory structure for a file named Application.cfm –If found, the Application.cfm file will be included at the top of the page –If not found, CF continues processing the page without it.

46 Application.cfm CF will look up to the drive root to find Application.cfm. Only one application.cfm is ever processed for a page. –Page 11-6

47 The /Marketing directory has an Application.cfm file, so any page in that directory or below will include this file. Since the /Sales directory does not have an application.cfm file, CF looks up the directory structure to find it. –CF locates the first one, here in the \wwwroot directory, and includes the file. Application.cfm


49 A basic Application.cfm Template

50 Using Application.cfm #CompanyName#

51 OnRequestEnd.cfm Automatically included at the very end of every page request, rather than at the beginning. This file cannot be visited directly CF looks for OnrequestEnd.cfm in the same folder as application.cfm Place OnrequestEnd.cfm in the same location in which your Application.cfm is sitting.

52 OnRequestEnd.cfm

53 Another Example (c) #year(Now())# #CompanyName#. All rights reserved.

54 Overriding Application.cfm Inclusion You cannot stop CF from including the closest Application.cfm file. You can however override an application.cfm file in a directory above a file by including another application.cfm file in the current directory. An Application.cfm file cannot be empty. You must have at least a space in the file in order to keep from getting an error. Most developers will put a comment in the file to tell you that it is a dummy application.cfm file that will override one in a directory above.

55 Application Variables Application variables are shared between all pages in your application. Because they are not maintained separately for each user, they don’t go far in helping you create a personalized site experience.

56 The problem is that the web itself creates no short term memory for remembering the contents of a shopping carts and other types of choices users make during a visit. You need something to provide that short term memory for you.

57 Solutions Provided by ColdFusion CF provides three types of variables that help you maintain the state of a users visit from page to page and between visits. –Cookies –Client Variables –Session Variables

58 HTTP Cookie Variables Cookies are simple variables that can be stored on a client machine. Browsers store cookies in a physical file or files on the client machine. Once the browser has a cookie set, each and every HTTP request will retrieve all cookies for the requested web server domain.

59 If the user requests a page from the Macromedia domain, all cookies for that domain would be sent in the HTTP header to the web server. Once the browser send the cookies via the HTTP header, CF has access to all of these cookies at runtime. HTTP Cookie Variables

60 Cookies are: –Domain specific-set and retrieved for specific servers. –Sent to the Web server with every HTTP request –Persistent-they remain stored in the browser until expired or deleted –Limited to 20 per domain and 4 K worth of information.

61 Cookie Uses Cookies are used to obtain information about a user between and within browser sessions. Use of cookies include: –Storing a unique identifier as a cookie, so that information such as shopping cart data is identified to the browser session. –Storing a session information, such as a flag that they are logged in until the browser is closed. –Storing user preferences, so they might return to the site and have the same look and feel.

62 Making Cookies CF allows you to create cookie by using tag. The most common reason for using is to control how long the cookie will live before before it expires. To set a cookie with user_ID with value of 2344: –

63 Cookie Types There are two types of cookies you can create: Persistent cookies Session cookies Both can be created using the tag Differentiated by the use of the EXPIRES attribute.

64 Persistent vs. Session Cookies Persistent Cookies: –EXPIRES attribute determines when the cookie gets deleted from the browser machine: EXPIRES = "n" EXPIRES = "date" EXPIRES = "never" EXPIRES = "now"

65 Session Cookies Created by omitting the EXPIRES attribute from the tag Only valid until all the browser sessions on that client machine are closed Use this value when you only want to track the user for the current session Destroyed when the browser sessions close, and are never stored in a file on the browser machine

66 Accessing Cookies Since HTTP specifies that all cookies be automatically sent to the requesting Web server domain, you do not need to fetch them. You would access a cookie simply by using it and prefixing it with the Cookie prefix. –The user_ID is: – #cookie.user_ID#

67 Because cookies are physical files stored on the browser computer that can be deleted at will, you should always test for the existence of cookies prior to use. –Test for existence using the IsDefined () function The user ID is: #cookie.user_ID# Accessing Cookies

68 You have only been able to pass information between pages using: –URL variables passed on the hyperlink to the linked page –Form variables passed in the form scope to an action page There are other types of variables that allow you to store information once, and then share it amongst an application, a session or the entire server. Persistent State Variables

69 Variables that allow you to store information once, and then share it in an application, a session or the entire server. –Server –Application –Session –Client –Request

70 We will focus on Session and Request scopes. Session Scope: Variables are available for all page requests from a specific browser until the session expires. Request Scope: Variables are available to a single page request, including any custom tag calls made within the page.

71 Request Variables Request variables are similar to local variables in that they are only stored for the length of the page request. DSN Example Request scope variables are available to the entire request-the requested page and all custom tags called within it. Therefore, you could instead set the DSN as a request scope variable and it will now be available for the entire request.

72 Session Variables Session variables are: –Stored in the Web server's memory –Lost when the Web server is restarted –Used for single site visit Session variables are not stored physically in the server’s or in the database. Instead they are stored in the servers RAM In order to use Session variables, you will need to: 1.Check the ColdFusion Administrator for Session settings 2.Enable Session variables within your Application.cfm file 3.Set Session variables in your ColdFusion pages

73 ColdFusion Administrator Settings Session variables must be enabled before use. Check the following settings in the ColdFusion Administrator to: 1.Make sure that Session variables have not been disabled 2.Set/reset the Session variables default and maximum timeout settings

74 ColdFusion Administrator Settings11-22 Found in the ColdFusion Administrator in the Server Settings section under Memory Variables

75 Enabling Session Variables Enable session variables by using tag. This tag is always included in Application.cfm file. Enable session variables in the Application.cfm file: Enables session variables and sets expiration to 1 hour after last browser activity for each session The maximum timeout default in the ColdFusion Administrator is 20 minutes. Change this value in order for the above tag to allow timeout at 1 hour.

76 After you have enabled session variables using, you can start using them in your code. You can set and use session variables by simply using the Session prefix in front of a variable’s name.

77 Session Variable Process 1.The first time a browser requests a page from ColdFusion, it will encounter the tag. This is always placed in an Application.cfm file. 2.ColdFusion will generate a unique identifier for the browser. The unique ID is made up of two values: CFID and CFTOKEN. 3.Two cookies are created and sent to the browser: CFID and CFTOKEN. 4.These two values are also stored in the Web server’s memory within the application. This is the link between the Web server and the browser session.

78 1.The first time a browser requests a page from ColdFusion, it will encounter the tag. This is always placed in an Application.cfm file. 2.ColdFusion will generate a unique identifier for the browser. The unique ID is made up of two values: CFID and CFTOKEN. 3.Two cookies are created and sent to the browser: CFID and CFTOKEN. 4.These two values are also stored in the Web server’s memory within the application. This is the link between the Web server and the browser session.

79 Creating Session Variables Session variables are stored in server memory with the matching CFID and CFTOKEN values Each session will have a separate set of variables Once the association between the browser and the session is made, session variables can be created using the tag The Session. prefix is required

80 Creating Session Variables Session variables are stored in server memory with the matching CFID and CFTOKEN values Each session will have a separate set of variables Once the association between the browser and the session is made, session variables can be created using the tag The Session. prefix is required

81 Disabled Cookies If a browser has disabled the receipt of cookies, your ColdFusion application will need to pass the client information for every page request Append CFID and CFTOKEN on URL Pass CFID and CFTOKEN in hidden form controls Use ADDTOKEN=“Yes” to CFLOCATION tag

82 Locking Shared Variables Application and session (as well as server) scope variables are shared –These variables can be set and retrieved at the same time –Setting/getting values from the same place in memory at the same time can cause corruption, and can lead to system failure Session variables can collide if: –The user hits Refresh in their browser while it's already processing a Session variable –A Session variable is used within a frameset Every read and write of shared memory values requires the use of the tag to ensure memory integrity

83 Renaming Query Columns (p 982) For each column you specify in the SELECT statement, a CF variable is created. These variables are named the same as the column in the database. However you may rename these columns using SQL aliases.

84 <CFQUERY name = “q_getdist” Datasource=“fasttrack_lab”> Select distributor ID AS DID, Distributor_Name From Distributor Order By Distributor.Distributor_ID Renaming Query Columns

85 This statement will return a result set named “q_getDist” with two columns: –DID and Distributor_Name –The AS keyword is used to rename the column at runtime. –To print the values: #q_getdist.DID# # q_getdist.Distributor_name# Renaming Query Columns

86 SQL aliases are used to rename columns in a select statement. They are used to: –Rename columns that might be duplicate within a select statement –Shorten names, requiring less typing –Give a name to aggregate values Select count(*) as rowcount…. Renaming Query Columns

87 User Defined Functions New to CF 5.0, user defined functions (abbreviated as UDF’s) allow developers to differentiate between reusable processes (in custom tags) and reusable functions (in UDF’s) CF offers many built-in functions that offer many utilities within encapsulated functions. Now you can create your own functions

88 A UDF can take in arguments and return values. Allaire Developers Exchange also has a set of growing UDFs The generic syntax for calling a function is: Function_name(argument1, argument2…) Since the argument names are not specified in the call of the function, the order in which you list the arguments is important. User Defined Functions

89 Calling UDF’s The following example of calling a function calls the amortization function and passes in a few arguments. The return value for the function will be displayed to the page. Amortization #(“140000”, “7” “360”)#

90 Walkthrough 5-4 Calling a UDF

91 allery/index.cfm

92 Displaying Image Movies7.cfm and details3.cfm

93 Using Looping (p-246) Loops are another fundamental language element Loops do just that-They loop Loops provide a mechanism with which to repeat tasks

94 Types of Loops Index Loops * List Loops * Conditional Loops Query Loops Collection Loops

95 The Index Loop One of the most frequently used Syntax <CFLOOP INDEX="parameter_name" FROM="beginning_value" TO="ending_value" STEP="increment"> HTML or CFML code to execute... <CFLOOP INDEX=“i" FROM="1" TO="5"> Item#i#

96 List Loop Syntax #ListElement#

97 Looping Over a Query A loop over a query repeats for every record in the query record set. The CFLOOP results are just like a CFOUTPUT. During each iteration of the loop, the columns of the current row will be available for output.CFOUTPUT Syntax

98 <CFQUERY NAME="MessageRecords" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets"> SELECT * FROM Messages #Message_ID#

99 CFLOOP also provides iteration over a recordset with dynamic starting and stopping points. Thus you can begin at the tenth row in a query and end at the twentieth. This mechanism provides a simple means to get the next n sets of records from a query. The following example loops from the tenth through the twentieth record returned by "MyQuery ": #MyQuery.MyColName#

100 Introducing Custom Tags CF developers can extend the CF language by creating their own tags. These are referred to as either custom tags or CFXs

101 CFML Custom Tags CFML custom tags are bits of code or functionality that are written with the CFML language and then called from within other CFML templates. Since CFML templates are reusable, you also gain the same benefits that you have with the tag, like code reuse and easier maintenance

102 Allaire’s Developers Exchange Allaire’s Developers Exchange is an online repository of custom tags created by CF developers. It is a good idea to check before developing your own.

103 Writing Your First Custom Tag (p614) Custom tag resolution –Save the file as helloworld.cfm in –Current directory of the calling page –C:\cfusion\customtags –And view it as

104 Passing Attributes Custom tags may be created to accept parameters, called attributes. When using custom tags, you will need to know what parameters are accepted into the tag. To pass attributes into a custom tag, you simply append attribute = value pairs at the end of the custom tag –

105 Custom Tag Calling Custom Tags

106 SQL is Not Typeless Text field variables must be surrounded with single quotes. Numeric field variables values are not surrounded by single quote

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