CIS 602 Java and the Web Course Project. Overview Most students who study programming in an Academic setting never create a programming assignment with.

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1 CIS 602 Java and the Web Course Project

2 Overview Most students who study programming in an Academic setting never create a programming assignment with more than 200 lines of code, which is a handicap when applying for a programming job. The final project for CS 602 is an opportunity to build your resume. There is a lot of freedom to use approximately one third of the semester to do a project of your choice. The project will count for 25% of your grade in the class.

3 Presenting Project The course is Java and the Web. Your project must work from your Web site. It should also have suitable supporting and planning documentation, chosen by you from the types of documentation that you have used for the homework assignments. The choice of documents is up to you, but will be considered in assigning you a grade.

4 Course Project The most important part of the course is the course project. It must be an original project, at least 200 lines of code, using a Web client, with a GUI layout and event handling. You are encouraged to save and retrieve data from a database through a server. It must be properly planned with adequate planning documents, developed in an IDE, tested with JUnit, and deployed on a Web Server, preferably on or Animation, graphics, and sound are encouraged.

5 Suggestions Your project should have at least 20 different Java classes. You are encouraged to use technology such as JDBC, Java Server Pages and servlets. Try to create an application that you would be proud to show to a prospective employer at the time you are applying for a job.

6 Restrictions While you may use code and materials from other sources, you must give credit and at least 75% of your code must be original work, done by you. No demo programs from other sources are allowed. Do not use EJB or CORBA. This is to discourage you from mixing work from CS 633 with CS 602. No work done for any other course is permitted.

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