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Awareness Quiz Question 1 What is the approximate population of the world today?

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Presentation on theme: "Awareness Quiz Question 1 What is the approximate population of the world today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Awareness Quiz Question 1 What is the approximate population of the world today?

2 Awareness Quiz Question 1 What is the approximate population of the world today? Answer: About 6.5 billion

3 Awareness Quiz Question 2 What is the approximate population of China today?

4 Awareness Quiz Question 2 What is the approximate population of China today? Answer: About 1.3 billion

5 Awareness Quiz Question 3 What is the approximate population of the United States today?

6 Awareness Quiz Question 3 What is the approximate population of the United States today? Answer: About 295 million

7 Awareness Quiz Question 4 What five nations in the world have the highest population?

8 Awareness Quiz Question 4 What five nations in the world have the highest population? Answer:China1.3 b India1.1 b U.S.295.7 m Indonesia242.0 m Brazil186.1 m (EU457.0 m)

9 Awareness Quiz Question 5 What is the approximate GDP per capita in the United States?

10 Awareness Quiz Question 5 What is the approximate GDP per capita in the United States? Answer – About $40,100

11 Awareness Quiz Question 6 What is the approximate GNP per capita in Somalia?

12 Awareness Quiz Question 6 What is the approximate GNP per capita in Somalia? Answer – About $600

13 Bonus! What country has a higher GDP per capita than the US?

14 Bonus! Luxembourg: $58,900

15 Awareness Quiz Question 7 What nation-state covers the largest land area?

16 Awareness Quiz Question 7 What country covers the largest land area? Answer-Russia6.6 m. sq. miles Canada3.9 China3.7 U.S.3.7

17 Awareness Quiz Question 8 In the 20 th Century, what three heads of states killed the largest number of their own people?

18 Awareness Quiz Question 8 In the 20 th Century, what three heads of states have killed the largest number of their own people? Answer -Mao30 million Stalin 20 million Hitler15 million

19 Awareness Quiz Question 9 What percent of its GNP would you guess Denmark spends annually on foreign aid?

20 Awareness Quiz Question 9 What percent of its GNP would you guess Denmark spends annually on foreign aid? Answer – 1.0 percent

21 Awareness Quiz Question 10 Approximately what percent of its GNP do you think the U.S. ought to spend annually on foreign aid?

22 Awareness Quiz Question 10 Approximately what percent of its GNP do you think the U.S. ought to spend annually on foreign aid? Answer - ?

23 Awareness Quiz Question 11 Approximately what percent of its GNP does the U.S. spend annually on foreign aid?

24 Awareness Quiz Question 11 Approximately what percent of its GNP does the U.S. spend annually on foreign aid? Answer – 0.1 percent

25 Awareness Quiz Question 12 How much foreign aid would you guess the U.S. gave to Israel, per day, in fiscal year 2002?

26 Awareness Quiz Question 12 How much foreign aid would you guess the U.S. gave to Israel, per day, in fiscal year 2002? Answer – About $8 m per day ($7,945,205 per day, NYT, 11 Dec. 2002, p. A8)

27 Awareness Quiz Question 13 Guess the population density (people per square mile) of Macau. (Hint: U.S. is 74; Oregon is 30; Idaho is 12; New Jersey is 1,042; Canada is 8.1)

28 Awareness Quiz Question 13 Guess the population density of Macau. (Hint: U.S. is 74; Oregon is 30; Idaho is 12; New Jersey is 1,042; Canada is 8.1) Answer: 44,040

29 Awareness Quiz Question 14 What percentage of the people of the world have daily access to safe drinking water?

30 Awareness Quiz Question 14 What percentage of the people of the world have daily access to safe drinking water? Answer – Less than 30 percent

31 Awareness Quiz Question 15 How many people around the world die each day from diseases contracted from unsafe water?

32 Awareness Quiz Question 15 How many people around the world die each day from diseases contracted from unsafe water? Answer – About 25,000

33 Awareness Quiz Question 16 How many children around the world die each day from diarrheal diseases?

34 Awareness Quiz Question 16 How many children around the world die each day from diarrheal diseases? Answer – About 13,000 (5 million each year)

35 Awareness Quiz Question 17 How many children around the world die each day from hunger-related diseases?

36 Awareness Quiz Question 17 How many children around the world die each day from hunger-related diseases? Answer – About 40,000

37 Awareness Quiz Question 18 What percent of their annual income do families in developing countries spend on food? (Hint: Your family spends about 20% of it’s income on food.)

38 Awareness Quiz Question 18 What percent of their annual income do families in developing countries spend on food? (Hint: Your family spends about 20% of it’s income on food.) Answer – Between 75% – 80%

39 Awareness Quiz Question 19 Approximately 100% of adults in developed countries are literate. What percent are literate in developing countries.

40 Awareness Quiz Question 19 Approximately 100% of adults in developed countries are literate. What percent are literate in developing countries. Answer – About 30% (But only 13% of females are literate!)

41 Awareness Quiz Question 20 How many of the following “American” companies are owned or controlled by parent companies outside of the U.S.? Dr. Pepper; Firestone; 7-Eleven; Reebok; Chrysler; Washington Times; Yale Locks; Saks Fifth Avenue; Encyclopedia Americana; Alka Seltzer; Dunlop Tires; Mack Trucks; Twentieth Century Fox; Universal Pictures; U.S. Air; Timex; National Bank of North America; Baskin and Robbins; Standard Oil of Ohio; Amoco; Shell; Burger King; Snapple; Brooks Brothers; adidas; Universal Studios; Taster’s Choice Coffee

42 Awareness Quiz Question 20 How many of the following “American” companies are owned or controlled by parent companies outside of the U.S.? Dr. Pepper, Firestone; 7-Eleven; Reebok; Chrysler; Washington Times; Yale Locks; Saks Fifth Avenue; Encyclopedia Americana; Alka Seltzer; Dunlop Tires; Mack Trucks; Twentieth Century Fox; Universal Pictures; U.S. Air; Timex; National Bank of North America; Baskin and Robbins; Standard Oil of Ohio; Amoco; Shell; Burger King; Snapple; Brooks Brothers; adidas; Universal Studios; Taster’s Choice Coffee. Answer - All

43 Awareness Quiz Question 21 How much does war cost?

44 Awareness Quiz Question 21 How much does war cost? Answer – The Iraqi war is costing about $177 million per day.

45 Awareness Quiz Question 22 How big is Africa? USUS ArgentinaArgentina New ZealandNew Zealand ChinaChina IndiaIndia EuropeEurope








53 China3,705,387 sq. mil U.S.3,615,102 Europe (not Russia)1,908,500 India1,269,338 Argentina1,068,296 New Zealand 103,736 11,670,359 sq. mi. Africa 11,706,166 sq. mi.

54 “Globalization” “Awareness, understanding, and response to global developments and linkages.”

55 “International Business” “Transactions that are devised and carried out across national borders to satisfy the objectives of individuals, companies, and organizations.”

56 First Law of International Business “One person’s export is another’s import.”

57 Multidiscipline Economics Economics Politics Politics Geography Geography History History Language Language Anthropology Anthropology Jurisprudence Jurisprudence Statistics Statistics

58 Peter Woike “Globalization can help would-be industrialists change the labels of their countries from developing to developed.”

59 “Cons”? 1. Strengthens corporations and investors at the expense of the poor?

60 IMF: In last century: Richest 25% of countries – GDP increased by 6xs. Richest 25% of countries – GDP increased by 6xs. Poorest 25% of countries – GDP increased by 3xs. Poorest 25% of countries – GDP increased by 3xs.

61 “Cons”? 1. Strengthens corporations and investors at the expense of the poor? 2. Ignores human rights? 3. Fails to relieve country debt? 4. Causes terrorism? 5. Competition can cause business failure and unemployment?

62 “Causes” of Globalization Technology Technology CommunicationsCommunications TravelTravel Business Business competition Natural Natural human interest and curiosity

63 Expansion of Global Business Over past 30 years, value of international business has increased from $200 billion to $7.6 trillion (38xs)!

64 Recent Shifts US US investment abroad:$2.6 trillion (1999); Overseas investment in US: $2.8 trillion (1999) trade with Asia: $709 billion; With Europe: $450 billion imports far exceed exports

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