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Fall wk 2 – Thus.7.Oct.04 Welcome, roll, questions Thermal physics break continue Calculus Ch.1 Looking ahead Energy Systems, EJZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall wk 2 – Thus.7.Oct.04 Welcome, roll, questions Thermal physics break continue Calculus Ch.1 Looking ahead Energy Systems, EJZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall wk 2 – Thus.7.Oct.04 Welcome, roll, questions Thermal physics break continue Calculus Ch.1 Looking ahead Energy Systems, EJZ

2 Discuss Ch.18, Thermal physics Key points? Insights from team discussion? Questions? -questions of fact: Can we find answer in the text? What page? -Outstanding questions of fact -Outstanding significant questions

3 Thermal Physics - outline Temperature Heat = energy Discuss examples Absorption of heat by solids and liquids Work done by a gas (more next week) Practice: conceptests and HW

4 Temperature T C = T – 273 ° T F = 9/5 T C + 32° ConcepTest 16, 18, 19

5 Heat = energy Energy = work = force * distance Force = Mass * Acceleration Acceleration = rate of change of speed Speed = distance / time units of Speed (m/s) units of Acceleration (_____) units of Mass (kg) units of Force (______) = (Newton) = (N) Units of Energy:

6 Heat = energy: units Units of energy or work: Joules = Newton * meter In fundamental SI units of space (m), time (s), and mass (kg): SI energy units (J) = CGS units: space (cm = 10 -2 m), time (s), and mass (g = 10 -3 kg): CGS energy units (erg) = What other units have you encountered for energy? cal = 4.1868 J, kcal = _______, cal = 4 x 10 -3 BTU BTU = ________ Joules? ConcepTest 38

7 Absorption of heat by solids and liquids Thermal equilibrium: if T B = T A and T C = T A then T C = T B Heat Capacity: Q = C  T Specific Heat: Q = c m  T Heats of transformation: Q = L m boiling or condensing: L V ; Freezing or melting: L F ConcepTests: TE 1,3; C 40-42 ; L 53, 54, 60 Problems

8 Work done by a gas (CT 3, 64, green) Work done = pressure * volume = area under curve (clockwise) Heat added = work done + change in internal energy of gas

9 Thermal Physics HW Questions: #3 (L f ), 6 (cycle), 8 (radiation) Candidate problems: Ch.18.5: #4 (C,F), 5 (conversion) Ch.18.8: #24 (diet), 26 (butter), 27 (watts), 28 (garage), 29 (water heater BTU), 32 (cooling), 33 (solar heater), 35 (cooling gas) Additional: #73 (work), 80 (solar house), 85 (transformations), 94 (radiation) We will choose (in class) half of these to be due next week, and half for the following week.

10 Calculus - outline Q about today’s HW Review 1.1-1.3 Practice with logarithmic functions 1.4 Trig review Wiley says they have fixed eGrade – please see if your registration works If eGrade doesn’t work for you yet, hand in paper homework for now.

11 Calc 1 HW 2 Homework due next Thus: Ch.1.4 # 1, 14, 18, 26, 35 Ch.1.5 # 1, 14, 16, 20, 29, 31, 34, 36, 40 Ch.1.6 # 2, 4, 8, 14, 18, 23, 28 Recommendations: –Work odd problems for practice first, since you have their solutions –Work due problems on scratch paper first, then input electronically for detailed feedback Discuss: –Shorten assignments, stretch syllabus? –Teamwork on homework –Qualitative reasoning center

12 Looking ahead Seminar in Sem II C2109 tonight Please put your team’s best Q on the board before 5:00 Tomorrow: –Post your research assignment individually –One-page essay about your learning this week? –TA Brian Orr available in QRC Friday 10am - noon Next week: –TA available in homeroom Wed 1-3 –visitors will discuss sustainability and solar panels on Tuesday and Wednesday

13 ConcepTests: Temperature & Heat


15 Thermal Equilibrium ConcepTests

16 Specific / heat / capacity ConcepTests

17 Heat of transformation ConcepTests 80

18 Work done by gas ConcepTests

19 Preview of power Power = rate of doing work = energy / time SI units of Power: Watts = Joules/sec = ____ Horsepower = 1 hp = 550 ft * lb/s = 746 Watt What is a kilowatt-hour? A.Power B.Energy C.Other

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