The Linguistics Society Language Course --Cantonese Course 2007.

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1 The Linguistics Society Language Course --Cantonese Course 2007

2 Instructors  Diana( 王婉姿 ) BBA (ACCT) Year 2  JoJo( 呂叡靜 ) BBA (MGTO) Year 2  Thomas( 甘國銳 ) BBA (MARK) Year 2

3 Course Introduction  Date: 21st Sept – 23rd Nov, 2007 (Friday)  Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm  Venue: (TBA)  About: Pronunciations, daily lives  Instructors: =D  Notes:  E-mail:

4 Yale System

5 Yale System for Cantonese syllable  Consists of 3 parts  Initial ( 聲母 )  Consonant  Final ( 韻母 )  vowel  Tone ( 聲調 )  6 different tones  The pitch imposed on a syllable

6 Initials Aspiratedptkchkw Unaspiratedbpgjgw Nasalsmnng Fricative & Continuant flhs Semi-Vowelyw

7 Initials - Aspirated InitialsRomanization and Chinese characters English Meaning p pa1 趴 Prostrate t ta1 他 He k ka1 卡 Card ch cha1 叉 Fork kw kwa1 誇 Boast

8 Initials - Unaspirated InitialsRomanization and Chinese characters English Meaning b ba1 爸 Father d da1 打 Dozen k ga1 家 Family j ja1 渣 Dregs gw gwa1 瓜 Melon

9 Initials - Nasals InitialsRomanization and Chinese characters English Meaning m ma1 媽 Mother n na1 啦 La ng nga1 鴉 Crow

10 Initials – Fricative & Continuant InitialsRomanization and Chinese characters English Meaning f fa1 花 Flower l la1 啦 Final particle h ha1 蝦 Shrimp s sa1 沙 Sand

11 Initials – Semi-vowels InitialsRomanization and Chinese characters English Meaning y ya1 吔 interjection w wa1 娃 baby

12 Finals Description (Similar sound in English) aCut (short “ a ” ) aaFather (long “ a ” ) eBedBed euHer with rounded lips iSeed oLaw uNoodle yu---

13 Tone

14 Examples of Tone ToneDescriptionExampleRomanization 1High level 夫 fu1 2High rising 苦 fu2 3Mid level 富 fu3 4Low falling 扶 fu4 5Low rising 婦 fu5 6Low level 父 fu6

15 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 1 練習 lin6 zaap6 Self-Practice

16 Numbers

17 Vocabulary – Numbers 零 ling4 ling = zero

18 Vocabulary – Numbers 一 yat1 yut = one

19 Vocabulary – Numbers 二 yi6 yee = two

20 Vocabulary – Numbers 三 saam1 sarm = three

21 Vocabulary – Numbers 四 sei3 say = four

22 Vocabulary – Numbers 五 ng5 hm = five

23 Vocabulary – Numbers 六 luk6 look = six

24 Vocabulary – Numbers 七 chat1 chut = seven

25 Vocabulary – Numbers 八 baat3 bard = eight

26 Vocabulary – Numbers 九 gau2 gou = nine

27 Vocabulary – Numbers 十 sap6 sub = ten

28 Vocabulary - Numbers 十一 sap6 yat1 sub yut [ 10 1 ] = 11

29 Vocabulary - Numbers 三十一 saam1 sap6 yat1 sarm sub yut [ 3 10 1 ] = 31

30 Vocabulary - Numbers 七十九 chat1 sap6 gau2 chut sub gou [ 7 10 9 ] = 79

31 Vocabulary – Numbers 百 baak3 bark = hundred

32 Vocabulary - Numbers 一百 ○ 二 yat1 baak3 ling4 yi6 yut bark ling yee [ 1 100 0 2 ]. = 102

33 Vocabulary - Numbers 一百六十七 yat1 baak3 luk6 sap6 chat1 yut bark look sub chut [ 1 100 6 10 7 ]. 100 60 7 = 167

34 Vocabulary - Numbers 六百六十六 luk6 baak3 luk6 sap6 luk6 look bark look sub look [ 6 100 6 10 6 ]. 600 60 6 = 666

35 Vocabulary – Numbers 千 chin1 chin = thousand

36 Vocabulary – Numbers 萬 maan6 man = ten thousand (10000)

37 Vocabulary – Numbers 億 yik1 yick = thousand million (1 0000 0000)

38 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 1 活動 wut6 dung6 Activity

39 Greetings

40 Vocabulary - Pronouns 我 ngo5 ngo = I /me

41 Vocabulary - Pronouns 你 n é ih / l é ih nay / lay = you (singular)

42 Vocabulary - Pronouns 佢 k é uih kui = he/ him / she / her

43 Vocabulary - Pronouns 我地 ngo5 dei6 all day [ I pl. ] = we / us

44 Vocabulary - Pronouns 你地 nei5 dei6 lay dei [ you pl. ] = you

45 Vocabulary - Pronouns 佢地 keui5 dei6 kui day [ he/she pl. ] = they / them

46 Vocabulary - Greetings 你好嗎 nei5 hou2 ma3 lay hole ma = How are you?

47 Vocabulary - Greetings 早晨 jou2 san4 joe sun = Good morning

48 Vocabulary - Greetings 早抖 jou2 tau2 joe tau = Good night

49 Vocabulary - Greetings 晚安 maan5 on1 man on = good night (more polite)

50 Vocabulary - Greetings 得閒再傾過 = dak1 haan4 zoi3 king1 gwo3 = duck han zhoi king gwo = chat again when we are free

51 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 1 練習 lin6 zaap6 Self-Practice

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