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Computer Vision Group Feature Detection Giacomo Boracchi 6/12/2007

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1 Computer Vision Group Feature Detection Giacomo Boracchi 6/12/2007

2 Computer Vision Group Feature matching vs. tracking What is a good feature?  Image-to-image correspondences are determined by some salient point.  These are also the basis of passive triangulation-based 3D reconstruction  Feature Matching: Extract features independently and then match by comparing descriptors  Feature Tracking: Extract features in first images and then try to find same feature back in next view

3 Computer Vision Group Feature Properties  Well-defined: i.e. neighboring points should all be different  Stable across views: same scene point should be extracted as feature for neighboring viewpoints

4 Computer Vision Group Interest Point Detection Low Level Inspired  Gradient Based (ex Harris, Hessian)  Phase Based (Kovesi)  Entropy Based (Zisserman)

5 Computer Vision Group Comparing image regions: Pixel by Pixel I(x,y) I´(x,y)  Dissimilarity Measure SSD the Sum of Squared Distances

6 Computer Vision Group Harris – Moravec  Compute the Sum of Square Distances between the image values on the green square at different position “flat” region: no change in all directions “edge”: no change along the edge direction “corner”: significant change in all directions

7 Computer Vision Group  Response on sliding windows – Moravec (81)  w represent the window (green in the previous slides)  Corner, even small changes are “big” where is a threshold  Look for local maxima in min{E} above some threshold Moreavec (80) E ( x ; y ) = P u v w ( u ; v )( I ( u ; v ) ¡ I ( u ¡ x ; v ¡ y )) 2

8 Computer Vision Group Moravec Drawbacks – Solutions  The response is isotropic as only a finite set of displacements (x,y) is considerer therefore, the same corner rotated may yield different responses.  Solution: Analytical Formulation of E(x,y), expand it in Taylor series  Now E(0,0) = 0 and one can prove that also the term vanishes  H denotes the Hessian Matrix but when it is expressed as a function of I we call it M E ( x ; y ) = P u v w ( u ; v )( I ( u ; v ) ¡ I ( u ¡ x ; v ¡ y )) 2 rE ( 0 ; 0 ) = 0 E ( x ; y ) ¼ E ( 0 ; 0 ) + ¡ xy ¢ rE + 1 2 ¡ xy ¢ H µ x y ¶

9 Computer Vision Group Moravec Drawbacks – Solutions  Now we can approximate being the derivative computed with Sobel or Previtt filters E ( x ; y ) ¼ ¡ xy ¢ M µ x y ¶

10 Computer Vision Group Moravec Drawbacks – Solutions  Considering only the minimum of E is not a great deal, may give too ready responses  Solution consider the SVD of M and pretend that the minimum of the eigenvalues of M is big 2 “Corner” 1 and 2 are large, 1 ~ 2 ; E increases in all directions “Edge” 1 >> 2 “Edge” 2 >> 1 “Flat” region 1

11 Computer Vision Group Moravec Drawbacks – Solutions  The response may be noisy  Solution: take w as Gaussian distributed Weights

12 Computer Vision Group Harris – Stevens (88) 2 “Corner” 1 and 2 are large, 1 ~ 2 ; E increases in all directions “Edge” 1 >> 2 “Edge” 2 >> 1 “Flat” region 1 ∙To avoid eigenvalue decomposition Alternatively

13 Computer Vision Group Feature point extraction homogeneous edge corner Find points that differ as much as possible from all neighboring points

14 Computer Vision Group homogeneous edge corner Find points for which the following is maximum i.e. maximize smallest eigenvalue of M Feature point extraction

15 Computer Vision Group Harris corner detector as Feature Selector  Only use local maxima, subpixel accuracy through second order surface fitting  Select the local maxima of Harris Measure as Features to perform Matching

16 Computer Vision Group Harris – Stevens (88) : Feature extraction  Pro Fast Rotation invariant  Shortcomings No scale invariant No affine transform invariant

17 Computer Vision Group FeatureTracking Giacomo Boracchi 6/12/ 2007

18 Computer Vision Group Comparing image regions: Pixel by Pixel I(x,y) I´(x,y)  Dissimilarity Measure SSD the Sum of Squared Distances

19 Computer Vision Group Comparing image regions: Pixel by Pixel I(x,y) I´(x,y)  Similarity measures

20 Computer Vision Group Normalized Cross Correlation  Gives a measure between [-1,1] While the SSD is only positive and not normalized  Independent on Image Intensity  Allows fast implementation using running sum to compute local averages

21 Computer Vision Group Tracking Problems  Occlusions  Feature Deformations due to motions Affine Perspective  Light Changes (not for NCC based measures)  Noise  Blur  Other Artifacts (e.g. Jpeg compression)

22 Computer Vision Group KLT – Shi and Tomasi 94  Take into account also for affine changes in the image  Consider a Video I(x,y,t) it’s the value of the pixel x,y in the image at time t  Then how to relate the same intensity in two different images  And extending such requirement to a neighbor we get feature matching  And, of course I ( x ; y ; t ) = I ( x + » ; y + ´ ; t + ¿ ) » = » ( x ; y ; ¿ ) an d ´ = ´ ( x ; y ; ¿ ) l e t ± = ( » ; ´ )

23 Computer Vision Group KLT – Shi and Tomasi 94: Feature Tracking  Being the displacement represented by an affine motion field  Consider then only two frames I,J  Affine motion model  Translation only d = [ d x ; d y ]

24 Computer Vision Group KLT – Shi and Tomasi 94: Then what Tracking actually is  Given two images I and J we are interested in determining the six parameters (4 affine + 2 translational motion)  Then for consequent frame a pure translation model is commonly assumed (i.e. D= Identity)

25 Computer Vision Group KLT – Shi and Tomasi 94 : Dissimilarity measure  Goal : minimize dissimilarity (SSD based tracking)  A and d can be determined in a closed form (approximate solutions)  An exact solution can be obtained by iterative procedure  And also for the translation only case T z = azvec t oro f 6 un k nowns, T, acan b ecompu t e d Z d = e d vec t oro f 2 un k nowns, Z, ecan b ecompu t e d

26 Computer Vision Group KLT – Shi and Tomasi 94: Which are Good features?  ”The right features are exactly those that make the tracker work best”  How the tracker work?  Inverting 2 matrices Z and T  Then Good features are those having the matrices Z and T well conditioned (then again eigenvalues analysis)  Thus, no a priori assumption about feature goodness  Affine model also considered

27 Computer Vision Group KLT – Shi and Tomasi 94 : Performances  Adjacent frames – pure displacement Z matrix  Cumulative changes – Affine Transform T matrix

28 Computer Vision Group KLT – Shi and Tomasi 94 : Performances  Camera moving forward 2mm per frame  Affine alignment between first and last frame  Stop tracking features with too large errors

29 Computer Vision Group KLT – Shi and Tomasi 94 : Performances  Dissimilarity computed using pure displacement.  Dissimilarity computed using affine transforms

30 Computer Vision Group A Project: Rotational Blur Removal Giacomo Boracchi

31 Computer Vision Group  In each pixel the blur smears are varying  Only in trivial case of rotation axis orthogonal to image plane this can be considered circumferences Rotational Blur

32 Computer Vision Group Rotation Axis Estimation: the local blur analysis

33 Computer Vision Group Rotation Axis Estimation: the voting procedure

34 Computer Vision Group  blurring path the set of pixels which are intersected by a viewing ray after a rotation of around the axis a ¼ ¼ P C PC ´ VV a a circumferencesConic sections Blurring paths 2 ¼

35 Computer Vision Group Blur Removal: Scheme and Issues  Projection of the image on the plane orthogonal to rotation axis In such a way the blurring paths become circumferences The mapping (an homography) should be extremely accurate  Cartesian to Polar coordinate transform so that the blur becomes shift invariant, i.e. uniform, all the pixels blurred at the same way  Blur Inversion via Regularized Wiener Filtering (Classical Procedure)  Polar to Cartesian coordinate transform  Denoising in Cartesian domain in order to exploit image structures Using LASIP adaptive filtering algorithms (codes) Noise Modeling via Monte Carlo approach

36 Computer Vision Group License Plate Recognition  Objective: automatically detect and recognize license plate from video sequences on a dsp-equipped camera. YZH 4025

37 Computer Vision Group License Plate Recognition – Available Projects  New Starting Project  Probably Strict Deadlines  ONLY THE BRAVES!  License Plate Detection Module Develop a module that detect the license plate in image according to color and shape  License Plate Recognition Module Given the license plate image, develop a module that recognize characters (e.g. using a neural network) and provide the license number  Both projects require good C-programming skills  Coordinators: Caglioti, Gasparini, Taddei

38 Computer Vision Group Computer Vision Group Team  Vincenzo Caglioti  Giacomo Boracchi, Simone Gasparini, Alessandro Giusti, Pierluigi Taddei

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