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SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 12: Poor People in HK.

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1 SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 12: Poor People in HK

2 L12: 18.10.06 Who are the poor people in HK?  Unemployed people:  Aged people, Single parents, and Those who suffer from chronic illness  The working poor  Unskilled labour, Contract workers What are their living conditions in HK? How are they being protected by the social welfare/ social security system? Public and social attitudes towards them?

3 L12: 18.10.06 The working poor Long working hours –security guide: 12 hours/ day –cleansing workers: 10.2 hours/ day Low income –Cleansing workers: $3,600/ month ($12-15/ hour) Contracted-out workers –E.g. work in public toilets (<$3,500 VS $5,300-$5,900)

4 L12: 18.10.06 The contracted-out workers Short-term employment –6 months, 1 months, 1 week, 1 day/ 1 night Intensive and heavy workload Lack of legal protection –Wage reduction –Holidays –MPF –Insurance

5 L12: 18.10.06 Common characteristics Low education and limited skills Weak social network Unstable and low household income Lack of bargaining power –In terms of income and other benefits Choice between keeping the low income job or applying for social assistance

6 L12: 18.10.06 Alternative? CSSA (Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme) –Assets limits (cash, savings, investments, real properties, and other realizable assets): No. of family members (able-bodied) Assets limits ($) Single22,000 114,500 229,000 343,500 4 or above58,000

7 L12: 18.10.06 CSSA Standard Rate (for family) E.g. 1400+1150+1280+1280 = $5,110/month Single person 234 or more Single parent/ family carer - 1,7501,5801,400 Other adult1,6101,4351,2951,150 Able-bodied child1,9301,6001,4401,280

8 L12: 18.10.06 Role of Government Social welfare? Limit the number of outsourcing in governmental projects and services? Better implementation of the laws and policies? Legislating other protective laws for labour?

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