1 ACCREDITATION REAFFIRMATION: STATE OF PREPAREDNESS Dr. David Adegboye – An Overview Dr. Frank Martin – Compliance Certification Dr. Rose Duhon-Sells.

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1 1 ACCREDITATION REAFFIRMATION: STATE OF PREPAREDNESS Dr. David Adegboye – An Overview Dr. Frank Martin – Compliance Certification Dr. Rose Duhon-Sells – Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Dr. Mary Minter – Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Dr. James Takona – NCATE Reaffirmation Presented at the: University Professional Conference Spring Semester 2008 January 7, 2008

2 2 An Overview David S. Adegboye, Ph.D. Professor of Biology Associate Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs & SACS Liaison Officer

3 3 Broad Responsibilities Institutional Accreditation Reaffirmation, SACS – 2011 NCATE Reaffirmation – Oct. 25-29, 2008 AACSB – International, Initial Accreditation – 2011 CSWE Reaffirmation - 2012

4 4 SACS Reaffirmation Timeline – 2011 Cohort Orientation of Leadership Team by SACS Officers – second Monday in June 2009 Compliance Certification due – September 10, 2010 Off-site Review – second week in November 2010 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) due – November 30, 2010 (six weeks prior to On-site review) Focus Report – in response to any Off-Site Review issue On-site Review – Mid January to third week in April 2011 Review by the COC – first week in Dec. 2011 Track B – Undergraduate & Graduate Degrees or Graduate only

5 5 Academic Programs - current B.S. Biology B.S. Criminal Justice A.A. Drug & Substance Abuse B.S. General Studies B.S. Health Information Management B.A. Psychology B.A. Sociology B.A. Substance Abuse M.A. Criminal Justice M.A. Museum Studies & Cultural Preservation College of Arts & Sciences

6 6 Academic Programs - current B.S. Business Entrepreneurship B.S. Management Information Systems B.A. Public Administration M.S. Management Information Systems College of Business & Public Administration

7 7 Academic Programs - current B.A. Child Development & Family Studies B.S. Early Childhood Education B.S. Elementary Education Alternate Certification in Early Childhood Education Alternate Certification in Elementary Childhood Education College of Education

8 8 Academic Programs - current B.S.W. Social Welfare M.S.W. Social Work School of Social Work

9 9 Academic Programs - current M.A. Criminal Justice M.S. Management Information Systems M.A. Museum Studies & Cultural Preservation M.S.W. Social Work School of Graduate Studies

10 10 Academic Programs – approval pending M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction with concentration in Early Childhood Development and Elementary Education B.S. Mathematics B.A. English B.A. History

11 11 Periodic Program Review 2006-07 Criminal Justice (Undergrad & Graduate) Psychology General Studies 2007-08 M.A. Museum Studies Sociology Drug and Substance Abuse

12 12 Leadership Team Re-structuring – SACS Audit Recommendation

13 13 Use of Technology in the Process Electronic submission of required documents and the evidence SUS exploring suitable vendor for database See samples from Loyola University New Orleans No recommendations Similar environment

14 14 Identifying & Exploring Issues of Compliance A Report to the Executive Council, COC, SACS Dec. 2006 Analysis of most-cited non-compliance findings Handout Provided

15 15 Action Items – Spring 2008 Please view Accreditation Site on SUNO’s Website regularly Support QEP and Compliance Task Force Committees Participate in Training Programs provided by SUNO SACS Annual Conference SACS Summer Institute Workshops – organized by SUS or SUNO Consultants

16 16 Action Items continued… SACS Audit Team Visit mid-Feb, 2008 Chairs and Deans– detailed Annual Reports from Year 2006 Faculty list Teaching records Academic activities, etc….

17 17 Compliance Certification Frank Martin, Ph.D. Professor of Economics Chair, Department of Business Entrepreneurship Chair, Compliance Certification Task Force

18 18 Compliance Certification Task Force Members Dr. Frank Martin, Chair Mr. Wesley Bishop Mr. Kevin Bryant, Student Member Dr. Brenda Jackson Dr. Lisa Mims-Devezin Dr. William Stewart Dr. Igwe Udeh

19 19 Update on Compliance Certification Activities Compliance Certification Subcommittees constituted in Fall 2007 Subcommittee chairs chosen Task Force met with Subcommittee members and handed out the following documents: SACS-COC Principles of Accreditation, Compliance Certification Form, List of areas with greatest percentages of non- compliance citations by off-site visiting committees, and duties and responsibilities of the Compliance Certification Task Force The handouts are being sent to Subcommittee members who could not attend meeting

20 20 Responsibilities of the Subcommittees Assist the Task Force in implementing its charge During the Spring 2008 semester, the subcommittee will collect data for the Compliance Certification Inventory Purpose of the Inventory: to determine where the university stands relative to the Core Requirements, Principles of Accreditation, and Federal Requirements

21 21 Timeline of Actions Leading up to Reaffirmation Visit in Spring 2011 Spring 2008: Compliance Certification Inventory Fall 2008: Preliminary Compliance Certification Audit Fall 2009: Compliance Certification Audit Fall 2010: Compliance Certification document submitted to SACS-COC

22 22 Activities for the Spring of 2008 Series of meetings to familiarize Task Force members with the accreditation principles Develop Compliance Certification ACTION PLAN Task Force members will work with subcommittee chairs Inventory will be completed by the Compliance Certification Task Force Compliance Certification Task Force will make recommendations to Chancellor based on Inventory results Set up Compliance Certification Databases

23 23 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Rose Duhon-Sells, Ph.D. Professor of Education Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Chair, QEP Task Force

24 24 QEP Topic Attaining academic excellence by improving student learning throughout the first year Freshman experience.

25 25 QEP Focus Improving student learning through E- learning, improving writing skills and the ability to use critical thinking.

26 26 Town Hall Meetings Attaining full inclusion and suggestions for this document that is continuously evolving.

27 27 Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Mary Minter, Ph.D. Professor of Education Dean, College of Education Chair, Student Learning Outcomes Task Force

28 28 The purpose of the Student Learning Outcomes Team is to provide leadership and assistance to the academic areas responsible for the delivery of instruction in order to develop measurable/SMART student learning outcomes in a timely manner. S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Relevant/Realistic T = Timely Student Learning Outcomes Team Purpose and Goal

29 29 Student Learning Outcome Activities Conducting workshops to discuss the concept of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Definition of SLO The collection and statement of SLOs (existing) The development of SLO academic and institutional plans that reflect acceptable levels of reliability, validity, and high standards of integrity. The implementation of all SLO plans The collection, analysis, and reporting of SLO The writing and presentation of SLO reports for various academic areas and for the campus as a whole.

30 30 Timeline Fall 2007 Orientation of Sub-Committees Chairs and Sub- Committee members Spring 2008 Data Collection – Syllabi from all units September 2008 Preliminary Compliance Readiness Audit September 2009 Update Compliance Readiness Audit September 2010 SUNO’s Compliance Certification will be submitted to COC-SACS

31 31 Syllabus Format The syllabus must reflect what students are expected to learn and how it is to be measured. SLO’s for each course should be stated as follows: “At the end of the course, students will be able to….” Finally, are learning outcomes the same for both on-campus and on-line students?

32 32 NCATE Reaffirmation James Takona, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Education & NCATE Coordinator

33 33 ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS ACADEMIC YEAR AUGUST 2007 New Faculty Institute (Faculty Development) with a specific focus on Accreditation External Consultant (Free of Charge) offered a full day faculty workshop on ACEI Program Report Preparation

34 34 Faculty Development with a specific focus on NCATE Accreditation Five (5) Faculty members attended the Fall AACTE/NCATE Institutional Orientation in Crystal City, VA Prepared and submitted the four (4) SPA Reports SEPTEMBER 2007

35 35 Prepared and Submitted Title II Report for the U.S. Department of Education Education Faculty/Arts and Science participated in a 2 hour Web conference (Faculty Development) offered by NCATE Seven (7) NCATE Core Committees formed and activated consisting of approximately 70 faculty members and P-12 Personnel NCATE Timeline schedule developed and implemented OCTOBER 2007

36 36 NOVEMBER 2007 Audit review completed by Dr. Allen Mori (External Consultant (Free of Charge) Four (4) nationally known External Consultants identified Education Faculty participated in a 2 hour Web conference (Faculty Development) offered by NCATE Dean visited Middle Tennessee State University as an observer of their on-site NCATE visit

37 37 DECEMBER 2007 Approximately 90% of faculty in the College of Education participated in a day long PASSPORT workshop in Lafayette, LA Dean and NCATE Coordinator visited Southeastern University which has a Spring 2008 NCATE visit to consult with counterparts AACTE/NCATE Joint Data Report preparation completed and ready for submission prior to the January 15, 2008 deadline First Draft of the NCATE’s Institutional Report preparation is underway Faculty receive a 3 hours consultation National consultant (Immediate Past NCATE Board Member – Free of Charge)

38 38 UP COMING ACTIVITIES Mock Visit (February 16-19, 2008) preparation is underway Implementation of various activities preceding visit Actual NCATE/STATE site visit scheduled for October 25-29, 2008 (263 days left!)

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