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The ICE Tool Feng Wen Qi Yuan Kin Wah Leung. Presentation Overview  Project goal  Interactive GUI  Introduce image enhancement techniques  Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "The ICE Tool Feng Wen Qi Yuan Kin Wah Leung. Presentation Overview  Project goal  Interactive GUI  Introduce image enhancement techniques  Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ICE Tool Feng Wen Qi Yuan Kin Wah Leung

2 Presentation Overview  Project goal  Interactive GUI  Introduce image enhancement techniques  Integration with Matlab™  Implementation of image enhancement techniques  Potential advancement of ICE tool

3 ICE Tool What is ICE tool?  ICE = Image Contrast Enhancement  Capable of executing various image enhancement techniques  Provides easy to use interface  Can be altered according to desire needs if necessary

4 Project Goal  To implement an interactive GUI capable of enhancing images  Research image enhancement techniques  Programming an interactive GUI  Integrating with Matlab™ libraries  Implementing image enhancement functions  make sure functions performed correctly

5 Interactive GUI  The Interactive GUI (graphic user interface)  As user friendly as possible  Created using Java™ - A programming language from Sun Microsystems - Provides great system portability  Created as a Java™ frame application  GUI features  Ability to load and save desired images  Displays original and modified image on the same panel  Easy menu bar browsing

6 GUI Features  Ability to load and save image  Ability to display both original and modified image on same screen

7 GUI Features (cont…)  Easy toolbar browsing  Combines simple image enhancement methods

8 Image Enhancement Techniques  Contrast Enhancement  Histogram equalization - Image quality can be improved by altering histogram - Calculates the ideal transformation from the histogram of the image - All gray levels used has a tendency to enhance image contrast Transformation Function: T(f ) can be calculated from the following relation:

9 Image Enhancement Techniques (cont…)  Noise Removal Filter – removes dots or speckles on image (equivalent of low-pass filtering)  Average Filter (Mean) - Replace each pixel by the average of the window area pixels - Has the effect of smoothing image - Larger window size removes noise more effectively while - At the expense of blurring the details  Median Filter - Replace each pixel by the median of the window area pixels - More effective against impulse noise (aka salt and pepper) - Can retain details and edges better than averaging filter

10 Image Enhancement Techniques (cont…)  Deblurring  Wiener Deblurring - Generalized inverse filter - Effective when information regarding frequency characteristics are known, at least to a degree  Lucy-Richardson - Effective when the PSF (point-spread function) is know but little information is available for the noise  Sharpening  Enhances details and edges  Line structures can be obtain by applying high-pass filter

11 Integration With Matlab™  Benefits  Allows the access of the large Matlab™ function library - The Matlab™ math function library - The Matlab™ image processing function library  Integration process  Use of an software engine to link Matlab ™ and Java ™ GUI together  Implement the functions to the appropriate buttons

12 Integration With Matlab™  Incorporate with JMatLink  A Java engine capable of linking Java ™ applications and Matlab ™ - Use of native methods, no source code need to be changed - Created by Stefan Muller  Edit autoexec.bat to set path to Matlab ™ and Java ™

13  Research Matlab ™ code  Must know the codes for executing all of the image enhancement techniques  Ex: for histogram equalization I = imread(‘abc.jpg’); J = histeq( I ); Image Enhancement Implementation  Implement the code to the Java ™ interface buttons  Every component assigned the appropriate Matlab ™ code  Press of buttons send Java ™ code to Matlab ™ for execution

14 Image Enhancement Implementation (cont…)

15 Summary  Successfully creating an functional interactive GUI using Java  Java was integrated with Matlab™ through JMatLink  The Matlab™ code was associated with every button in GUI  Additional features and improvements can be made

16 Future Advancement of ICE Tool  Try to make it a standalone application without Matlab™  Addition of more image enhancement techniques  Addition of more features such as help documentation, zoom, etc  Package into an easy to install application

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