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Asexual Reproduction Biology 4.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Asexual Reproduction Biology 4.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asexual Reproduction Biology 4.1

2 Asexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction results in the production of a new organism The organism produced has ____________to the parent Asexual Reproduction can be found in ____________

3 Binary Fission Organisms that are prokaryotic ____________ like bacteria reproduce with ____________ The parent cell divides so that the daughter cell contains a single chromosome ____________

4 Binary Fission

5 Mitotic Protista are single cell eukaryotic ____________ organisms
Identical to the division of any cell with a nucleus Follows the 4 steps: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

6 Mitotic

7 Fragmentation Fungi (mold and mushrooms) reproduce by ____________
The organism grows by sending thin string called ____________ Hyphae grow ____________ searching for food ____________

8 Animals Invertebrates ____________ are able to reproduce asexually
Some use division and re-growth ____________ Others use budding where ____________

9 Animals

10 Plants Different plants will reproduce asexually with “runners” or complex root systems Plants have a specialized structure that allows them to grow, called a ____________

11 Plants

12 What do you think? In your groups think of 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of asexual reproduction

13 Advantages to Asexual Reproduction
New organism is ____________ Do not need to find a partner Low parent to offspring care, so ____________ The offspring is usually ____________

14 Disadvantages to Asexual Reproduction
Not a lot of genetic variety… ____________ Difficult for organism to adapt to ____________ Low parent-to-offspring care, ____________

15 Activity Each group will pull a type of organism at random
The group will then use the modeling clay to create 3D models The models must demonstrate the asexual reproduction of that species Groups will be given the opportunity to go on walk-about to see the models done by other groups Students are encourage to ask questions about the models

16 Practice Questions What is binary fission? How is it different form mitotic cell division? How can fungi reproduce asexually? How can an animal reproduce by budding? What is an advantage to asexual reproduction?

17 Practice Questions One arm of a sea star (with part of the central disk) can regrow a complete sea star. Sea stars often eat oysters, by attaching themselves to the outside of the oyster shell. Oyster farmers used to try to destroy the sea stars by cutting them in to pieces, and throwing them back into the ocean. What do you think was the outcome of this situation.

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