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I N S P I R E INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe Spatial Data Infrastructures (Madrid) (22 December 2004)

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Presentation on theme: "I N S P I R E INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe Spatial Data Infrastructures (Madrid) (22 December 2004)"— Presentation transcript:

1 I N S P I R E INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe Spatial Data Infrastructures (Madrid) (22 December 2004) Joep Crompvoets (Centre Geo-Information)

2 Intrduv Objectives Introduction Spatial Data Infrastructure EUROSION (Motivatie European Geo-Information Infrastructure) INSPIRE Impacts

3 Access Network Policy Standards Data (& services) People GII Components of Spatial Data Infrastructures

4 EUROSION : Motivation for an European SDI and the role of spatial data within SDI Project funded by the European Commission

5 OBJECTIVE “To provide the European Commission with a package of recommendations on policy and management measures to address coastal erosion in the EU. These recommendations should be based on a thorough assessment of the state of coastline and of the response options available at each level of administration.”

6 Moderately vulnerable areas Lowly vulnerable areas Highly vulnerable areas (hotspot) Assessment of European coastline Example of Ajaccio Bay

7 Analysis Vulnerable areas and Monitoring indicators In terms of Lives at risk Economy at risk Nature at risk ElevationBathymetryAdministrative boundariesHydrographyInfrastructureErosion patterns (CCEr)Sediment discharges from riversHydrodynamics and sea level riseLand cover (LC) and LC changesLaws and decreesNationally designated areasSocial and economical profiles From Data to Information

8 INFORMATION PROBLEMS A large variety of formats exist Many geographical gaps still remain Reference systems are not harmonized Many data sources are not consistent Scales are not compatible All data are not interoperable Costs and access restrictions

9 Issue No. 1 - A large variety of formats exists Integration of various formats is time consuming and uncertain - Satellite images - Maps - Aerial photographs - Diagrams - Statistics - Reports - Databases - Etc.

10 Issue No. 2 – Many geographical gaps still remain Geological data at scale 1:50,000 (source: BRGM, France) Need to identify the gaps and make priorities to bridge them

11 Reference system 1 : ETRS89 Issue No. 3 - Reference systems are not harmonized Need to define a common terrestrial reference system for data production and processing Reference system 2 : Clarke 80

12 - 5 m - 10 m - 15 m - 20 m - 25 m 5 m 10 m 15 m 10 m 15 m Sources 1: Coastline : SABE (EuroGeographics) Bathymetry : TCIFMS (SHOM) Topography : BDTOPO (IGN) Sources 2: Coastline : SABE (EuroGeographics) Bathymetry : GEBCO (BODC) Topography : MONA PRO Issue No. 4 – Many data sources are not consistent Need to build pan-european “seamless” data with standard specifications

13 Issue No. 5 - Scales are not compatible 1:100,000 (source: SABE) 1:250,000 (source: WVS) Need to adopt a common level of perception and representation of data

14 0 m < Difference < 50 m 50 m < Difference < 200 m Difference > 200 m CORINE Land Cover 1990 SABE Coastline Issue No. 6 – All the data are not interoperable

15 Issue No. 7 – Costs and access restrictions (1/2) Most existing datasets are “copyrighted”: you do not buy information itself, but a right to use it (“license”) The more users will handle the data, the more expensive the license Dissemination of end-products is restricted (sometimes, end-products have to be “degraded”) Quality “label” are not commonly adopted : uncertainty about the products licensed

16 Issue No. 7 – Costs and access restrictions (2/3) 28% acquisition of licensed data (e.g. Elevation) 17% update of existing data (e.g. Coastal Erosion) 33% production of missing data (e.g. Hydrodynamics) 24% Format conversion, integration, and quality control EUROSION database = 2 Millions Euros

17 CONCLUSIONS Higher investment costs (2 to 3 times) Delayed implementation (8 to 10 months) Uncertain quality dissemination constraints The absence of a European spatial data infrastructure results in:

18 I N S P I R E INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe

19 Main objective INSPIRE To deliver useful, standardised and high quality data in order to formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate European, National and Local Policy. Differences between Height Reference Levels

20 Start-up phase End 2001: Launch INSPIRE Action within 6th Environmental Action Program (6EAP) -> Better Policy/Realisation Environment -> INSPIRE Legal framework for EU SDI 2001 – 2004: Preparation of INSPIRE (Coordination EC Brussels, supported by JRC, EUROSTAT + working groups) 23 Juli 2004: Acceptance of the INSPIRE-proposal by the European Commission A major Milestone for European SDI!!

21 Architecture & Standards Chair : JRC Ispra Legal Aspects & Data Policy Chair : UK Funding & Implementation structures Chair : SE Common Reference Data & Metadata Chair : ESTAT Impact Analysis Chair : NL Environmental thematic co-ordination Chair: EEA Inter-sectoral co-ordination Chair: ESTAT ….. biodiversity soils air marine noise forest water Environmental components Horizontal Components Agricultural components Transport components Other components Technical Co-ordination & Secretariat JRC Ispra - Institute for Environment and Sustainability COGI Chair: ESTAT INSPIRE Expert Group Chair : DG ENV & ESTAT Further phases: other themes Other thematic co-ordination Chair: Transport thematic co-ordination Chair: Agricultural thematic co-ordination Chair: Phase 1: Environmental Sector INSPIRE

22 Impact of INSPIRE Framework Positive impact on the demand and supply of spatial datasets and services Positive impact on decision-making Positive impact on cost savings Positive impacts to streamline environmental policy- making Positive impact on human resources Positive impact on professional education (GIS, data visualization, navigation and positioning, Positive impact on the social cohesion Negative impact on current spatial data price policy at national level Negative impact on public sector investment at national level

23 The proposal General starting points, objectives and development processes for European SDI Based on national SDIs Focus on selected group of spatial data (Annex I, II en III data/ integration-ambition and time) Main action points: 1.Organise meta-data 2.Standardise spatial data 3.Develop network services 4.Rules for data transfer and re-use

24 Annex IAnnex III 1. Coordinate Systems1. Statistical units 2. Buildings 2. Geographical gridsystems3. Soil 3. Geographical names4. Geology 4. Administrative units5. Land Use 5. Transport networks6. Health and Security 6. Hydrography7. Environmental/Conservation 7. Protection zones facilities 8. Production/industrial facilities Annex II9. Facilities for agriculture and aquaculture 1. Elevation10. Demography 2. Ownership registrations11. Land management in 3. Cadastral parcels areas with limitations 4. Soil Cover12. Areas with environmental risks 5. Ortho-images13. Atmospheric conditions 14. Meteorological geographical characteristics 15. Oceanographic geographical characteristics 16. Sea areas 17. Bio-geographical areas 18. Habitats en biotopes 19. Dissemination of species Division of spatial data (Annex I, II and III)

25 1.Organise meta-information Member states: Description and management Meta-data Annex I and II -> 2010; Annex III -> 2012 Starting point ISO-standard for metadata (ISO19115) 2. Standardise spatial data formulate specifications Establishment of common system for unambiguous identification of objects, relations between objects, time and multilingual thesauri Annex I -> 2009, Annex II and III -> 2013

26 3. Develop network services Related to metadata and spatial data Examples of potential services: Upload, Search, View, Download and Analyse services Member states: Central role to supply these services Member States: Opportunity to limit access to public

27 4. Rules for data transfer and re-use Likely to be most politically difficult action -> establishment of rules Establishment of Directives and common license conditions

28 Users Governments and Administrations (EU, National, Regional, Local) Utility and Public Services (Transport, Health, Emergency services, Utilities) Research and development Organisations (Universities, Public and Private Institutes) Commercial and Professional End Users (Tourism, Value Added Resellers, Surveyors) Non-governmental Organizations General Public

29 INSPIRE future (1/2) Establishment of EU-directive (similar as EU-habitat directive and EU-framework directive Water) Three stages: 1) Preparation stage (2005 – 2006) - Activities mainly political/content focussed - NL (VROM): Place on the agenda and support activities (e.g. Nat. Congress GII) - Adaptations to proposal - Establishment of (implementation) directives - Establishment of profiles for metadata - Extend European Geo-Portal - Test technological concepts Proposal change to INSPIRE-decision ->submission to EU-Parliament and Council

30 2)Transposition stage (2007-2008) Establishment INSPIRE-commission -> control organ (consisted of representatives of member states) Member states: Change directive in own law and rules 3) Implementation stage (2009-2013) Implementation of directive(s) Periodical reporting about progress INSPIRE future (2/2)

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