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National Perspectives on Aquaculture Extension National Aquaculture Extension Conference April 2003 Tucson, Arizona Dr. James McVey Sea Grant Program Director.

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Presentation on theme: "National Perspectives on Aquaculture Extension National Aquaculture Extension Conference April 2003 Tucson, Arizona Dr. James McVey Sea Grant Program Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Perspectives on Aquaculture Extension National Aquaculture Extension Conference April 2003 Tucson, Arizona Dr. James McVey Sea Grant Program Director for Aquaculture Dr. James Murray Sea Grant Program Director for Extension

2 Contributes nearly 40% of world seafood supplies, valued at $56 billion - U.S. imports $10 billion of seafood or 2/3 of seafood supply Opportunity for expansion of U.S. production for both marine and freshwater species NOAA working on international agreements with China, Japan, and Korea - Developing coastal ecosystem management, inc. aquaculture Extension of environmentally compatible technology and management information is becoming ever more important for coastal extension agents Importance of Aquaculture Nationally and Internationally

3 Aquaculture Act of 1980 and 1985 clearly identifies DOC with a primary role in aquaculture development Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act provides management and licensing authority for NMFS in EEZ Coastal Zone Management Act directs NOAA to consider aquaculture in coastal management plans DOC and NOAA’s Legislative Mandates for Aquaculture NOAA has a broad coastal stewardship responsibility and MARINE AQUACULTURE is an integral part

4 NIST (ATP), EDA and MBDA support aquaculture projects and activities DOC/NOAA has steering group for aquaculture DOC through Sea Grant conducts SBIR program that includes aquaculture DOC Aquaculture Program DOC Aquaculture Policy of 1999 calls for 5 fold increase in U.S. aquaculture production and 3 fold increase in jobs

5 Recognizes role of Sea Grant Extension for NOAA’s outreach efforts Provides integrated budget for Sea Grant, NMFS, NESDIS, and NOS in aquaculture - Increasing over time - NOAA upper level management involved Supports DOC/NOAA Aquaculture Information Center and AquaNIC and their web pages Developed Aquaculture Plan (1998) Includes aquaculture in Strategic Plan NOAA Aquaculture Program

6 Supports aquaculture research, education, and extension through 30 Sea Grant programs and national competitions Created own Aquaculture Plan (1999) which includes research and extension plans for next decade Supports Sea Grant library for access to all Sea Grant publications Sea Grant National Office administers 3 international aquaculture programs Aquaculture Theme Team - Includes Sea Grant Directors, Extension, Communication, and National Office staff Sea Grant Aquaculture

7 At least 4 major labs involved with aquaculture - Manchester, WA - Milford, CT - Galveston, TX - Auke Bay, AK Developed Aquaculture Plan and Aquaculture Council for coordination Supports Saltonstall-Kennedy and SBIR grants in aquaculture Fisheries Loan Fund that supports aquaculture Developing aquaculture legislation for leasing and permits in EEZ National Marine Fisheries Service Aquaculture

8 NOAA recognizes marine and Great Lakes aquaculture as critical element of broader fisheries/ecosystem management strategy NOAA has long history of research and outreach in marine and Great Lakes aquaculture that has contributed enabling technologies for domestic and international operations today In partnership with cooperative extension programs in coastal states, there is a national network of extension specialists and faculty researchers that are at the forefront of such exciting technologies as offshore aquaculture, marine enhancement, and marine recirculating systems that show great promise for expanding U.S. and global aquaculture operations Summary

9 Demographic trends coupled with technological advances will greatly increase: - Demand for seafood - Potential for intensive marine aquaculture operations - Contribution by mariculture to world seafood production will increase - Wild stocks and habitats are under duress - mariculture will be important element in fisheries mngt. plans stock rebuilding efforts Concern for environmental impact = greater regulation and licensing requirements Critical elements to developing a viable industry: - Public policy concerns - Environmental assessment Aquaculture Extension in the 21 st Century: Challenges and Opportunities

10 Role of Extension Overarching management concept: SUSTAINABILITY Needed more than ever to build an industry of critical mass Traditional focus on production technology must be expanded to broader range of concerns: - Community development - Environmental assessment and monitoring - Ecosystem/Fisheries management - Economics and public policy - Seafood safety and supply - Partnerships of federal, state, and local jurisdictions Overarching management concept: SUSTAINABILITY - Integrate across disciplines - Engage multiple interest groups Role of Extension

11 Extension within NOAA: Looking to the Future Environmental literacy Strategic plan - Engage, Advise, Inform Sea Grant Extension is unique asset in NOAA

12 Role of Extension Overarching management concept: SUSTAINABILITY FY 2002 Aquaculture Funding Federal: $4,004,818 Pass through: $5,595,550 Match: $3,092,379 FY 2002 Extension Funding Federal: $10,864,839 Pass through: $555,000 Match: $7,385,513 FY 2000 Aquaculture Extension Funding Total: $1,459,118 8.9% of Total Extension Effort ~22.25 FTEs Sea Grant Aquaculture Extension Today

13 Role of Extension Overarching management concept: SUSTAINABILITY Threshold of great advances in farming the sea Must satisfy the sustainability equation Summary Will not happen without an informed, innovative, and aggressive aquaculture extension effort That is tomorrow’s challenge.

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