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How to design, maintain, and use your.  Many students have a difficult time finding their notebook, let alone finding specific material IN their notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "How to design, maintain, and use your.  Many students have a difficult time finding their notebook, let alone finding specific material IN their notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to design, maintain, and use your

2  Many students have a difficult time finding their notebook, let alone finding specific material IN their notebook.  Interactive notebooks are designed to be…  More organized  More conducive to learning  More regularly USED and not just written on or in I’m user friendly! I know it’s in one of these notebooks!

3 Fine then….  A one-stop shop where you can organize:  Teacher notes and examples  student responses to the material  creative analysis and documentation of knowledge attained during the course  any handouts, assignments, quizzes, etc. for easy retrieval and review

4  Supplies- Mead 5 subject notebook or math- dedicated binder with plenty of paper, glue sticks, tape, colored pencils, highlighters, etc. organized in some way, preferably a pencil pouch or something to keep it all safe  Organization and dedication-  Creativity- will be needed for “left-side activities” like cartoons, acrostics, etc

5 Left-Side Activities are simply the tasks that will be completed on the left side of your notebook. Which means, of course, that “right- side” activities are merely the work done in class assigned to be done on the right side of your notebook. Make sense now?

6  The RIGHT side is “restricted” for the teacher.  You will record such items as the date, daily objective, class notes, discussion notes, examples, teacher-assigned questions, etc. on this side.  Think of this side as the required material that you will be tested on. So far, this sounds like a normal notebook… boring



9  The Left side is “left” for you. It is the “Learning” side. This is the side where you can employ your creativity in your own unique analysis of the material.

10 Ready? Set. Go.

11 Left Side of the Notebook Paraphrase or clarify items Enter a drawing, photo, sketch, or magazine picture that illustrates the concept Pose questions about the information Create a metaphor that captures the essence of the topic Formulate and record a contradictory perspective Write a reflection on the information Find a quote that connects to the concept; record it and explain your rationale Make connections between the information/text and your own life, another text, and/or the world Create a concept map that captures the main topic and key concepts Create an acronym that will help you to remember the information covered Make connections to the content/processes of other courses Right Side of the Notebook Notes on a: mini-lesson lecture math lab/ experiment reading small group or large group discussion collaborative group process a copied excerpt of a text Also included is bookwork: Book questions Guided Readings THIS SIDE IS RESERVED FOR INFORMATION THAT I PROVIDE FOR YOU

12  The left side belongs to you. It contains your warm-up and the synthesis of the day’s activity. On this page, you may include diagrams, riddles, cartoons, drawings, poems, foldables, pictowords, etc.

13 Illustrated Re-write of the Notes Left Si-eeede After a student learned about using cross- multiplication to compare and order fractions, they created their own abbreviated and creative note sheet recapping the important details of the lesson!

14 or Summary of Section/Chapter Left Si-eeede

15 Math Riddles Left Si-eeede Do you know why this is the answer?

16 KNL Charts Left Si-eeede

17 Graphic organizers Left Si-eeede

18 Math Memory Hook Left Si-eeede

19 Acrostics Left Si-eeede G eometrical shapes E asy to do O ctagons and Hexagons M any figures E very shape is different T he area and perimeter are things you find R adius as well Y ou will love geometry

20 Acrostics Left Si-eeede

21 Venn Diagrams Left Si-eeede

22 Pictowords Left Si-eeede

23 Cartoon / Comic Strips Left Si-eeede

24 Formula Alert! Area of a Triangle A= ½bh Mathematical Markers Left Si-eeede  You should create mathematical markers to designate important formulas, algorithms, etc. For example, you could create your own “formula symbol” to highlight each time a new formula is being learned!




28  The right side “belongs to me” and should only contain teacher directed activities. Nothing else should be placed on this page!  Examples:  Notes  Study guides  Vocabulary  Examples  Formulas

29 Teacher directed notes on the right Student created analysis of the notes on the left

30 Ok, I think I get it now… what else do I need to know?

31  No ripped out pages  No torn corners  No doodling unless geometry related  Notebook should only be used in Geometry- do not create a “history” or “science” section in the back… we geometers do not mingle with those lesser subjects  Date and number each page before you begin

32 YYour notebook should have the following: AA colorful, personalized cover page AA table of contents UUnit or chapter cover pages PPage numbers and dates on EACH spread

33  Must include the  Subject- that would be GEOMETRY  Teacher- that would be me… Miss Saia (please don’t make up your own name for me)  Your name- please see me if you are struggling with this one, I have them written down somewhere  At least two geometric pictures, whether they be real world examples of geometry, cartoons, or self-made diagrams

34  You will leave the first 10 pages blank for a table of contents.  As you fill your notebook pages with notes and related activities, you will fill in the table of contents to correlate with those sections.  After these designated 10 pages, you will begin numbering the notebook.



37  At the beginning of each unit you will be required to create a cover page for that unit.  You will create this once the unit is completed.  Therefore, each time we start a new unit, you should leave that page blank and then return to it later.



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