1 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it.

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Presentation on theme: "1 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 06 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack

2 2 84 43 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 06 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 14

3 3 13 16 43 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 06 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack

4 4 53 16 43 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 06 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 13

5 5 16 43 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 06 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 53

6 6 99 72 43 14 84 43 13 63397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 16 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 16

7 7 72 43 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 16 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 99

8 8 43 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 16 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 72

9 9 33 97 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 16 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 43

10 10 64 97 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 16 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 33

11 11 97 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 16 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 64

12 12 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 16 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack 97

13 13 14 84 43 13 163397 64 99 72 53 Preorder Traversal with a Stack Push the root onto the stack. While the stack is not empty n pop the stack and visit it n push its two children 14 84 13 53 16 99 72 43 33 64 97 51 25 Stack

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