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Presentation on theme: "GROUP ADVISING INFORMATION FOR SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS Fall 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 The ISET Major is part of University College ISET is the only major in the University College University College

3 How you prepare for Group Advising  Gather forms  View unofficial transcript  Update ISET Checklist  Update 4-year plan

4 Where you can find the forms  Pick up the forms at:  The ISET Office (McKee 227) or  Print from the ISET website (Forms)  ISET course checklist  4-year plan worksheet  GPA prediction worksheet

5 Catalog  Look on URSA to see which catalog you are in – Go to  Student Information  Curriculum Information  Current Program  Catalog Term  Read the course descriptions  Check out course prerequisites  Be aware of GPA requirements

6 Look at your Unofficial Transcript on URSA  Do you have the…  Correct major ? (minor if applicable)  Correct concentration ?  Elementary licensure ?  ESL endorsement ? (if applicable)

7 Do you have transfer credits?  These are listed by institution on your unofficial transcript  AP/IB credits  Contact Admissions {351-2881} if credits are not listed Must have C or higher for credits to transfer Grades do not transfer

8 View URSA for Transcript Totals  Located above Courses in Progress  Earned Hours = transfer credits + UNC credits ◦ Credit total determines registration date  Use overall Quality Points, GPA hours, and GPA values to complete GPA worksheet  Follow instructions for calculating GPA on GPA Worksheet  Second page of GPA Worksheet gives the Quality Point values for letter grades

9 GPA is Very Important! 2.75 cumulative GPA is needed to register for many PTEP courses 3.0 cumulative GPA prerequisite for : EDEL 445/446 Literacy Block EDEL 450 Math and Social Studies Methods EDEL 453/454 Student Teaching Block To calculate your GPA  follow the directions on the GPA Prediction Worksheet

10 Grade Forgiveness (GF): Best way to raise your GPA  May be applied toward 4 courses (up to 12 credits)  Application available at  FORMS ◦ Read information box on GF Application  Submit application to Registrar’s Office prior to last day of semester in which course is repeated  GF applications submitted after the end of term require advisor signature  Keep a copy of the application for your personal records

11 Update your ISET Checklist  Check the courses you have already completed according to your unofficial transcript  Check the courses you are currently enrolled in

12 Update your 4-Year Plan  Include classes you plan to take next semester  Students with an updated checklist and 4-year plan will receive priority in advising

13 Where are your classes located? Carefully check the location of your classes Some courses are off campus ◦ DO NOT register for any class with: LOWR, LOV or COSP location ◦ DIST = Extended Studies  {additional tuition cost}

14 Course Information  Some courses have unique requirements  EX: Online WEB; Hybrid; Recitation; Lab  To find out specifics about courses:  Click on the CRN #  Look at the information in Notes  It is your responsibility to be informed about the classes you choose

15 Course Information In the Math concentration: ◦ MATH 391, MATH 395 & MED 381 are f all only classes In the Language Arts concentration ◦ FILM 120 requires also registering for FILM 121  PTEP requires a B or above in ENG 122 OR 123

16 Science Course Information BIO 265 and SCI 265 and ESCI 265 ◦ You must register for the Lecture (3-4 cr) ~AND ~ ◦ You must register for the Lab (0 cr) ** Submit both CRN numbers at the same time

17 ESL Information  ESL concentration requires ◦ 2 years of H.S. foreign language or ◦ 1 full year of college level foreign language ◦ To document language background please contact

18 You can take courses at the community college See the Community College Guaranteed Transfer Agreement form  Also - found on ISET website  Transcripts should be sent to Admissions

19 Where you can find PTEP Information   Very important!  Required forms are available here  Check often--frequently updated!

20 Checkpoint Courses 0 credit courses with no scheduled meetings Print Checklist Complete requirements by due date {STE website} Register in the appropriate semester: EDFE 110: After completion of 15 cr. and prior to PTEP prerequisites EDFE 120: semester prior to Literacy Practicum with 3.0 cumulative GPA EDFE 130: semester prior to Student Teaching with 3.0 cumulative GPA

21 Course Information EDEL 350  EDRD 319 needs to be taken the semester prior to EDEL 350 (emergent literacy tutoring)  If you are unable to register for EDRD 319 please get on the waiting list:  --> Waiting List  EDEL 350 requires a 2.75 GPA

22 Classes With Registration Issues SCED 475  must register for specific lab to accompany specific lecture SCED 475 should be taken with the Literacy Practicum: EDEL 445 & 446 CH 303 – check the CRN and read notes: online or hybrid

23 EDEL 445/446 Request For Literacy Practicum Placement Found at Registered in EDFE 120 semester prior to request Cumulative GPA of 3.0 semester prior to request Completed or currently enrolled in EDEL 350 Proof of registration for PLACE or PRAXIS II Partner Schools need:  Resume *  One-page letter to cooperating teacher ** Preference for placements are NOT guaranteed * Check Career Services website for assistance

24 EDF 408  EDF 408 I Can Do It Workshop  One credit class on a Saturday  Take with Literacy Block EDEL 445/446  Not required but highly recommended

25 PRAXIS II  See PRAXIS II on ISET website  Budget and prepare ($130)  Take one year prior to Student Teaching  Review content area information  Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History/Social Science  Practice/Review material available online or at a bookstore  Network with each other!  Review sessions offered each semester

26 Please Note! * All methods courses must be completed Prior to final student teaching (EDEL 453 and 454) Methods courses include: ◦ ART 444 ◦ CH 303 ** (may be taken during student teaching) ◦ SES 403 ◦ MUS 305 ◦ TESL 370 ◦ EDEL 450 ( minimum grade of ‘B’ required) ◦ SCED 475 ◦ EDEL 445 & 446 ( minimum grade of ‘B’ required)

27 Student Teaching Enroll in EDFE 130 semester prior to student teaching {EDEL 453/454} Passing score on PLACE or PRAXIS II for EDFE 130 is required for student teaching placement Placement request for Student Teaching is on Blackboard through EDFE 130 course – no self placement

28 Degree Evaluation  Please look at your degree evaluation on URSA  Compare completed courses with existing and remaining courses on the ISET Checklist  Contact ISET advisor if there are discrepancies

29 Graduation Information ◦ Conduct Grad Check  Last semester prior to Literacy Practicum {EDEL 445/446} ◦ Registrar’s Office - Carter Hall 3002  Call to make an appointment: 351-2231  $50 one-time cost – added to your student bill ◦ See ISET advisor regarding any questions/concerns  DO NOT PANIC !

30 Are You on the Listserv? Check the ISET website bullet for Listserv Helpful information for ISET major ◦ Important dates and deadlines ◦ Speakers and events ◦ Volunteer opportunities ◦ Employment opportunities

31 Do you know about the ISET Library?  Please visit the ISET Resource Library!  McKee 227 (ISET Office)  Useful, current texts on:  Literacy, classroom management, strategies, cognitive function, etc…  Easy check-out  We have a copy of the PRAXIS study guide  Come see what is available!

32 Spring Registration Dates Based on Earned Hours  Nov 5Junior89-75 cr  Nov 8Junior74-60 cr ~~~~~~~~~  Nov 9Sophomore59-49 cr  Nov 10Sophomore48-38 cr  Nov 11Sophomore37-30 cr

33 Sign-up for your Group Advising Session Everyone must sign-up for a Group Advising session: ◦ Call the ISET Office: 351-2929  OR ◦ Stop by the ISET Office : McKee 227

34 Final Notes You can make an individual appointment after you have attended Group Advising if you have more questions or need to discuss issues privately No PIN numbers are given in individual appointments

35 ISET Advisors McKee 227 351-2929 Pat Doherty ◦ 351-1369 ◦ Jaime Donahue ◦ 351-1602 ◦


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